Jab. Otorinolaringologi-Surgeri Kepala & Leher

 Fakulti Perubatan UKM

UKMMC Basic Endoscopic Sinus Surgery


We are honored to welcome you to the UKMMC Basic Endoscopic Sinus surgery course. .

Hopefully the series of lectures will help improve skills and services in the . This course is open to ENT surgeons/trainees and Allied health workers in these related fields. The first one and half days constitutes lectures and life surgery on the last day. Our International invited faculty is Assoc Prof. Dr. Richard Harvey from Australia . Participants are encouraged to bring challenging or difficult cases for discussion with the experts. At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to: Know more of the anatomy Perform basic maneuvers Be more familiar instrumentation in the operating room Please sign up early to secure your participation.

Prof Dr. Salina Husain

Course Coordinator