International Relations Centre (UKM Global)

 Towards Greater Years Together!

English Taught Courses.

Incoming undergraduate exchange students for 1 Semester or 2 Semester program may refer to the list of courses available by faculty below. List of courses MUST be chosen from one host faculty only.

Faculty of Information Science and Technology (FTSM).

CodeCourse NameNo. of CreditDescriptionSemester Offered
TTTC2273 Soft Computing 3In this course, important techniques in artificial intelligence technology will be discussed as a basis to develop an intelligence system; which is well known as Soft Computing. Student will be prepared for the foundation of intelligence system’s concepts, design and application. Detailed focus will be given to fuzzy logic and evolutionary computing. The other three main components, namely machine learning, Bayesian networks, and Chaos Theory has been introduced in different courses. Both of these techniques are the important techniques which imitates human biology systems and the main concepts that enables an intelligence system to learn and make decisions in fuzziness and uncertainties scenario by using Fuzzy Logics as well as getting the best solution at minimum cost (optimization problem) by using evolutionary computing techniques. Two techniques of fuzzy logic reasoning methods such as Mamdani and Sugeno method will be discussed. Evolutionary Computing techniques will be introducing evolutionary algorithms such as genetic algorithms; and metaheuristic and intelligence swarm such as an ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, and firefly algorithm. Apart from that, hybrid approach for these techniques will be discussed, as well as other soft computing techniques. The application of soft computing in pattern recognition, financial, medical, bioinformatics, and engineering and control systems domain will be discussed as well.1
TTTC3213 Data Engineering
3The aim of this course is to equip students with the in-depth data engineering skills that are required to
engineer big data solutions to solve real world organizational problems. Data engineering is concerned with big data approaches to data acquisition, data management and data analysis. Therefore, the course delivers in-depth knowledge of the engineering aspects involved in the storage, processing and visualization of big data sets. It examines state-of-the-art distributed architectures and platforms (both cloud hosted and traditional) and their programming frameworks and libraries.
TTTC3313 Principles of Data Science 3Introduction to Data Science offers a comprehensive overview of data science, emphasising on the practice of obtaining, exploring, modeling, and interpreting data. This course is designed to match the needs of the data science industry with solid understanding on data analytics in making better decision and meaningful insights from large and complex datasets. In this course, the students will explore the data science lifecycle, starting from data collection and cleaning, data analysis, visualization, statistical
inference and prediction, and decision making. Key principles and techniques to carry out the cycle are
discussed. This includes transforming, querying and analysing data; algorithms for machine learning
methods based on regression, classification and clustering; principles behind creating informative data
visualizations and statistical concepts of measurement error and prediction. Students will be exposed to the use of R statistical programming language to perform real-world data science tasks and to work through real-world examples that illustrate these concepts. Students will also learn key statistical foundations which empowers the data-scientific approach to problem solving.
TTTH2823 Animation 3This course introduces the concepts and principles of animation, production techniques and 2D animation in a variety of multimedia application. This course covers the following topics: traditional animation that became the foundation of digital animation; the nature and principles of animation as well as the methods and techniques of production of 2D animation. This course will also discuss the development of the story, writing the script and storyboards for animation production. Students will be exposed to techniques in the production of 2D animation with the help of software and programming tools. Students will acquire the knowledge necessary to understand and develop the skills to apply the skills of the 2D animation art and graphic design to provide multimedia content such as animated cartoons, software games, advertising and courseware. 1
TTTH3623 3D Modeling 3The course content includes an introduction to 3D animation; visual effects and related technology; digital production process; modeling techniques, mapping, lighting, animation, rendering; animation and effects; and post production. Students will be exposed to the tools and 3D operations and modeling technique, types and methods of applying surface texture, rendering method, types of lighting, camera position, and animation scripting. At the end of the course, students will develop one 3D animation story using any 3D software.1
TTTK3813 Digital Media Processing 3Vision is one of the most important senses for human beings for coping with the real world. Nowadays, with the advance of science and technology, many imaging applications have been adapted in the real world, from simple to complex, ranging from business to scientific applications such as in medical, biology, industrial automation, astronomy, law enforcement, defense, robotic and surveillance systems. This course emphasizes general principles of image processing. The topics to be covered are: 1. Digital image fundamentals: representation, sampling and quantization, image acquisition, basic relationships
between pixels, imaging geometry, color image models, histograms; 2. Image enhancement: in spatial
domain, image smoothing and sharpening; 3. Edges and contours: gradient-based edge detection and edge operators; 4. Finding points of interest: corner detection; 5. Image segmentation: detection of
discontinuities, thresholding, region-oriented segmentation.
TTTN3223 Network Programming 3The course aims to introduce the basic concepts, the network reference model and in particular TCP/IP
network protocol, existing architecture for network applications, and network application protocol and
services such as e-mail, WWW and multi-media content delivery. Next, network programming fundamentals such as multi-threading, input/output streams and inter-process communication via UDP
and TCP sockets applied in the development of client/server applications. Emphasis on Web technologies for back-end components includes Java Servlet and database connectivity to the server using JDBC. Advanced topics such as Remote Method Invocation is also covered.
TTTN3513 Computer and Network Security 3This course exposes students to computer and network security. In addition, the discussion also covers threats to computer security. For the purpose of understanding computer security, basic methods such as encryption and confidentiality of messages as well as concepts of public keys and authentication are shown. Important applications requiring security measures such as electronic mail, IP security, network security and web security are examples of applications in this course. In addition, topics on intruder technology, viruses, and firewalls will also be discussed.1
TTTP2633 Natural Language Computing 3This course is meant to introduce to students to various techniques and applications of natural
language processing (NLP). These include regular expressions and finite state automata, linguistic
knowledge including morphology, syntax and semantic; grammar and parsing techniques; part of
speech tagging and semantic analysis. Applications such as question-answering system, text summarization and machine translation are introduced. At the end of this course, students should be able to implement NLP-based tasks according to the techniques discussed in this course.
TTTP3053 Web Searching and Recommender System
3The growth of the Web and the improvements in data creation, collection, and use, have led to tremendous increase in the amount and complexity of the data that a search engine needs to handle. How to effectively and efficiently search for the documents relevant to our information needs and how to extract and recommend the valuable information are the subjects of this course. This course covers two hugely popular types of systems which are Web search engines and recommender systems. These systems are the most widely-used tool for accessing information on the Web. Web search engines attempt to locate information items (e.g., documents, Web pages) based on user specifications. Recommender systems discover information items (e.g., people, products) that are likely to be of interest to users. This course will explore both types of systems, underlining their shared principles. Roughly, two thirds of the course will be devoted to search engines and one third to recommender
TTTR2043 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 3The course provides an overview of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software systems and their
role within an organization. The primary purpose of this course is to explore and develop an ERP system in the domain of service industry. Students will gain an understanding of ERP systems from both perspective of organizational business process and implementation of ERP software. Students can learn and explore ERP software from open source in a team project to understand how ERP system works. The hands-on exercise gives experiences to students to develop their computing and business skills in identifying the requirement, designing and developing IT application for industry needs. The course will also provide a discussion on various business cases in which ERP concepts can be applied.
TTTR3153 Modeling and System Simulation 3This course aims to introduce the concept of industry management. Course content includes strategies and competition within the industry in general. Modelling includes forecasting, aggregate planning, linear programming, inventory control subject to known demand and operation scheduling. This course applies the simulation method to understand the developed modelling.1
TTTU2023 Business Process Management 3In this course students will be introduced to key concepts and approaches to business process
management and improvement. The main focus of this course is both understanding and designing business processes. Students will learn how to identify, document, model, assess, and improve core business processes. Students will be introduced to process design principles. The way in which information technology can be used to manage, transform, and improve business processes is discussed.
TTTU3833 E-Business Technology 3The aim of this course is to introduce to students, both theory and practice in e-businessmanagement. Students will develop a comprehensive knowledge of the concept and elements of e-business including business models, business environment, business strategy, digital marketing,social networks and e-commerce website. Students understanding on several specified issues in e-business are evaluated through presentations, assignments and case studies.1
TTTA6014 (Postgraduate)Theory of Automata and Programming4The purpose of this course is to answer the following question: What are the fundamental capabilities and limitation of a computer? In order to answer this question, this course will cover three important topics: models of computation, computability theory and complexity theory. Three models of computation will be covered: automata, program and machine and recursive functions. Automata theory provides the most basic model of computation. Programs and Machines is a model of computation which is closer to structured programming, while recursive functions is the basis for functional programming. Computability theory discusses the classification of problems that can be solved and those that are not. In complexity theory, issues like NP-hard problems will be discussed.1

Faculty of Economics and Management (FEP).

