English Taught Courses.
Incoming undergraduate exchange students for 1 Semester or 2 Semester program may refer to the list of courses available by faculty below. List of courses MUST be chosen from one host faculty only.
Faculty of Information Science and Technology (FTSM).
Code | Course | No. of Credit | Description | Semester Offered |
TTTH2843 | Multimedia Programming | 3 | This course aims to provide basic programming skills in the development of multimedia applications using object-oriented programming approach and the embedded libraries. Generally, this course can be divided into two parts. The first part will provide the students with basic skills of programming such as functions, methods, constructs, class, control structures, loops and arrays to program multimedia elements such as graphics, text, buttons, audio, video and animation. The second part of this course will focus on designing and developing multimedia applications such as games and mobile applications. | 2 |
TTTU2323 | Principles of Information Systems | 3 | This course introduces students to Information Systems (IS) and how different ISes are used in an organization. This course focuses on how the main components of IS such as human, software, hardware, data and communication technology can be integrated and managed to achieve competitive advantage for the organization. Students will understand how information and communication technology may improve the quality and performance of the organization. This course also provides an introduction to systems and development concepts, technology acquisition, and various types of application software that have become prevalent or emerging in current times. | 2 |
TTTR2033 | Quality Management | 3 | The aim of this course is to present concepts and techniques of quality management in IT services. These techniques will be introduced in this course and how they can be applied in IT service processes based on ITIL. This quality management is based on continual loop that provides a quality improvement cycle for products and services. It starts with defining key measurable objectives, and resulting in implementing solutions and sustaining improvement. The loop complements ITIL improvement process steps. These improvement steps (to measure, analyse and improve service quality) will employ SPC tools. | 2 |
Showing 1 to 3 of 13 entries
Faculty of Economics and Management (FEP).
Code | Course | Credits | Description | Offered in Semester |
EPPM4014 | Strategic Management | 4 | This course aims to expose students to strategic management of business entities. Students will be informed of the needs and responsibilities of the top management in sustaining or increasing competitiveness through planning and implementing strategies. This course also helps students analyze the internal and external environments of business entities, and provides guidance on how to develop and implement appropriate strategies for a business entity. Students will be trained to analyze internal and external business environment, and will be guided to develop and devise strategic implementation plan for a company. In addition, this course will also discuss global issues and current trend faced by the top management of a company. | 2 |
EPPM4433 | International Finance | 3 | This course aims to provide understanding on significant issues in international finance. It also aims to expose students to techniques used to handle those issues. The discussion covers topics related in multinational environment, determination and exposure of exchange rates, management approaches in exchange rates exposure, international working capital, investment and financing specifically on foreign direct investment (FDI), global capital budgeting and international trade financing. | 2 |
EPPM2014 | Business Communication | 4 | Business Communication teaches the students to improve their communication skills as the main basis of their career success. This course enables students to understand the factors that influence the effectiveness of business communication. They are taught various elements of communication skills such as intercultural communication as well as verbal and non-verbal messages. Students will become knowledgeable to communicate in various job situations, work in teams, think critically and use technology to communicate effectively and productively. They will be given the platform and guidance in the form of industrial collaboration, in building resume and video resume, hence being ready to participate in mock interview. | 2 |
EPPA4713 | Integrated Case Study | 3 | This course exposes students to real business cases which integrate knowledge from financial accounting, management accounting, taxation, audit, finance, management and business related information technology and other social science courses. The use of cases will enable and develop critical thinking and rational decision making. Experiential exercises are embedded in this course to support learners’ effort in independent learning. Learning process will be captured through discussion and presentation in small groups. | 2 |
Showing 1 to 4 of 5 entries
Faculty of Law (FUU).
Code | Course | Credits | Description | Offered in Semester |
UUUK4753 | Law of The Sea | 3 | Students will be introduced to the division of maritime zones for a coastal state as well as all aspects of marine use as provided in the 1982 International Law of the Sea Convention. Students are exposed to baselines, internal waters, territorial waters, contiguous zones, exclusive economic zones, continental shelf, and the high seas. Further discussion examine the straits and archipelagic states in addition to discuss navigation, fisheries, conservation and protection of the marine environment as well as environmental implications, division of maritime boundaries, dispute resolution and others. | 2 |
UUUK4793 | Malay Language and Law | 3 | This course exposes students to the position, importance and role of the Malay language in the field of law. Laws in Malaysia related to the Malay language especially the Federal Constitution and the National Language Act 1963/67 will be the main platform to discuss the language position of the grammatical aspects of the Malay language such as morphology and syntax. Aspects of terminology and language adjustment are also included in the course content. In addition, this course focuses on four important components of the application of the Malay language in the field of law; namely speech, writing, translation and editing of legal texts. At the same time, this course gives specific emphasis on the accurate and appropriate application of the Malay language in the field of law through practical training conducted. | 2 |
UUUK3633 | Environmental Law | 3 | This course will introduce legal mechanisms related to the environment from the historical development, sources of law to basic principles of environmental law. In addition, environmental problems will be reviewed that will include various types of pollution such as noise, air / atmosphere, water, soil, waste as well as threats to flora and fauna. There is also a discussion on environmental impact assessment (EIA). For each of these topics, the definition, sources and effects of the problem, national legislation, key organisations, international legislation and challenges in terms of climate change shall also be observed. | 2 |
Showing 1 to 3 of 8 entries
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FSSK).
