Usul 1:   Meminda Artikel I (Name) (b) seperti berikut:

(b)       “The address of the PERSATUAN shall be c/o Jabatan Mikrobiologi, Fakulti Bioteknologi dan Sains Biomolekul, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang,Selangor Darul Ehsan.”  


(b)      “The address of the PERSATUAN shall be c/o Jabatan Mikrobiologi, Fakulti Sains, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Pantai Baru,Kuala Lumpur 22-12.” 


Usul 2:  Meminda Artikel III (Membership) :

(2e)    “Any person who has been an Ordinary Member for three years and who pays the prescribed fee shall be eligible for Life Membership.”


(2e)    “Any person who has been an Ordinary Member for three years and who pays the prescribed fee shall be eligible for election as a Life Member.”

Usul 3:  Menambah jawatan Penolong Setiausaha dan melanjutkan tempoh jawatan Exco. Dengan itu meminda Artikel IV (officers) seperti berikut: 

(1a)    “The officer of the PERSATUAN shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, Assistant Secretary, a Treasurer, six General Officers and the immediate Past-President (where relevant) as ex-officio member.These officers except the ex-officio shall be duly elected at an Annual General Meeting and shall continue in office for two years.”


(1a)    “The officer of the PERSATUAN shall be a President, Vice-President, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer,  six General Officers and the immediate  Past-President (if nor re-elected as present president) as an ex-officio. These  officers except the ex-officio shall be duly elected at an Annual General  Meeting and shall continue in office for one  year.”

Menambahkan Artikel IV (2) seperti berikut:

2(d)    “The Assistant Secretary shall assist the Secretary in carrying out his/her functions and act on his behalf during the later absence.”


Usul 4:  Meminda Artikel VII (Annual Subscription and Finance) seperti berikut:

1.    Ordinary Members, Student Members, Associate Members, Affiliate Members and Life Members shall pay the following  fees and subscriptions:

                Admission Fee                     RM     10.00/- one time
                Ordinary Member                 RM     25.00/- per annum
                Student Member                 RM     10.00/- per annum
                Associate Member               RM      30.00/- per annum
                Affiliate Member                  RM    300.00/- per annum
                Life member                       RM    300.00

2.   A Life member shall, on election, pay a subscription of RM 300/- payable at the time of his or her election as Life  Member.

6.   Any member who allows his arrears to exceed 36 months subscriptions shall automatically cease to be a voting member  of the PERSATUAN. The voting rights will be re-instated once the Admission and the membership fees are settled.


1.    Ordinary Members, Student Members, Associate Members and Affiliate Members shall pay the following fees  and subscriptions:

                Ordinary Member                 RM     15.00/- per annum
                Student Member                 RM       5.00/- per annum
                Associate Member               RM      10.00/- per annum
                Affiliate Member                  RM    100.00/- per annum
                Life member                       RM    150.00

2.   A Life member shall, on election, pay a subscription of RM 150/- payable at the time of his or her election as Life Member.

6.   Any member who allows his arrears to exceed twelve months’ subscriptions shall automatically cease to be a member of the  PERSATUAN.


Usul 5:   Meminda Artikel VIII (Financial Provisions) seperti berikut:

1.   The Treasurer may hold a petty cash advance not exceeding one thousand ringgit (RM1000/-) at any one time. All money in excess of this sum shall within seven days of receipt be deposited in a bank approved by the Committee. The bank account shall be in the name of the PERSATUAN.

3.   No expenditure exceeding two hundred ringgit (RM200/-) at any one time shall be incurred without the prior sanction of  the Committee, and no expenditure exceeding one thousand ringgit (RM1000/-) in any one month shall be incurred without the prior sanction of a general meeting.


1.   The Treasurer may hold a petty cash advance not exceeding fifty ringgit (RM50/-) at any one time. All money in excess of this sum shall within seven days of receipt be deposited in a bank approved by the Committee. The bank  account shall be in the name of the PERSATUAN.

3.   No expenditure exceeding five hundred ringgit (RM500/-) at any one time shall be incurred without the prior  sanction of the Executive Committee, and no expenditure exceeding one thousand ringgit (RM1000/-) in any one  month shall  be incurred without the prior sanction at an Executive Committee Meeting. The signatories will be the President/ Vice-President and Treasurer of Society.


Name        : Assoc. Prof.  Dr.Kalaivani Nadarajah         Name           : Assoc. Prof.  Dr. Shuhaimi Mustafa

Position     : President                                                Position        : Honarary Secretary