CodeCourse NameNo. of CreditDescriptionSemester Offered
EPPE3023International Economy3This course aims to provide understanding of the theory and basic concepts in international economy that covers topics in international trade and international finance. The discussion of topics in this course will cover the foundation of early and modern international trade theory, tariff and nontariff barriers, economic integration, international factor movements, the balance of payments and foreign exchange markets and the world financial system. At the end of this course, students should be able to discuss the relevance of international economic theory with real-world issues and related policies.1
EPPE2523Social and Political Analysis in Development3This course covers the importance of non-economic factors in economic development; economic, social and political theory; social institutions; socio-economic stratification, social issues, social impact assessment; as well as basic social and economic interests and needs in the economic development of developing countries. After following this course, students try to explain the principles, concepts and basic theories of economic, social and political development; linking social institutions and economic development; and assessing community programs based on current socio-economic theory and developments.1
EPPD1063Computer Applications3This course is to expose the basic concept of information system and the practical application of latest computer software in business and economic. It introduces information technology concepts such as hardware, software, operating system, database, network, internet and telecommunication as well as issues related to ethics and cyber security. The main element of the course covers practical skills using basic components of Microsoft Office which is widely used in business and economic: Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access. This course also covers the concept of multimedia/hypermedia, basic programming language (HTML) and blog development using blogspot platform ( Students also being exposed with Web 2.0 applications and the skill to integrate all learning applications.1
EPPM3223International Human Resources Management3This course aims to focus on human resource management in international domain. The course will also focus on management human resources towards increasing the capabilities and competitive advantage of the organization global or multinational. Among the focus topics of this course are planning, recruitment, selection, and career planning of human resources in activities expatriation. Disclosure will be given on difference and impact management differences of socio-cultural, economic and political
factors of the host country and the country of origin on the human resources of the organization.
EPPM2033International Business3This course aims to expose students to various business aspects that influence firms operations in international market, and how they deal with the pressures from the globalization. Students learn about different national environments such as culture, political, legal, financial and economic systems that influence business practices and strategies. In addition, this course explores components of international business that influence cross border activities namely international trade theories, government trade policies, regional integration, foreign direct investment and financial environment in globalization era. Furthermore, students will examine the management of international business operations, focusing on the functional areas of organization like human resources, marketing and operations. Additionally, the topic on emerging markets will be one of the interesting topics in this course.1
EPPM3423International Marketing3This course aims to provide international marketing knowledge to students. Theories, concepts and international marketing issues will be discussed. A decision-oriented approach will be emphasized during discussion of marketing concepts and strategies. The main topics include the international marketing environment, marketing opportunities assessment in the global market and the formation and management of marketing mix activities internationally. This course analyses the market critically to identify international marketing opportunities and develop international marketing strategies.1
EPPM4014Strategic Management4This course aims to expose students to strategic management of business entities. Students will be informed of the needs and responsibilities of the top management in sustaining or increasing competitiveness through planning and implementing strategies. This course also helps students analyze the internal and external environments of business entities, and provides guidance on how to develop and implement appropriate strategies for a business entity. Students will be trained to analyze internal and external business environment, and will be guided to develop and devise strategic implementation plan for a company. In addition, this course will also discuss global issues and current trend faced by the top management of a company.1

Faculty of Law (FUU).

CodeCourse NameNo. of CreditDescriptionSemester Offered
UUUP3633Enviromental Law3Students will be introduced to the legal mechanism
related to the environment; from history of
development, legal resources and the basic principles of environmental law. Next environmental problems will be surveyed one by one, which covers a wide range of pollution such as noise, air/atmosphere, water, soil, waste waste also threats to flora and fauna. There are also discussions on environmental impact assessment. For each topic, observations will be carried out from the definition corner, the cause and effect of problems, national legislation, bodies or agencies with role, international legislation and challenges in terms of climate change.
UUUP3773Cyber Law3This course will emphasize the provision and application of cyber laws in Malaysia with reference to several acts classified as Cyber Law Acts. Under the discussion of this Act, cybercrime through computers will be explained, the application of the Digital Signature Act 1997 will also be discussed. The rights and responsibilities related to telemedicine procedures will be explained with reference to the Telemedicine Act 1998. Apart from that, the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 will be studied by looking at the extent to which this act plays a role in protecting individual data in Malaysia. The problem of ECommerce will also be discussed through the Electronic Commerce Act 2006. Activities involving the Internet regardless of social sites and other interaction mediums often involve copyright infringement, therefore the Copyright Act 1987 will be discussed. There are also other legal issues that may occur in cyberspace that will also be touched upon such as negligence under tort law, defamation under the Defamation Act, sedition under the Sedition Act, as well as other issues involved according to the changes and wishes of the community in that time.1
UUUP3653Labour Law3This course will cover employment law, trade union
law and enterprise relations law. It will cover
contractual relations between employers and
individual workers and collective relations between
employers and trade unions. Employment law covers
service contracts, employer-employee implied
responsibilities, employment terms and conditions,
employee misconduct, employee dismissal and
remedies. As for trade union law, the matters covered
are the law establishing trade unions, executive
powers in trade union affairs and the legal status of
trade unions. Corporate relations law covers collective
agreements, corporate disputes and their resolution.
Labor Law for this course refers to and covers
employment in the private sector only.
UUUP3763Tourism Law3This course introduces students to the background,
history and definition of tourism from a legal perspective. Tourism policy and scope discusses what the government chooses to do or not do in relation to tourism and its use in Malaysia. Legislation directly related to tourism includes basic tourism laws, policies to develop tourism and others. Then the policy will be translated into various laws related to tourism and how the various laws are implemented and their application. Next, this course also covers related services such as what are the products, activities and importance of the tourism industry to the country. This course also covers the role of law in tourism activities and products as well as government agencies related to the implementation of tourism policies and laws. At
the same time, the rights and responsibilities of tourists are also studied together with civil and criminal law such as in tort, consumer and criminal law. Tourism also involves advertising and the aviation industry, whether domestic or international. Tourism operators are also subject to the law. The main acts involved are the Land Public Transport Act 2010, the Malaysian Tourism Promotion Act 1992, the Tourism Industry Act 1992 (Amendment 2002) and the Tourism Vehicle Licensing Act 1999 and the Regulations under it. Similarly, the operation of the inn industry including hotels. The issue of tourism security is also emphasized by taking into account aspects of security, risk management and insurance. Finally, the relevant legal framework will be discussed to see how far it is able to support the tourism industry in Malaysia.
UUUP3663Intellectual Property Law3This course is aimed at exposing students to the
justification and necessity of protecting intellectual
property. This exposure is important as intellectual
property is extremely valuable and is in line with the goal of establishing the Multimedia Highway Corridor. Lawyers need to be knowledgeable about a branch of law that is rapidly evolving. These laws include copyright law, industrial reform law, trademark law, patent law and secret information law. At the initial stage, the course will focus on matters that deserve copyright protection. Subsequently, students will be exposed to matters that may be a violation of intellectual property. Finally, the course will look at the impact of the latest technology and the internet on intellectual property.
UUUP3783Law and Society3The aim of this course is to provide an understanding of how the law plays a role in the context of society. The situation has seen various changes in the world of law and society occur due to the dual role of law, which is the law acting on the behavior of society and at the same time initiating change in society. This course will look at selected community problems such as fundamental rights, family, crime and information technology and examine the course and role of law in the context of these problems. This course will be able to see the need for the law and the weaknesses and shortcomings of the law as a tool for change and control of society.1
UUUK4723Sport Law3This course is designed to give students an understanding in handling legal issues in the field of sports. This course aims to build the ability of undergraduate students to understand the relationship between sports and law (lexsportiva) at
the domestic and international level; create the ability to solve governance and sports structure problems at various levels and the ability to identify legal liability in the context of sports relations. The course is devoted to three parts, namely: first, introduction (the history of the development of sports law in Malaysia, the
concept and function of sports law as well as the
regulation of sports law on sports governance); second, the legal jurisdiction of the Sports Commissioner and Sports Advisory Panel, ADR and
settlement in sports in Malaysia and internationally; and third, the application of sports law protection to sportsmen (contracts, intellectual property, crime and doping) and sports management (stadiums, spectators and risk management).
UUUP3843Competition Law3This course exposes students to the legal principles
that govern the process of competition in the market in Malaysia. This course begins with an introduction to competition policy and law. It will also discuss basic economic concepts that touch on aspects of competition law such as market concepts. This course then explains the development of competition policy and law in Malaysia, especially the Competition Act 2010. The substantive aspects of competition law will be discussed which will focus on anti-competitive
agreements and abuse of dominant power. The
discussion will be based on the Competition Act 2010, the Competition Commission Act 2010 and sectoral regulations, especially the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998. Reference will be made to the laws of other countries, especially the EU and the US. At the end of this course, students should be able to identify, relate and apply knowledge of competition law to situations and behaviours in the market.