Code | Course | No. of Credit | Description | Semester Offered |
SKPX2023 | Child and Youth Psychology | 3 | A primary aim of this course is to present a balance of theory, applications, research findings and to integrate all of these aspects of development by presenting a picture of the whole child and adolescent from the physical, cognitive, and socioemotional aspects. Students will be exposed to special and contemporary issues regarding children and adolescents. | 2 |
SKPX1033 | Perseption and Cognition | 3 | This course introduces perception and cognition as an approach to understand human behaviour. The topics covered include: i) perception mechanism, objects and forms, depth and size. ii) principle of memory and information processing. iii) studying high level of mental processing through reasoning, problem solving and decision making. Apart from attending lectures students are required to plan and complete a research report using experimental design. | 2 |
SKPX1053 | Motivation and Emotion | 3 | The course will explain the role of motivation and emotion and their relationship in influencing human behaviour. The course is divided into two main parts. The first part will discuss the general principles of motivation such as the theories of motivation, the components in motivation, sexual motivation, achievement motivation and workers motivation. Also being discussed are the approaches in studying motivation from different perspectives such as biological, cognitive and needs. Measurement of motivation will also be looked at. The second part will be focused on emotion. Discussion will be centered on the general theories of emotion, types of emotion, relationship between emotion and motivation and also approaches in the studying of emotion. | 2 |
SKMM1043 | Cerpen Melayu | 3 | Kursus ini bagi memperkenalkan pelajar kepada sejarah dan perkembangan cerpen Melayu yang bermula dalam dekad 20-an. Berdasarkan pengenalan ini, pelajar mengetahui tokoh, karya dan isu yang diajukan pengarang. Cerpen juga dilihat sebagai rakaman dokumentasi sosial, ekonomi dan politik di negara ini. Daripada perbincangan dan penelitian, pelajar dapat merumuskan pemikiran, struktur naratif dan keunikan cerpen dalam kesusasteraan Melayu. | 2 |
SKMM1053 | Puisi Melayu | 3 | Kursus ini membincangkan tentang sejarah awal puisi melayu yang merangkumi puisi melayu tradisional dan puisi melayu moden. Aspek-aspek seperti asal usul, bentuk, ciri, teknik, nilai estetika, pemikiran serta falsafah yang terungkap dalam puisi ini turut dibincangkan. Selain fungsi dan kedudukan puisi ini dalam masyarakat dulu dan kini (era teknologi dan digital), perubahan pemikiran serta kreativiti dan sumbangan tokoh-tokoh penyair turut diberikan perhatian. Di akhir semester, pelajar dikehendaki membuat pementasan yang berkonsepkan puisi-puisi melayu ini untuk tujuan penghayatan. | 2 |
Showing 1 to 5 of 6 entries
School of Liberal Studies (CITRA-UKM).
