MicroDirect Fuel Cell



Micro Direct Fuel Cell is a promising portable power sources because of the simple design and the small size. Herein Micro Direct Fuel Cell Group, the area of interest in micro direct methanol systems is to create an electrochemical conversion device which is relatively easy to handle.The system creat a great and green alternative for all applications that are powered by batteries or diesel generators today. The unique technology converts liquid methanol into electricity in an environmentally friendly way. The application include such uses as battery chargers for consumer electronics, electric vehicles, stand-alone power systems, and uninterrupted/emergency power supplies.

The group has secured research funding from the Ministry of Higher Education and Ministry of Science, Techonology and Innovation and National University of Malaysia. Over 100 research articles in journal and proceedings have been published and members of the group delivered keynotes and plenary speeches at national and international conferences on renewable energy.

Promoting the technology of renewable energy to the communities has always been the passion of this group. We has produce DMFC Edukid Tool to help society to have better understanding about green technology. The group has extensive international and locally networking with other renewable energy research groups such as the Gunma University of Japan, Terengganu Advanced Technical Institute and Tunku Abdul Rahman University.



  • Prof Dr Siti Kartom KamarudinPhD (UKM) – Leader
  • Prof Dr Ir Wan Ramli Wan Daud PhD (Cambridge)
  • Prof Dr Abdul Amir Hassan Kadhum PhD(Leeds)
  • Prof Dr Abu Bakar Mohamad PhD(S.Carolina)
  • Prof Dr Zahira YaakobPhD (UMIST)
  • Dr Shahbudin Mastar @ Masdar PhD (Gunma)
  • Umi Azmah HasranMsc (UKM)


AWARDS (selected) 

  • National University of Malaysia 2010 – The most Cited Journal Paper
  • National University of Malaysia 2010 – Best Overall Paper Award in Education Congress of UKM
  • National University of Malaysia 2009 – Best Research Group
  • National University of Malaysia 2009 – Best Paper Award in Education Congress of UKM
  • WIPO Award Certificate 2008 – Award for Best Woman Invention- World Intellectual Property Organization
  • TIPPA 2008 Taiwan – Best Innovation Award- Taiwan Invention Products Promotion Association
  • SOMChE 2008 – Best Poster Award in: Etching15th Regional Symposium Chemical Engineering In Conjuction with the 22nd symposium of Malaysia Chemical Engineers
  • National University of Malaysia 2007 – Young Scientist Award
  • Certificate Of Merit for Thesis in Energy and Environment
  • National University of Malaysia 2006 – Quality Award (Publication)