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FSSK).

CodeCourse NameNo. of CreditDescriptionSemester Offered
SKKP1033Introduction to Intercultural Communication3Intercultural communication is a symbolic process that involves interaction between people from differing cultural perceptions. It is the process of sharing of meanings that is complex and dynamic, characterised by particular norms and practices within a historical, economic, political and social context. This course introduces a conceptual framework, identifies challenges of interaction in everyday life and explores contemporary intercultural communication issues at national and international levels. At the end of the course students will be able to distinguish the similarities and differences between cultures, the challenges at the local and global levels, as well as improve their intercultural interaction skills.1
SKBE1003Foundation English3In this course students are able to develop a deeper understanding of how the English language system works. Students will explain, analyse, talk and present the grammar of English language by elaborating on how the grammar and the English language system work. Student will compare and synthesise the structure and use of the English language. Through activities that focus on accuracy more than fluency, students, are able to speak, write and read better. They are also able to correct common errors as well as ambiguities.
SKBE1013Oral Communication3This course is designed to help students majoring in English Language Studies to improve their pronunciation, oral proficiency and their ability to communicate in various social settings. Students will learn the basic principles of English sound system, with special emphasis on segmentals and suprasegmental aspects of the language. Students will be able to sharpen their oral skill through various activities including learning to use International Phonetics Alphabet (IPA) symbols and pronounciation dictionaries; speech analysis softwares; remedial exercises; oral presentation; interactive drills; and project. At the end of the course students will: 
1. have developed an awareness of how standard English is normally spoken,
2. have improved their speech intelligibility, and 
3. be able to speak confidently with minimal pronunciation mistakes.
SKBE2013Academic Writing3The course aims to equip students with advanced academic writing skills required at university level. For this purpose, two approaches will be used i.e. the process approach and the genre-based approach. Through this course, the students will be exposed to a myriad of academic writings such as summary writing and synthesizing information, abstract writing and report writing. The students will learn the techniques and strategies on how to summarize and synthezise ideas and information, arrange and apply ideas and information and substantiate their writing with valid and relevant facts. At the end of the course, students should be able to produce various types of academic writings which are suitable
and effective for their academic needs.
SKBE2043Academic Reading3This course aims to improve learners’ language skills by means of extensive reading. The materials used will range from various academic texts in the areas of English language studies. Learners will be provided with knowledge related to techniques and strategies to enhance their reading abilities. The ability to present information in texts in graphic form using outlines, mind maps and also orally will be included.1
SKBE3073Malaysia in Narration3This course will introduce students to a variety of genres by Malaysian writers writing in English. Translated works in Malay and vernacular languages will also be highlighted.
Emphasis will be given to the cultural, social and political aspects highlighted in this literature in line with the postcolonial context. This course paves the way to expose Malaysian literature on a wider scale and to provide opportunities to learn about and to
interact with local writers. Writers that will be studied include Lloyd Fernando, K.S. Maniam, Muhammad Haji Salleh, Hillary Tham, Shirley Lim.

School of Liberal Studies (CITRA-UKM).

CodeCourse NameNo. of CreditDescriptionSemester Offered
LMCR1252Pronunciation in English2This course provides students with the knowledge and practice in English language pronunciation. Students will be exposed to aspects of sound and prosody to help them understand and use the correct pronunciation when communicating verbally in English. The course is interactive and adopts an experiential learning approach. Various activities such as audio, pronunciation practice and role plays will be carried out.1
LMCR1632Shadowing Technique in English2This course is offered to students who are interested to improve their English pronunciation and prosody, by using Shadowing technique. Shadowing technique is a technique where students shadow/echo the pronunciation and prosody of the native speaker in a chosen audio or video. Students are first trained to listen intently to the audio or video input. For this purpose, students will also be exposed to correct English pronunciation and prosody used in individual speeches, conversations in pairs and in groups. This course includes the use of audio and video references, and it adopts an interactive tutorial and learner-centred approach.1
LMCR2282Gaining Confidence through Storytelling2This course uses storytelling as a learning tool to encourage and heighten the students’ ability to communicate thoughts and feelings in an articulate and confident manner. Students will select a story and learn how to tell it. They will learn the components of effective communication including visualization, summarization, identification of emotions and mood, addition of voice and gestures, and connection to real life. By using good eye contact and ‘reading’ body language storytellers communicate with their audience. The activities and skills that they learn should give them the confidence in dealing with challenges in their studies and throughout life.1
LMCR2462Creative Problem Solving2The aim of this course is to give exposure and understanding of creativity and problem-solving techniques. The main essence of this course is the discussion about the process or steps of creative problem solving such as problem finding, problem definition, idea finding and implementing actions. The students will also be exposed to problem solving techniques creatively such as brainstorming, lateral thinking,
analogical thinking and others.
LMCR2412Leadership and Interpersonal Skills2This course aims to introduce students to the basics of effective leadership in today's context. Emphasis is given to important concepts in leadership, Theories of leadership, power and influence, leadership culture, diversity and ethics, motivation and leadership, communication, leadership and advanced skills, team building, dealing with conflict and negotiation. The main focus of this course is to enable students to apply knowledge and apply more positive aspects of leadership in the organization as well as in daily life.1
LMCR2342Family Issues2This course will discuss on the definitions and basic concepts on family studies. This course will also focus on issues related to current trends and challenges faced by family institutions. Among issues that will be discussed are about the trends in age of marriage, polygamy, divorce, non-marriage pregnancy, technology in the life of family, parenting, health and management of household economy.1
LMCR2252Managing Emotion2This course aims to introduce students on the basic concepts, theories and practices of managing emotion in life. Among basic aspects introduced are on how emotions arise and change, and also factors influencing the arousal of emotion according to the gender, age and cultural differences. The course emphasizes the mechanism of emotion changes and how they are applied in the management of emotion process. Students are given exposure on various ways and training on how to manage emotions at individual, family, societal and environmental levels. Training on the emotion management are conducted via paired group work, demonstration, counselling session, and also research on the actual cases involving emotion conflicts and presentation of interview fieldwork research on management of emotions.1
LMCP1412Entrepreneurship and Leadership2The purpose of this course is to integrate theory and practice. The course approach will be hands-on using workshops style of class to discuss case studies, analyse successful CEOs leadership strategies, apply leadership skills in problem solving of small businesses issues. Students will learn the meaning of leadership from many disciplines, how to make decisions as a leader who might be initiator/innovator/driver based on inputs such as business environments, economy, social and science and technology development. Students will do case study analysis using technical and scientific method by collecting data and information about the viability and feasibility of a business. Students will learn the skills of leadership and entrepreneurship based on this experience. Students will also do metacognitive reflection on the activities conducted in this class.1
LMCR1102Volunteerism and Social Service2This Volunteerism course is designed to introduce the skills in organizing programmes / activities voluntarily in a multi-ethnic society. Emphasis will be given to theories, practices, issues, problems and challenges in organizing programmes / activities voluntarily towards social transformation. Learning activities include group-work interaction, simulation, business correspondences and fieldwork in multi-ethnic communities.1
LMCR1282Impactful Oral Presentation21

Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment (FKAB).