Important Note: All courses offered by CITRA-UKM will be conducted online via Teams/Zoom/Meet)
Code | Course Name | No. of Credit | Description | Semester Offered |
LMCP1412 | Entrepreneurship and Leadership | 2 | The purpose of this course is to integrate theory and practice. The course approach will be hands-on using workshops style of class to discuss case studies, analyse successful CEOs leadership strategies, apply leadership skills in problem solving of small businesses issues. Students will learn the meaning of leadership from many disciplines, how to make decisions as a leader who might be initiator/innovator/driver based on inputs such as business environments, economy, social and science and technology development. Students will do case study analysis using technical and scientific method by collecting data and information about the viability and feasibility of a business. Students will learn the skills of leadership and entrepreneurship based on this experience. Students will also do metacognitive reflection on the activities conducted in this class. | 2 |
LMCR1102 | Volunteerism and Social Service | 2 | This Volunteerism course is designed to introduce the skills in organizing programmes / activities voluntarily in a multi-ethnic society. Emphasis will be given to theories, practices, issues, problems and challenges in organizing programmes / activities voluntarily towards social transformation. Learning activities include group-work interaction, simulation, business correspondences and fieldwork in multi-ethnic communities. | 2 |
LMCR1252 | Pronunciation in English | 2 | This course provides students with the knowledge and practice in English language pronunciation. Students will be exposed to aspects of sound and prosody to help them understand and use the correct pronunciation when communicating verbally in English. The course is interactive and adopts an experiential learning approach. Various activities such as audio, pronunciation practice and role plays will be carried out. | 2 |
LMCR1632 | Shadowing Technique in English | 2 | This course is offered to students who are interested to improve their English pronunciation and prosody, by using Shadowing technique. Shadowing technique is a technique where students shadow/echo the pronunciation and prosody of the native speaker in a chosen audio or video. Students are first trained to listen intently to the audio or video input. For this purpose, students will also be exposed to correct English pronunciation and prosody used in individual speeches, conversations in pairs and in groups. This course includes the use of audio and video references, and it adopts an interactive tutorial and learner-centred approach. | 2 |
Showing 1 to 4 of 11 entries
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment (FKAB).
Code | Course | No. of Credit | Description | Semester Offered |
KKCE4343 | Smart Building | 3 | The course aims to expose students to smart buildings to enhance comfort and benefits to humans. The construction of the smart building helps to improve information technology and greatly benefits its use and environment. Students will be clearly explained the concepts and benefits of smart buildings, and they can use existing technology and enhance their capabilities. The course is therefore intended to provide insight and to explain the benefits gained from building smart buildings. This course also describes systems in smart buildings and others. Comparison of efficiency and efficiency with ordinary buildings will be conducted in this course to prove the benefits of smart buildings. | 2 |
KKCE4743 | Road Safety Audit | 3 | The aim of this course this course is to provide knowledge, understanding and synthesis of the main areas in road safety. The road safety audit is one of the road engineering aspects which require specialist skills based on a sound knowledge, experience and understanding of traffic engineering and road safety principles and practices. This area is expected to become increasingly relevant in the future as road users become more aware of their legal rights and of the accountability of organisations and individuals involved with providing public infrastructure. In this course, the students will be taught and exposed with various stages of Road Safety Auditing, starting from Stage 1 (Planning & Feasibility) until Stage 5 (Operational). | 2 |
KKKH4723 | Slope and Retaining Structures | 3 | The main purpose of this course is to provide fundamentals on stability of slopes and various retaining structure designs that have important applications in civil engineering. Intensive exercises that focuses on the application and practice of civil engineering will be given. Some of the topics covered include the factors affecting slope stability, seepage influence, limit equilibrium and infinite element methods, stability during the construction, stability of cut slopes and trenches. Introduction to engineered slopes, deep excavation, design of sheet piles and anchoring and other specialised structures will also be discussed. | 2 |
Showing 1 to 3 of 64 entries
Faculty of Science and Technology (FST).
Code | Course | No. of Credit | Description | Offered in Semester | Note |
STBM1312 | Microbes and Man | 2 | Microorganisms have an important role in life and exist in a variety of conditions and habitats. This course exposes students to the microbial biodiversity and its impact on the lifestyle of humankind. The course is divided into three scopes; the diversity of the microbial world, the impact of microbes on human health and the economic impact of microbial products and processes. Students will be exposed to issues and problems pertaining to microbiology that include diseases, antibiotic resistance, ubiquity of microbial products, value of probiotics and genetically engineered microorganisms. The course also deliberates on humankind’s exploitation of the microbial world including the production of microbial food products, production of antibiotic/drug, agriculture, bioremediation and bioterrorism. Students will also assess media coverage of current issues in microbiology and will be able to evaluate future issues using a scientific approach. | 2 | Mode: Physical |
STBP1013 | Fundamentals of Molecular Biology | 3 | The diversity of cells in an organism is specified by a common code encrypted in its DNA molecule. The code can be read, measured, and deciphered through contributions by scientists in many fields including chemistry, cell and molecular biology. The course provides a thorough grounding in structure and properties of biological macromolecules emphasizing on nucleic acids. A large body of the course deals with cellular processes such as replication, transcription, and protein biosynthesis. How several technological innovations in the field of cell and molecular biology such as microscopy, separation techniques and sequencing contribute to the advancement of our understanding on structure and function of macromolecules is highlighted. The course introduces selected topics in recombinant DNA and its application in bioscience and biotechnology. Tutorial sessions will aid in understanding of the subject matter. | 2 | Mode: Hybrid |
STBP1023 | Cell Biology | 3 | This course presents an in-depth discussion on the structure and functions of the cell. This includes the structure – function relationship of various organelles i.e. mitochondria, chloroplasts and ribosomes. The discussion includes membrane structure, endoplasmic reticulum and the cell walls of plants and bacteria. Cellular macromolecules such as proteins, polysaccharides and lipids will be elaborated. Topics for cell function include the cell buffering system and cellular transport mechanisms. Kinetics of enzyme-catalysed reactions and the roles of enzymes in cell metabolism will also be dealt with. This is followed by discussions on the principles of thermodynamics and the cell energy system. Aspects of energy metabolism covered include photosynthesis and photorespiration in plants and the production of ATP from carbohydrates and lipids in the animal system. | 2 | Mode: Hybrid |
Showing 1 to 3 of 14 entries
Faculty of Health Sciences (FSK).
