Pusat PERMATA@Pintar Negara, UKM


Makmal STEM

Our Lab

Makmal STEM F1 in Schools, PGPN UKM (F1iS x GP STEM Lab) menyediakan kemudahan yang lengkap bagi murid KGPN UKM untuk menyertai pertandingan tahunan F1 in Schools bermula dari peringkat regional, negeri, kebangsaan sehingga ke peringkat antarabangsa.


Denford CNC Routers

Designed exclusively for the manufacture of F1 in Schools cars, the F1 Router is an easy to use, lowcost machine, which has been developed to make F1 in Schools more affordable and accessible to
schools worldwide. The F1 Router comes complete with workholding for F1 Model Blocks.

3D Printer

2 mesin cetak 3D terkini.

Airbrush Station


Air Trace Visualisation Tunnel

24m Roll Out Race Track, complete with support brackets for the Start & Finish Gates, and a tether
line mounting system.

F1® in Schools Race Track

The F1 Elevated Race Track is designed and manufactured in the UK. Designed to be durable and moisture resistant, its light aluminium construction makes it easy to assemble, break down and store. It measures 23.65 metres in length, comprising 11 track sections
and 12 support legs, incorporating cable management, and has screen printed start and finish sections. Timing sensors are built into the finish section of the track for accurate and consistent
finishing times.

F1® in Schools Roll Out
Race Track

24 meters Roll Out Race Track, complete with support brackets for the Start & Finish Gates, and a tether
line mounting system.