CodeCourse NameNo. of CreditDescriptionSemester Offered
KKPK4722Process Sustainability2This course introduces the concepts of sustainability, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and sustainable process development. The social, environmental and economic impact of process development strategies will be identified and the mitigation of negative impacts discussed. It also examines some important current issues and areas of debate in relation to sustainable development.1
KKPK3512Open Ended Laboratory2The aim of the course is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts of the laboratory through a more challenging approach, different from conventional laboratory teaching. The integrated basic laboratory is a combination between theory and application of compulsory courses that have been studied such as utility and pressure vessel design, separation, control, and dynamic in order to provide a clearer understanding of related courses. It also will strengthen the communication skill and teamwork spirit of the student. Each student will work in a team to prepare the laboratory report and each team is required to make a laboratory presentation project related to the lab experiment. Among the advanced topics of experiments covered are chemical and biochemical reactions, protein separation, sterilization, water quality analysis, and enzyme kinetics. The experiments are related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 6, 7, and 12 which are 'Clean Water and Sanitation', 'Affordable and Clean Energy', and 'Responsible Consumption and Production', respectively. Overall, the activities conducted would improve students' understanding of the theory learned, which is in line with the SDG-4 goal of 'Quality Education’.1
KKCE1122Engineering Dynamics2The aim of this course is to provide an in-depth

understanding of physic from matriculation or pre-
university level. It will also encourage students’ critical

thinking on the application and relationship of physics
especially to engineering problems and everyday life.
The course cover kinematics of a particle, kinetics of a
particle: Newton’s second law of motion (force and
acceleration), principle of work and energy, principle of
impulse and momentum. The topics are then extended
to kinematic of rigid bodies, plane motion of rigid
bodies: force and acceleration, principle of work and
energy, principle of impulse and momentum, and
introduction of vibrations. The course implementation
involves of lectures and tutorials. Student will be
exposed to animation problems and animation
examples. A small project will be given to the students.
KKKQ1123Engineering Mathematics I (Vector Calculus)3The goal of this course is that students understand vector calculus and complex calculus at a level which enables them to discuss their applications in engineering. Starting with the introduction of the basics of surface in space. The main topics include partial derivatives, vector functions, line integrals, double integrals, triple integrals, Green’s Theorem, Stokes’ theorem, Gauss’ theorem, and basic differentiation and integration of complex functions.1
KKKQ2123Engineering Mathematics III (Differential Equation)3The goal of this mathematics course is to furnish engineering students with necessary knowledge and skills of differential equations to model simple physical problems that arise in practice. The emphasis will be on formulating the physical and solving equations, and not on rigorous proofs. Topics to be covered include techniques and engineering applications of ordinary differential equations, an introduction to partial differential equations with suitable cases of boundary value problems, use of Laplace transforms in solving ordinary differential equation and use Fourier series to solve partial differential equations.1
KKPK3563Pollution Control and Cleaner Production3This course aims to impart knowledge, understanding and practical experience in pollution control and cleaner production so that students could gain skill to operate and manage a plant with zero discharge. Students would be introduced to concept of cleaner production so that they could make the right decision to save resources and to make sure that the process used or designed is zero discharge. Students would be exposed to the regulation of discharge limits in Malaysia and international. This course would be emphasized on liquid, solid and gas treatment. Topic on physicochemical and biological treatment, gas treatment, and solid and hazardous waste management would explain to students. Apart from that, students would also be exposed to theoretical sampling, analysis, and plant management. 1
KKMM4883Manufacturing Ergonomics3The objective of this course is to provide an exposure, knowledge, understanding, and synthesis regarding manufacturing ergonomics to students. It will enable students to understand basic knowledge that is critical in term of physical and cognitive on humans and its relationship with machine/system/environment. The topics cover includes: ergonomics approach in manufacturing
and importance of occupational safety and health; anatomical and mechanical structure of human body; how our body works (respiration system, metabolic and flow systems); how our mind works (skeletal and muscular systems, neuromuscular control systems); anthropometrics principles in workspace and equipment design, man-machine interface - workstation design; design of materials handling; ergonomic management at workplace; and how our body interacts with the environment. Emphasis will be given to human health and safety in the work environment.
KKMM4833Manufacturing Automation3The objective of this course is to provide understanding and problem solving skills related to the automated machines and equipments, functions and applications of robots in industrial automation systems. This course discusses the theory and concepts of automation which related to sistem in manufacturing industry. Topics that will be covered include: components and circuit of fluid power, industrial control systems, electro hydraulic-pneumatic, programmble logic controllers(PLC) and kinematics of industrial robot. Case studies on industrial applications will also be discussed. A group project involving the simulation of a robotic and/or automated system is also given.1
KKMM4433Industrial Tribology3Tribology is the science of friction, wear and lubrication. The aim of this course is to deliver fundamental theory and concepts of tribology in a series of lectures, including lubrication theory, the basis of wear modes and friction. The module also deals with basic principles of tribology - the study of friction, wear, and lubrication - including the importance of materials, surfaces, design, operating
conditions, environment and lubrication on friction, wear and surface damage in any system. Applications of tribological theories, concepts, techniques and approaches to design, research, development, evaluation, and problem solving are also included.
KKMM4673Processing of Ceramics3The objective of this course is to provide understanding about the basic principles of ceramic processing, powder preparation and characterisation, beneficiation steps, the use of additives, powder packing, forming operations (including slip casting, injection moulding, tape casting), drying and sintering. The course also provides the student with an understanding of the influence of powder preparation and processing parameters on the final microstructure and properties of the ceramics. This course covers both traditional and advanced ceramics, as well as glasses in recent applications. Students are required to prepare a literature review article for a selected research area which encompasses material and simple component selection, the processing and fabrication of the component, challenges concerning its processing, a hypothesised soution and proposal for future research work.1
KKMM4453Vehicle Dynamics3The objective of this course is to provide knowledge and understanding of vehicle dynamics. This course covers topics such as introduction to the automobile, failure analysis and reliability of vehicle components, vehicle performance, tyre systems, braking systems, aerodynamic features, suspension system and steering system. A computational project associated with the vehicle dynamics will be given to students as a group project.1
KKMM4363Finite Element Analysis3The course aims to provide knowledge, understanding and enables the students to analyse a problem using finite element analysis. This course covers topics such as introduction and brief history, types of elements and terminology, stress and equilibrium, boundary conditions, a direct and mathematical approach. Modeling element with shape functions, potential energy and Galerkin approach, formation of stiffness matrix and finite element formulas. 2-D axisymmetric problem. Isoparametric elements and numerical integration with higher-order elements. 2-D and 3-D frame problem with finite element analysis. Steady state
heat transfer, torsion, flow problems. Project design will be using finite element software.
KKMM4273Air Conditioning and Refrigeration3This course gives exposure to students to the following topics; basics of heat transfer, fluid mechanics, thermodynamic properties of working fluids; vapour compression and absorption refrigeration systems; usage of psychrometric chart; cooling load calculation, air conditioning’s components explanations; ducting system and piping; pumps and fans; cooling coils and dryers; compressor control equipment; expansion valve;
evaporation and condensation process in air conditioning systems. This course will use calculation approach and pilot project to plan and design an air conditioning system. Government requirements, acts and recent issues regarding air-conditioning and cooling will be discussed. Design project on air conditioning system will be given to enhance skill and knowledge.
KKMM4293Renewable Energy and Energy Management3This course covers introduction to environmental pollutions, energy crisis and social issue about energy as well as factors that cause them and their solutions. Topics on various applications of energy systems such as solar, wind, hydro, biogas, biomassand other renewable energy systems will be subsequently discussed. The second part of this course is to provide understanding and knowledge about the use and management of energy efficiency, manager’s role and function, category and level of energy-audits, saving in energy consumption in buildings and in industrial systems such as boilers and air-conditioners. Students will also be exposed to the introduction to economical analysis and financial management of renewable energy and energy saving projects.1
KKCE3123Water Distribution System and Sewerage Networks3The main objective of this course is to introduce students to the fundamental theory and basic design of water and wastewater engineering. This course comprises two major branches of civil engineering; water supply and wastewater engineering. Topics on water supply included in the syllabus are water demand calculation, water resources determination, water intake, water distribution system, pipe reticulation, pipe appurtenances and pumping system. For wastewater engineering, the main elements that will be discussed are wastewater generation, wastewater collection system and conveyance and
wastewater treatment. This course is designed to equip students on the water supply reticulation and sewerage system, particularly for their integrated
design project. Besides traditional lectures, students will be given a small-scale project to design both reticulation and sewerage pipelines on a specific
development area.
KKCE3143Construction Management3The aim of this course this course is to provide knowledge, understanding and discuss of the main parts in construction industry. The course content includes; the construction sectors, project players, professional affiliations, contract documents, contract administration, construction manager task, process of
design and construction, safety and quality and project risks. Students will also be introduced to the application of industrial revolution 4.0 in the construction sector. This course will be conducted by student centred learning where student will be given variety of task throughout the semester.
KKCE4733Urban Transport Planning3The objective of this course is to give knowledge, understanding and synthesis in urban transport problems, management and planning. This course includes urban transport planning processes, transit system (MRT, LRT, Commuter train), bus services, land use and transport demand, socio-economic pattern, transport modeling, forecasting transport demand, formulation of transport policies, urban traffic control, sustainability urban transport, traffic impact
analysis, environmental impact analysis, financial analysis, road safety, traffic calming and intelligent transport system.
KKCE4323Geographical Information System (GIS)3The aim of the course is to give students exposure on Geographic Information System (GIS) to the field of civil engineering. The course contains including the basic concepts relevant to the application of GIS in the environmental and civil engineering aspect. The focus of the course is the theory of GIS to civil engineering applications. The main topics covered are;

