Abstract Submission Guidelines

  1. Participation in the Research and Innovation categories can be made by submitting an abstract via Google Form.
  2. The abstract should be 250 – 300 words and include 3 – 5 keywords.
  3. The abstract must be written in English. Save the document in Word and rename it with [Article Title_School].
  4. The abstract should include the following:
    • Objective: Briefly state the purpose and objectives of the research.
    • Methodology: Describe the methods and procedures used in the study.
    • Results: Summarize the main findings of the research.
    • Conclusion: Provide a brief conclusion that highlights the significance of the findings.
  5. The first deadline for abstract submission is November 5, 2024.
  6. Abstract will be reviewed by the conference committee and notification of acceptance will be sent to author via email.
  7. The abstract cannot be altered (author name, title, and content) after the final date of abstract submission.
  8. If the abstract is selected, participants will receive an email notification for registration arrangements. Payment must be made before November 5, 2024, to ensure your participation is accepted.
  9. The final deadline for abstract submission is November 18, 2024 (after receiving comments from the reviewer).
  10. Download the abstract template [here].
  11. Registration form [link].