2012/04/25 – UMBI DNA Day

25 April 2012. UMBI DNA Day celebration organized in conjunction with global DNA Day, which falls on that date.

It is in conjunction with the history of the discovery of the sequence in April 1953 by James Watson and Francis Crick. Almost 200 secondary school students (Form 4 & 5) from five schools nearby. During the program is a visit to the Malaysian Cohort Project.

UMBI telah menganjurkan Sambutan Hari DNA, bersempena Hari DNA sedunia yang jatuh pada tarikh tersebut. Ia bersempena sejarah penemuan jujukan tersebut pada April 1953 oleh James Watson dan Francis Crick. Hampir 200 pelajar sekolah Menengah (Tingkatan 4 & 5) dari 5 Sekolah berhampiran. Antara pengisian program adalah lawatan ke Projek Kohort Malaysia.