a) The basic concept and development of GIS in Civil Engineering
b) Data Processing such as data collection, data processing, and database management, spatial analysis, data manipulation and data output
c) Integration of GIS, Global Positioning System (GPS) and Remote Sensing in civil engineering solutions
d) Solving the Civil Engineering problem using GIS (current issue)
KKEE1103Computer Aided Engineering3This course covers the theoretical understanding of engineering design using software based on electrical and electrical circuit simulation and 2D and 3D modelling. Apart from that, students are also exposed to the additive manufacturing technology and printed circuit board design.1
KKEE1113Circuit Theory I3This course will introduce to the students the main concept and basic circuit element i.e charge, current, voltage power and energy characteristics. This course will also explain to the students the network topology, independent variables, Nodal and Mesh analysis and other circuit theorems such as Superposition, Thevenin and Norton as well as linearity. This will be followed by introduction to capacitance and inductance as well as its RL and RC circuit analysis based on DC.1
KKEE1133Physics for Engineers3The aim of the course is to introduce students to the basic concepts of physics that can be applied in electrical and electronic engineering. The main topics include basic material science, basic electricity, basic magnetism, basic thermodynamics and heat transfer process. In material science, students are exposed to the classifications of material, model theory and atomic energy, atomic binding energy, ions and molecules, crystalline and non-crystalline structures, and optical and electrical material properties. Basic electricity and magnetism related topics cover electric potential, capacitance and dielectrics, current and resistance, Faraday law and inductance. In thermodynamics, students will learn the concepts of heat, temperature, work and system, thermal expansion of solids, first law of thermodynamics and second law of thermodynamics. Heat transfer process topic includes the basic calculations of heat transfer via conduction, convection and radiation.1
KKEE2123Signal and System3This course aims to give basic knowledge of mathematical methods to analyze signals and the linear systems in time domain and frequency domain. Topics included in this course are the concept of signals and systems, linear time-invar-iant system (LTI), Fourier series, Fourier transform, sampling theorem, Laplace transform, frequency response and analog filters.1
KKEE2173Analogue Electronics3The aim of this course is to impart knowledge, understanding and synthesis of the analogue electronic circuits. The course begins with an
introduction to the basic analogue devices, such as BJT and MOS transistor. Understanding on the fundamental characteristics of the diode, BJT and
MOS design will be emphasized at the later part of the course. Technical analysis and current biasing shuttle technique will also be given quantitatively. Frequency response, noise effects and the stability of the circuit will also be discussed. Students will be exposed to various types of amplifier and its operation. Linear and non-linear operational amplifiers (op-amp) will be given in deta. The aim of this course is to impart knowledge, understanding and
synthesis of the analogue electronic circuits. The course begins with an introduction to the basic analogue devices, such as BJT and MOS transistor.
Understanding on the fundamental characteristics of the diode, BJT and MOS design will be emphasized at the later part of the course. Technical analysis and current biasing shuttle technique will also be given quantitatively. Frequency response, noise effects and the stability of the circuit will also be discussed. Students will be exposed to various types of amplifier and its operation. Linear and non-linear operational amplifiers (op-amp) will be
given in detail. More complex electronic circuits will be analyzed, where the effect of feedback and frequency will be further studied. The use of the electronic circuit simulation software to model the electronic circuits will
also be More complex electronic circuits

