2011/04/28 – Invitation for Joining the Malaysian Cohort Project

We are inviting you at the age between 35 and 65 years old to join this project. We are also giving these services for FREE.

Kami menjemput anda yang berusia antara 35 hingga 65 tahun untuk menyertai projek dan menjalani saringan kesihatan secara PERCUMA.


All participants are needed to answer all questionnaires and give a small amount of blood and urine specimen. Any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Blood pressure test. Ujian tekanan darah
  • Heart function test.Ujian fungsi jantung (EKG)
  • Lung function test (Spirometry). Ujian fungsi paru-paru (Spirometri)
  • Blood and urine test. Ujian Darah dan air kencing
  • Body composition analysis. Analisis komposisi badan
  • Body mass index (BMI) measurement and waist hip ratio. Indeks jisim tubuh dan Ukur lilit pinggang pinggul
  • Questionnaire. Soal selidik
  • Tel: (603)-9171 0415
  • Fax: (603)-9171 0397
  • Free Toll: 1800 88 2007
  • Email: sekretariat@mycohort.gov.my
  • SMS: COHORT Name IC_No & send to 37799