Pusat PERMATA@Pintar Negara, UKM


International Future Scientist Conference (iFSC) 2020

Pusat GENIUS@Pintar Negara, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

24 – 25 November 2020

Theme: “Connecting Enviroment Through Research



This conference encourages collaboration and exchange of knowledge and research experiences among young researchers. Through exploration, discussion, and presentation, these young researchers are able to discover new dimensions and insights in research and uncover cutting edge technology that will spark deeper into their research interest. The theme ‘Research is the shooting star’ magnifies the dream of any young researchers; to go further, pushing their potential to the fullest, beyond their dreams!




Keynote speaker



Program Schedule


Click here to view program book.

Paper Submission Guidelines


Paper must be written in the English Language in order to be published in the proceeding.

 Submission of Abstract

Submit abstract in less than 250 words to the ifscukm2020@gmail.com before the dateline. Please use Microsoft Word template for the abstract. Download abstract template from here.

Submission of Full Paper

The full paper should include introduction, literature review, methodology, results/findings & discussion, conclusion, and references. Full paper must not exceed 10 pages including references. Submit full paper to the ifscukm2020@gmail.com before the dateline. Please use Microsoft Word template for the full paper. Download full paper format from here.

* Paper submission, which does not adhere to the guidelines and dateline will not be accepted for publication.


Brosur iFSC 2020

Poster Presentation Guidelines

All posters must be written in the English Language and must have the followings:

•          Title

•          Introduction

•          Objective/hypothesis

•          Methodology

•          Result/finding

•          Conclusion

The poster should not be more than 594mm X 841mm (A1 size).

Download the poster’s template.


Registration Fees

International USD 700
Local RM 800

* Maximum 3 students and 1 teacher.

* Fees include food and conference materials only.


Method of Payment

Paying by Cash, Lo or by Local Cheque.

Transfer Money/Bank In

Important Notes :

For more inquiry, please contact:

Team Secretariat

Team Abstract and Full Paper