Code | Course | Credits | Description | Offered in Semester |
NNNE1442 | Behavioural Science & Environmental Psycology | 2 | This course will introduce students to behavioural science. Students will be exposed to the theories and basics of behavioural science which include aspects of personality. Nest, students will be exposed to basic concepts of communication and skills associated with it. Students will also be explained aspects of behavioural science in various situations including cultural differences, health risk behaviour and conflicts. For the next part, elements of environmental psychology will also be infused in the course. The basic industrial psychology will also be briefly touched. | 2 |
NNNE3342 | Emerging Infectious Diseases | 2 | This course consists of lectures and courseworks. This course allows student to acknowledge the issues of emerging and reemerging infectious diseases in national and international contex. Next, students will be exposed to selected infectious diseases in malaysia and global. Discussion on zoonotic and emerging zoonotic diseases will also be emphasized. Students will also be exposed to the concept of one health and ecohealth in the intervention and research of emerging infectious diseases. | 2 |
NNNS1082 | Life Crafts | 2 | This course focuses on an appreciation towards activities of daily living, such as gardening, recycling, cooking, appreciating art and others. Students will identify and expand their individual interests in any of the suggested activities or any that they themselves bring to the table. | 2 |
NNNR4142 | Scientific Writing | 2 | This course consists of lectures and projects regarding academic writing dan competency development in the writing skills necessary for successful tertiary education. In this course, the students will be exposed to writing guidelines for research/popular scientific manuscripts. This course encourages the students to plan before writing, produce a draft before submitting a piece of written work for evaluation and to give feedback on other scientific works. | 2 |
NNNR1083 | Physics and Radiation Safety | 3 | The course introduces the student to the physics of ionizing radiation and safety. Students will obtain knowledge about radiation physics, radiation detection and measurement, radioactivity, dosimetry and the interaction of radiation with matter. From that, students can see the radiation hazard and understand the principle of radiation protection including the responsibilities of radiographers towards patients, personnel and public. Radiation act and regulations as well as the authority agencies also will be introduced. | 2 |
Showing 1 to 5 of 7 entries
Faculty of Islamic Studies (FPI).
Important Note: All courses offered by the Faculty of Islamic Studies will be conducted in Malay language.
Code | Course | No. of Credit | Description | Semester Offered |
PPQA1223 | Ulum al-Hadith | 3 | Kursus ini membincangkan secara terperinci tentang mustalah al-hadith (ilmu-ilmu tentang hadis) terutamanya berkaitan dengan sanad dan matan, kaedah-kaedah yang digunakan oleh muhaddithin di dalam karya-karya mereka, perkembangan penulisan hadith dan ulum hadith dan sebagainya. Kursus ini juga mendedahkan kepada para pelajar tentang ciri-ciri hadith maqbul (diterima) dan hadith-hadith yang mardud (ditolak). | 2 |
PPQA2143 | Manahij al-Mufassirin | 3 | Kursus ini menghuraikan sejarah perkembangan tafsir pada zaman Rasulullah SAW sahabat dan tabi’in. Perbincangan juga meliputi definisi tafsir dan takwil serta era pembukuan tafsir, sifat dan adab mufassir, syarat-syarat kelayakan ahli tafsir serta sebab perselisihan tafsir. Kursus ini juga menjelaskan metodologi pentafsiran al-Quran iaitu tafsir bi al-ma’thur dan tafsir bi al-ra’yi melalui analisis bab kitab tafsir. | 2 |
PPQA2243 | Manahij al-Muhaddithin | 3 | Kursus ini bertujuan meneliti sejarah dan komitmen tokoh-tokoh ulama hadith dalam memelihara khazanah hadith Rasulullah s.a.w. Kursus ini juga meneroka syarat dan kaedah yang digariskan oleh para ulama hadith dalam penerimaan dan periwayatan hadith. Perbincangan selanjutnya meliputi sorotan karya-karya muhaddithin yang mempunyai metodologi penulisan yang tersendiri. Kursus ini fokus kepada konsep periwayatan dan penerimaan hadith, kepentingan isnad ataupun sanad dan juga usaha-usaha dilaksanakan oleh para muhaddithin dalam menerima, meriwayat dan menyusun hadith-hadith demi memelihara kemurnian sumber Islam. | 2 |
