International Relations Centre (UKM Global)

 Towards Greater Years Together!

AKEPT Global Series: University Presidents Forum in collaboration with UKM

14 September 2020 (Monday) | 10.00 am (GMT+8 Kuala Lumpur)

Over the years, ASEAN universities have gained global prominence. In establishing their positions as the world class universities, a strong leadership with a clear direction is required. This webinar aims at discussing the high performance culture within higher education institutions through values-based leadership. Among the key discussions is on creating a corporate culture for universities, dealing with various stakeholders, change management and dealing with crisis. As the global economy is undergoing uncertain times and challenges, universities are expected to explore various avenues in dealing with these changes. In dealing with these obstacles, there is a strong need of values-based leadership in determining clear directions and visions in facing the new frontier. As transformation of universities are expected, the task of narrating these changes to stakeholders and empowering the team members to uphold the values and embrace new ideas can be overwhelming.



1) To explain the concept of values-based leadership to participants.
2) To impart knowledge on the strategies in developing values-based leadership for universities.
3) To learn from experiences of universities leadership in dealing with changing times.



Higher Education Leadership Academy (AKEPT)
Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia

in collaboration with

International Relations Centre (UKM Global)
The National University of Malaysia (UKM)