will be analyzed, where the effect of feedback and frequency will be further studied. The use of the electronic circuit simulation software to model the
electronic circuits will also be introduced.
KKEE2103Machine Learning3The aim of this course is to provide knowledge and understanding of machine learning algorithms using Python. This course introduces several machine l earning methods through theoretical explanation and practical applications. This course consists of three main components, which are basic programming principles using Python, supervised learning algorithm and unsupervised learning algorithm.1
KKEE3113Measurements and Instrumentation3This course discusses aspects of measurement such as unit, symbol, standard and types of error. Various electronics instrumentations commonly used in industry to measure current, voltage, resistance, displacement, temperature and pressure are also explained followed with introduction to matching circuit
and analogue-digital and digital-analogue conversion circuits.
KKEE3143Microprocessor and Microcomputer3The course introduces the various types of microprocessors (4-bit to 16-bit) available in the market. Microprocessor 8086 by Intel will be made as a case study. The students will be exposed to the fundamental concepts of microprocessor, internal architecture, programming model, functions and
configuration of the pins. This will be followed by the assembly languages programming concepts, and programming techniques. This course will also
introduce the students to memory addressing techniques and I/O devices. The students will also acquire the knowledge on the operations and applications of serial and parallel peripherals. Finally, the microcontroller will be exposed to the students.
KKEE4113Power Electronics3The objective of this course is to give knowledge, comprehension and basic skills of power electronics system. The contents of the course include the introduction to power electronic systems, technology, application, and related current issues. The power devices characteristics, usage and control is discussed. Power converter circuits such as single and three phase rectifiers, choppers and inverters are studied. Pulse width modulation (PWM) switching
technique, DC motor and induction motor drives are introduced. Power electronics circuit modelling using MATLAB Simulink or Pspice softwares is carried out. A practical experiment in the laboratory or mini project will also be conducted.
KKEE4103Electrical Machine, Drives and Application3This course delivers knowledge and comprehension on electrical machines fundamental as well as their respective drives and application. DC Machine (DC motor and generator) discusses about theoretical concept, construction, operational principles, commutation, classification, characteristic, equivalent
circuit, power flow, efficiency and application. AC Motor (three phase induction and synchronous motors) explains about theoretical concept, construction, operational principles, characteristics, equivalent circuit, power flow, efficiency and application. Furthermore, the DC motor and AC motor drives introduce theoretical concept, power converter circuits design, dynamic equations, adjustable speed and torque, and control method. This course also highlighted a teamwork practical experiment where a simple drive system of electrical motor is designed, developed and validated.
KKEC4103Control System Design3The objective of this course is to give knowledge and understanding in designing a control system. It is an extension of control system course that emphasizes on the design of modern control system techniques, classical control and the design of robust control system. Design technique with computer assisted control system will also be taught in the course, with the help of commercial software tool like MATLAB with Simulink and Control System Toolbox.1
KKEC4113Digital Image Processing3This course provides an introduction to basic concepts, methodologies and algorithms of digital image processing focusing on the following two major
problems concerned with digital images:
(1) image enhancement and restoration for easier interpretation of images, and
(2) image analysis and object recognition. Some advanced image processing techniques (e.g., wavelet and multiresolution processing) will also be studied in this course.
The primary goal of this course is to lay a solid foundation
for students to study advanced image analysis topics
such as computer vision systems, biomedical image
analysis, and multimedia processing & retrieval.
KKET4113Network and Security3This course is a complement course to some communication courses such as Data Communication and Telecommunication. Based on the OSI 7 layer model, this course will give more emphasis on the network layer and the layers above it. In the network layer, methods of IP addressing and subnetwork creation will be introduced for both IPv4 and IPv6. The next layer is the transport layer, which connects the network layer to the application layer which includes transport layer security (TLS), e-mail and wireless LAN security. Network security for the requirements of each layer will be discussed, types of threats in networking security and methods to overcome them will also be described. This includes cryptography techniques, as well as intrusion detection and prevention.1
KKEM4103VLSI Design3The aim of this course is to provide some background and useful methods in designing VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) integrated circuits. This course will give more emphasis on the digital design with some exposure on analog design. Teaching will focus on the systematic analysis and design of basic integrated circuits. Students will also be exposed to computer skills related to VLSI design which will simultaneously assist them in increasing the creative skills needed to be applied in the field of Electronic Engineering.1
KKEM4133Photonics Technology3The aim of this course is to convey knowledge about the use of photonics technology in various fields especially optical fiber communications (analog and digital), optical transmitter and receiver systems, signal processing, photonic industry, measurement and sensing system based on principles of geometric optics, light, wave and quantum optics. An introduction on laser technology and optical devices such as photodiode, optical coupler, optical modulator etc is also included. In addition, the fabrication process of
these devices based on fiber and planar technologies is also discussed. The students are also exposed to the handling of optical equipment that are provided at the UKM Photonic Laboratory such as OTDR, optical splicer machine, optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) etc.
KKEM4123Reliability and Characterization of Integrated Circuit3The aim of this course is to give knowledge, understanding and concept in the field of reliability and integrated circuit characterization. This course is an introductory course to the concept of reliability and characterization method in integrated circuit. Students are to apply mathematics and engineering knowledge especially in the area of probability and statistics. Students should be able to translate the given data using statistics. They are also required to design a system using component or process with the inclusion of reliability concept and then analyze the design and write group report. With this, they should be able to understand, identify and solve problems related to the
reliability and integrated circuit characterization. This course will also include at least 3 hours of industrial visit to observe the practice in industry.
KKEM4113Advanced Devices Technology3The aim of this course is to introduce to the students the basic elements of advanced devices technology. The topics covered are hot electron effects,
microwave devices, high frequency devices, etc. In addition, technologies on submicron MOSFETs, transit time devices, display devices, CCD, and magnetic charged devices are also discussed.

Faculty of Science and Technology (FST).

CodeCourse NameNo. of CreditDescriptionSemester Offered
STAG3103ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES AND ASSESSMENT3Introduction to environmental geology, fundamental concepts of the environment, Soil, water and air environments, Geohazards; landslides, subsidence and karst, erosion, siltation, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruption and tsunami. Environmental issues related to mining, quarrying, natural resource exploitation,
engineering and infrastructural development, waste disposal, water pollution, manufacturing, agriculture and tourism. Hazard identification, preventive measures and environmental conservation. Environmental Impact assessment (EIA) process in Malaysia. Geoscience inputs in EIA. Environmental laws. Geoscience monitoring, land use planning and management.
STBP1023Cell Biology3This course presents an in-depth discussion on the structure and functions of the cell. This includes the structure – function relationship of various organelles i.e. mitochondria, chloroplasts and ribosomes. The discussion includes membrane structure, endoplasmic reticulum and the cell walls of plants and bacteria. Cellular macromolecules such as proteins, polysaccharides and lipids will be elaborated. Topics for cell function include the cell buffering system and cellular transport mechanisms. Kinetics of enzyme-catalysed reactions and the roles of enzymes in cell metabolism will also be dealt with. This is followed by discussions on the principles of
thermodynamics and the cell energy system. Aspects of energy metabolism covered include photosynthesis and photorespiration in plants and the production of ATP from carbohydrates and lipids in
the animal system.
STBP2013Biochemistry3The main objective of this course is to provide an understanding on the biochemical processes occurring in the cell as a vital component of life. Metabolism of carbohydrate, lipid and protein will be discussed in elaborate detail with appropriate emphasis on the role of hormones and relevant regulatory mechanisms involved in these processes. The theory and mechanism of ATP production via oxidative and photophosphorylation, given its central role in energy metabolism, will be subjected to critical examination in order to provide clear insights into this essential process. Fundamental to understanding these biological phenomena, the mechanisms and
kinetics involved in enzymatic catalysis will also be discussed.
STBP1013Fundamentals of Molecular Biology3The diversity of cells in an organism is specified by a common code encrypted in its DNA molecule. The code can be read, measured, and deciphered through contributions by scientists in many fields including chemistry, cell and molecular biology. The course provides a thorough grounding in structure and properties of biological macromolecules emphasizing on nucleic acids. A large body of the
course deals with cellular processes such as replication, transcription, and protein biosynthesis. How several technological innovations in the field of cell and molecular biology such as microscopy, separation techniques and sequencing contribute to
the advancement of our understanding on structure and function of macromolecules is highlighted. The course introduces selected topics in recombinant DNA and its application in bioscience and
biotechnology. Tutorial sessions will aid in understanding of the subject matter.
STBC2012Computational Molecular Biology2The aim of this course is to introduce students in the molecular biosciences to concepts and practices that apply computational approaches for the analysis of molecular biology data. Students are assumed to have a basic understanding of the central dogma of molecular biology and hence a passing grade for a fundamental course in molecular biology is a prerequisite. This course serves as an initial exposure to the field of bioinformatics and is designed to instill an independent capacity to explore the use of computational approaches and informatic resources towards gaining functional insights from biological data. Students will be introduced to the principles behind biological sequence analysis, the concepts towards constructing phylogenies to study molecular evolution, concepts in protein structure prediction as well as 3D structure analysis and presented with topics on current advances regarding the use of computational approaches in molecular biology such as in the omics fields. This course is offered to non-Bioinformatics students. 1
STKM3222Management of Halal Food2The course will deliberate various aspects in the production of halal foods both for retail and food catering business. Some areas of discussion will include guidelines on halal standards, requirements, development of quality systems, certification and the use of halal logo will be emphasized. Analytical method for halal authenticity of foods constituents will also be discussed. National and international requirements in halal food trade will be highlighted.1
STKM1222Food Preservation2This course is design to enhance the knowledge, understanding and exposure in food preservation area. The topics involves the factors of food spoilage and common preservation techniques used. Heat treatment processes such canning, drying, freeze- drying, chilling,
freezing and food irradiation will also be discussed. Preservatives such as sugar, salt and antimicrob agent and packaging are also included.
STKM3212Food Processing Technology1
STKM3122Biotechnology and Food Ingredients21

Faculty of Health Sciences (FSK).

CodeCourse NameNo. of CreditDescriptionSemester Offered
NNNX4074Clinical and Forensic Pathology4This course covers lectures, project and continuous assessment regarding clinical and forensic pathology.
The module begins with an introduction to wounds, including their classification, characteristics and aspects of particular medico-legal importance. The lectures that follow on will discuss deaths related to asphyxia, deaths associated with water, death due to blunt force trauma, deaths due to sharp injuries, traffic fatalities, deaths or injuries associated with fires, firearms injuries and fatalities, injury and death in childhood (including child abuse and cot death) and sexual assault. Medico-legal aspects of alcohol and drug abuse are also discussed. The approach to the medico-legal investigation of death, including the performance of the autopsy and the methods used in identification of the dead are discussed. Students will be assessed via continuous assessment and knowledge in project, as well as a final semester paper.
NNND2152Multiethnic Cuisine and Etiquette2The focus of this course is to expose students to the various food choices and cuisines within our Malaysian population in Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia. Students will also understand how cultural/traditional aspects of the various ethnic groups influence food habits and choices. Educational visits to various selected ethnic grocery
stores and restaurants will be conducted to identify specific food ingredients and sample foods of various ethnicities. Serving of foods and table etiquette with guests and family members at the table or sitting down will be discussed. Students will have the opportunity to plan, prepare and serve specific ethnic meals along with appropriate method of serving the foods.

Faculty of Islamic Studies (FPI).

CodeCourse NameNo. of CreditDescriptionSemester Offered
PPAT2001Muhayyam Arabi Cross Culture1Mukhayyam Arabi Silang Budaya dirangka untuk membina penampilan antarabangsa pelajar melalui peningkatan kemahiran silang budaya Arab-Malaysia. Pelajar juga berpeluang menghayati dan melakonkan cerita popular dari budaya Arab seperti Alf Laylah wa Laylah dan al-Bukhala’. Dalam perkhemahan ini pelajar juga dilatih berbicara tentang topik-topik
berkaitan bidang pengajian Arab dan Tamadun Islam, di samping dilatih mengendalikan majlis rasmi dan bukan rasmi dalam bahasa Arab. Pelajar diwajibkan bertutur dalam bahasa Arab sepanjang kem.
PPAT1003Ilmu Nahu dan Saraf3Kursus ini bertujuan untuk membimbing para pelajar mendalami beberapa tajuk Nahu (Tatabahasa) dan Saraf (Morfologi) berdasarkan satu daripada karya nahu dan saraf moden di samping melatih mereka untuk mengi‘rab (analisis ketatabahasaan) teks-teks terpilih. Antara tajuk Nahu yang disentuh ialah pembahagian kata kepada mu‘rab dan mabni, jenis-
jenis kata nama mabni, ayat namaan, al-mubtada’ dan al-khabar serta hukum yang berkaitan dengannya dan berkenaan dengan ayat kerjaan. Manakala tajuk Saraf pula meliputi kepentingan ilmu saraf dalam bahasa
Arab dan pembahagian kata kerja kepada muta‘addi, lazim, mujarrad dan mazid.
PPAT3533Kesenian dan Seni Bina Islam3Kursus ini meneliti konsep dan falsafah kesenian dan seni bina Islam serta perkembangannya mengikut tempoh masa tertentu. Perbincangan selanjutnya akan memberi tumpuan pada perkembangan sejarah seni
Islam itu sendiri bermula pada zaman permulaan Islam (Rasulullah [s.a.w.] dan era Khulafa’ al-Rashidin), era pemerintahan kerajaan Umawi, Abbasi, Andalusi, Fatimi, Ayyubi, Mamluki, India dan juga era Uthmani serta aspek-aspek kesenian dan seni bina Islam di kerajaan-kerajaan kecil lain yang agak menyerlah. Perbincangan turut memberi fokus pada aspek cabang
kesenian dan seni bina Islam yang merangkumi seni bina dan dekorasi serta kesenian lain seperti arabes, seni lukis, seni seramik, seni karpet, seni khat, seni ukir, seni gading, seni persenjataan, seni mata wang, metal work dan seni suara (muzik).
PPQA1113Science of Quran (Ulum al-Quran)3The purpose of this course is to explain aspects of al-quran studies which cover definitions of revelation (wahy), sciences (ulum) and Al-Quran in terms of language and terminology; makki and madani, Nuzul al-Quran, Awwal and Akhir ma Nazal, Asbab al-Nuzul, Ahruf al-Sab’ah, Qira’at Qur’aniyyah, Muhkam and Mutashabih as well as Nasikh Mansukh. In addition, it also explains the history of collecting and compilation
of ayat and surah as well as writing of mashaf (the compiled written pages of al-quran). there is also a basic discussion of the inimitability/ miraculous nature of (I’jaz) al-quran and its aspects.
PPQA2133Studies of Qira’at3This Course Exposes Students To The Science Of Qira’at (Variants Of Recitation) As A Whole From The Standpoint Of The History Of Its Emergence And Development. Discussion Of Hadih Sab’ah Ahruf
(Narrative Of Seven Readings) As Well As Scholars’ Views, The Principles, Types Of Qira’at, Figures Or Personalities, Writings And Description Of Its
Teminology. Students Are Also Exposed To Various Orientalist Accusations And Attacks On Qira’at And How To Deal With Them Using Argument And Proof.
PPQA3153Interpretation Of Legal Verses (Tafsir Ayat Hukum)3This Course Analyses Quranic Verses Relating To Laws Such Munakahat And Related Laws, Muamalat (Civil Transactions And Rules Of Social Interaction) Such As Manner Of Requesting Consent And Visitation, Adoption Of Children In Islam, And Aurah (Covering Of Intimate Body Parts) Of Men And Women. This Course Also Covers The Causes Of Differences In Opinion Among Scholars And Their Arguments In Inference (Istinbat) Of Laws From Quranic Verses.1
PPQA3253Hadith Bearing On Ruling (Hadith Hukum)3This Course Introduces Students To The Concept And Methodology Of Hadith Law Through Discussion Of Hadith Concerning Issues Related To Taharah, Ibadat, Munakahat, Janayat And Muamalat. It Also Focuses
On The History Of Written Hadith And Development Of Written Compilation Of Hadith Law And Emphasizes On Explanations And Arguments Of Hadith Scholars On Related Issues.
PPQA3252Science of Takhrij (Ilmu Takhrij)2This Course Explains Comprehensively And Precisely The Science Of Takhrij Al-Hadith (Approaches In Extracting And Verifying The Sources Of Hadith Texts) And Terminologies That Related To Primary Books Of Hadith, Secondary Sources Including Fabricated Narrations Sources. It Prepares Students With Five Practical Skills And A New Approach In The Science
Of Takhrij Using Softwares And Online Tools. Knowledge Relates To Verifying And Validating Accepted And Rejected Narrations From The
Perspectives Of Past And Contemporary Scholars Is Also Emphasized In The Course. Students Are Trained To Apply The Skills And Knowledge In Dealing And Extracting The Narrations From The Two Most Authentic Hadith Sources (Sahihayn), Primary And Other Sources In Their Writings.
PPQH3653Maudu’ & Da’if Hadith (Hadith Da’if dan Maudu’)3This Course Analyzes The History Of Hadith Mawdu (Fabricated Hadith) Began And Who Invented Them. It Also Studies Hadith Da c if (Weak Hadith). It Also Analyzes The Views Of Scholars On The Rules Of Narration And Practice Of Both Types Of Hadith. Examples Of Hadith Mawdu c And Da c if  And Their Effects On The Islamic Community Are Also Explained.1
PPQA1312Quranic Memorization 1 (Hafazan Al-Quran 1)2This course exposes students to the effective methodology of memorizing the Quran. Students are required to memorize juz 29 and 30 face to face with teacher. Emphasis on the aspect of fluency in memorizing with tajwid and the ability in writing according to the Rasm Uthmani.1
PPQA2332Quranic Memorization 2 (Hafazan Al-Quran 2)2This course exposes students to the effective methodology of memorizing the Quran. Students are required to memorize juz 27 and 28 face to face with teacher. Emphasis on the aspect of fluency in memorizing with tajwid and the ability in writing according to the Rasm Uthmani.1
PPPY1242Methodology of Al-Quran and Al-Hadith2This course discusses the introduction, scope and development of Ulum al-Quran and exegesis, some streams in exegesis and some current issues
regarding to al-Quran. The course also discusses the introduction, scope of discussion and development of Ulum al-Hadith especially those concerned with sanad and matan, the types of hadith accepted and rejected and some current issues regarding hadith.
PPQA3363Inimitability of Al-Quran (I’jaz Al-Quran)3This course discusses the aspects of the superiority of the Holy Koran as a miraculous book, which is revealed by Allah SWT. Among the aspects given emphasis is the definition of I'jaz, evidences of the inibitability of the Holy Koran, the history of the growth of I'jaz al-Qur'an as a discipline of knowledge, the scholars’ opinions on the aspects of the inimitability of
the the Holy Koran namely balaghah, legislation, information of the unseen and supernatural matters, al-sarfah and scientific facts in modern science.
PPQT3153Analytical Exegesis (Tafsir Tahlili)3Tafsir Tahlili Is An Approach To Interpreting The Verses Of The Quran By Displaying All Of The Aspects Related To The Verses. The Meaning Description Of The Verses Must Correspond To The Mastery And Inclinations Of The Exegetes Who Interpret Them. In Practical Terms, They Elaborate The Meaning Of Verse By Verse Based On The Sequence In Mushaf Uthmani. This Course Will Analytically Examine, Several Selected Surahs Related To Faith, Ethics, And Stories In Surah Al-Kahfi, Al-Nur, And Al-Hujurat.1
PPQH3763Reasons And Sociohistorical Backgroung Of Hadith3This course discusses Asbab Wurud al-Hadith (circumstances for the reason or purpose of revealing hadith) in terms of guidelines, sources and applications in Muslim life. It also explores the famous books on Asbab Wurud al-Hadith. Emphasis is also given to explain the importance of the science of Asbab Wurud al-Hadith in interpreting the texts of hadith accurately.
The impacts of the knowledge from the views of al-
Usuliyyin and al-Muhaddithin will be analyzed.
Students will be trained to explore and examine
thoroughly the examples of hadith texts and the
purposes of utterances.
PPDK3813Da’wah Methodology to Non-Muslims3This course is divided into two aspects, theoretical and practical. The theoretical aspects that take place in the first phase of the lecture focus on the concept, philosophy and method of da'wah based on the texts of the Qur’an and the practice of the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Other writings relating to the course of da'wah are also referred to. Aspects related to the culture of multi-ethnic communities are also given attention on in this discussion. The second phase of the course involves aspects of assignments given to students. Through assignments, students are required to make a presentation on the topics being given related to da'wah and methodology of da'wah to Non-Muslims.1
PPDK2113Da’wah Leadership3This course explores the concept of leadership from the Quran and the hadith and its application to da’wah. Terms related to leadership in da’wah were also introduced such as qadi, mufti, imam or priests, and so on. In addition, the course also describes the science of da’wah needed by leaders such as firaq in Islam, fiqh al-tawazun, fiqh al-nawazil, qawaid fiqhiyyah, ijtihad and fatwa production. Students are also exposed to style, ethics and management in leadership that is in line with the regards to da’wah.1
PPDK2503Communication of Da’wah3This course discusses concepts and principles of communication from Western and Islamic perspectives. It discusses the basic theories in
communication and adapts them in the context of da'wah. The theories consist of vertical communication and horizontal communication including interpersonal communication, small group communication, management communication, mass communication and also cross-cultural communication. The focus is on understanding the target of da'wah as it will determine the appropriate communication approach. Then, it discusses appropriate methods for delivering da'wah based on the target group. In addition, this course also discusses the role of preachers as Muslim communicators.
PPDK3333Psychology of Da’wah3This course aims to provide knowledge and guidance to students to understand the soul, behaviour, mental and human problems in society that need for da’wah. The first part of this course discusses the meaning of
psychology of da'wah, goals, scope, basis and relationship of psychology with da'wah. The second part discusses various approaches to the psychology of da'wah as well as recognising human personality for the purpose of da'wah.
PPDK3803Da’wah Public Speaking3This course focuses on the concept of preaching and pronunciation as a medium in preaching as well as the types of speech, the ethics of preaching, the uslub (style and approach) of preaching and analyzing the
speech delivered by the preaching figures. This course will discuss techniques in opening and closing, material preparation in preaching and use of supporting materials that will enhance the effectiveness of pronunciation. In addition, the course also discusses effective pronunciation strategies, techniques for analyzing audiences and debating some issues related to preaching. This course will be complemented by practice exercises to ensure that all theories learned are practical.

