7,655 UKM Graduates Will Receive Their Degree Scrolls.

BANGI, 2 November 2019 – A total of 7,655 graduates will received their academic scrolls at the 47th Convocation Ceremony in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), held from November 2nd to November 5th.

From 7,655 graduates, there were 531 who will receive their Doctorate’s degrees, 2551 will receive their Master’s degrees, 235 graduates from Master’s in Medicine (Clinical) program, 2 graduates will receive Advanced Master of Dermatology, 4208 will receive their bachelor’s degrees, 101 will receive their postgraduate diplomas and 19 will receive their diplomas.

The ceremony saw Prof. Michchael Lavelle-Jones, former President of The Royal College of Surgeon of Edinburgh, awarded with an Honorary Doctorate of Medical Science. Also, an Honorary Doctorate of Universal Security and Sustainable Development was awarded to His Excellency Ban Ki-moon, a former Secretary-General for the United Nations.

Furthermore, the awards for the title of Professor Emeritus were presented to four former UKM academicians, which were Dr. Muhammad Mat Salleh (Organic Electronics), Dr. Bohari Yamin (Chemistry), Dr. Tham Siew Yin (Economy) and Dato’ Dr. Lokman Saim (Otology), whose dedication and commitment persisted throughout their careers in UKM.

The convocation ceremony also celebrated Farahana Mohamed from Faculty of Health Science and Nalini Santhiran from Faculty of Law, recipients of the prestigious Anugerah Pelajaran DiRaja, while Muhammad Alif Fitri Abdul Halim from Faculty of Islamic Studies was awarded with the Vice Chancellor’s Award, and the Tun Razak Award was presented to Joshua Peh Jian Ren from Faculty of Dentistry.