PPQA3163 | Shama’ill Muhammadiyyah | 3 | Akhlak dan cara hidup Rasulullah SAW merupakan contoh teladan kepada umat Islam sepanjang zaman. Baginda memiliki peribadi yang amat halus dan mulia. Timbul persoalan di sini apakah rahsia yang menjadikan jiwa dan akhlak baginda begitu indah. Apakah yang menjadi rahsia kehalusan akhlaknya hingga sangat memikat dan menjadikan mereka yang hampir dengannya begitu tinggi kecintaan padanya? Apakah anak kunci kehebatan peribadi baginda yang bukan saja sangat bahagia kehidupannya walaupun di dalam kesusahan dan penderitaan, bahkan mampu pula membahagiakan orang lain tatkala di dalam derita? Oleh itu, kursus ini membincangkan perjalanan hidup Rasulullah SAW secara terperinci sebagai panduan kepada umat Islam. Pelajar akan didedahkan kepada hadis yang berhubung dengan peribadi Rasulullah dengan penumpuan kepada rupa paras, adab dan pembawaan kehidupan seharian baginda seperti adab makan dan minum, adab berpakaian, adab di dalam pergaulan sama ada pergaulan dalam keluarga mahupun di luar lingkungan kaum kerabat, tatacara ibadat dan lain-lain. | 2 |
PPQA3263 | Orientalis dan Ilmu Wahyu | 3 | Kursus ini bertujuan memberikan kefahaman dan pengetahuan asas berhubung dengan sikap, pemikiran dan fahaman orientalis terhadap al-Quran dan al-Sunnah kepada pelajar. Ia melibatkan pendedahan kepada strategi dan faktor–faktor yang mendorong orientalis melakukan serangan terhadap Islam. Dalam usaha memberi kefahaman tersebut, terdapat topik yang terpilih seperti membincangkan secara ringkas sejarah kemunculan Orientalis dan matlamat utama mereka. Juga dibincangkan perkara-perkara berikut; sikap dan pemikiran orientalis, teori-teori mereka terhadap Islam dan Nabi Muhammad, terhadap al-Quran dan al-Sunnah beserta contoh dan isu–isu yang ditimbulkan. | 2 |
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries
Faculty of Education (FPEND).
Code | Course Name | No. of Credit | Description | Semester Offered |
GGGV2043 | Methods in TESL | 3 | This course is designed to introduce a wide range of relevant concepts and theories in contemporary English Language teaching. It offers practical reinforcement of the various methods, approaches and techniques of Teaching English as a Second Language through practical teaching exercise (macro- teaching). There are three contact hours per week: three hours of lecture including tutorials in the first seven weeks of the semester and a three-hour macro teaching session in the last seven weeks of the semester. Lectures cover topics on various methods, approaches and techniques; the development and appropriate use of teaching materials, evaluation and teaching aspects of lesson plan preparations. These topics are presented with an emphasis on the teaching of different skills in an integrative approach. This course will also help to refine students’ competence in planning, implementing and reviewing students’ own teaching and through macro teaching and reflection processes. | 2 |
GGGV2123 | Teaching of Listening and Speaking Skills in an ESL Context | 3 | This course discusses the aspects of teaching listening and speaking skills in an ESL context. It focuses on the rationale, concepts, approaches, methods, and techniques related to the teaching of listening and speaking skills. Discussion on the role of listening in building up language competence is included so as to provide a better understanding of speech perception and production. Students will also be guided in selecting and preparing the teaching materials. | 2 |
GGGV2223 | Drama in Action | 3 | The course will introduce students to the use of drama and drama techniques in the ESL classroom. Students will learn to develop an awareness and understanding of drama as text and as performance. They will explore and experience drama techniques for the teaching of language, develop drama scripts and also drama as a performance art. They will apply basic drama techniques, such as role play, simulation, mime, short plays and total physical response strategies, into language learning strategies. Finally, they will develop lesson plans utilising drama techniques for the teaching of English as a second language. | 2 |
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries