The 7th Powder Metallurgy and Advanced Process & System in Manufacturing (APSIM2023) will be held in Melaka from 5 to 6 December 2023. It will showcase the latest advanced research, technologies and capabilities of the Malaysian powder metallurgy, process and manufacturing industry.
The conference is organised by the Malaysian Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Material Association (MPM2A) and co-organised by UKM's Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment and UiTM. The three-day technical programme includes the publication of technical papers on powder metallurgy and particulate materials, fundamental and applied aspects of advanced processes and systems of materials in manufacturing. The conference provides an advanced international forum for researchers and engineers from various disciplines to share their latest research and development results, as well as current developments and trends in the industry.
The 7th Powder Metallurgy (PM7) and Advanced Process & System in Manufacturing (APSIM2023) are also unique in that they provide a full peer-review submission process in collaboration with top-tier journals to ensure the technical quality of the presentations.
All researchers, engineers and PhD students in the field of materials and manufacturing from universities, research institutions and various industries are cordially invited to attend this conference.
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