Faculty of Education (FPEND).

CodeCourse NameNo. of CreditDescriptionSemester Offered
GGGV1063Approaches to Teaching Literature in English in
3This course will introduce students to the aims and philosophy of teaching Literature in English in Malaysian schools. It will further guide them to enhance teaching methods in literature in English that would demonstrate that teaching literature is a way to develop critical appreciation and cultural awareness for students whose English is a Second Language (ESL). Utilising prose, poetry and drama, the students will select suitable texts and design appropriate activities for Malaysian literature classrooms that would encourage students to be more independent and thoughtful readers.1
GGGV1113Social Media in Language Learning3The course is designed to guide participants explore and use social media to enhance language learning. Participants will also be coached how to use selected social media and Web 2.0 tools to enhance language learning.1
GGGV1123English Grammar in ESL Classroom3In this course students are able to develop a deeper understanding of how the English language system works. Students will explain, analyse, talk and present the grammar of English language by elaborating on how the grammar and the English language system work. Students will compare and synthesise the structure and use of the English language. Through activities that focus on accuracy more than fluency,
students are able to speak, write and read better. They are also able to correct common errors as well as ambiguities.
GGGV2083Psycholinguistics in Language Teaching3This course is an introduction to psycholinguistics and thus exposes students to issues related to such topics as First Language Acquisition, Second Language Acquisition, Learning, Language and Mind, and to other topics related to the psychology of language production and comprehension. The focus is on the cognitive aspects of language learning. Implications for the second language classroom are also drawn from the various topics discussed.1
GGGV2093Teaching of Literature: Reading the Word and the World3This course is an examination on the value of literary texts as a means to help students to read the word and the world. It aims to help students to become engaged and thoughtful readers, who are able to critically examine the texts and develop their own personal responses. It will further develop critical appreciation and cultural awareness for students whose English is a second language. Students will also select texts and
design appropriate reading activities for the classroom.
GGGV2093Teaching of Literature: Reading the Word and the
3This course is an examination on the value of literary texts as a means to help students to read the word and the world. It aims to help students to become engaged and
thoughtful readers, who are able to critically examine the texts and develop their own
personal responses. It will further develop critical appreciation and cultural awareness
for students whose English is a second language. Students will also select texts and
design appropriate reading activities for the classroom.
GGGV3133Critical Analysis of Literature in the Media3This course will focus on the relationship between literature and the media such as film, drama performance, television, magazines and daily newspapers. One of the objectives of this course is to enable the students to establish the link between literature and popular culture as well as to draw up the relationship between works of fiction and the documentations of similar issues in sociology and history in the mass media. At the end of this course, the students should be able to discuss issues of
genre, ideology, discourses and contexts that will help them to construct the link between literature, arts and the media in today’s era of globalization and k-economy. At the end of the course, the students should be able to produce a product such as
advertisement by using film technology that reflects the manipulation of literary element.
GGGV3143Literary Production in a Digital Age3This course is designed to explore the approaches to developing and producing literary texts in the digital age. It aims to examine how digital technologies
affect how literature is produced and read. This course introduces multiliteracy and multimodality perspectives on literature arising from innovative conceptions of textuality, authorship, and reading, to changing understandings of the process of
publication. This provides a framework for students to read and produce new digital literary works using new digital approaches.
GGGV3223Teaching of Reading Skills in an ESL Context3This course seeks to familiarize students with the major aspects of reading theory, research, and instructional approaches and techniques pertinent to the ESL teaching and learning situation. The focus of this course will be on the unique needs and characteristics of the second/foreign language reader. The course will also draw on the extensive field of first language reading (native English readers). The students will be introduced to ESL/EFL language reading theory and instruction and will be given the opportunity to apply principles in the analysis of instructional materials and in the generation of teaching activities (lesson plan).1