Polymer Research Center (PORCE)




The establishment of the excellent center for Polymer Research known as Polymer Research Center (PORCE) was approved by The Ministry of Higher Education on the 24th January 2008. Accordingly PORCE was officially instituted in the Faculty of Science and Technology in June of the same year. Two main polymer research groups in UKM; the polymer chemistry group of the School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology (PPSKTM) and the polymer technology group of the School of Applied Physics (PPFG), form the core in the formation as well as research activities for the research center. Internationalization of the polymer research in UKM is the focus of PORCE.

Strengthening and expansion of networking with researchers/research centers are continually being pursued locally and internationally. Activities related to the science and technology of polymer being planned include courses on analysis, handling of testing instruments and polymer processing, consultation and organizing conferences.


PORCE aims to be an internationally recognised polymer research center.


To be the center for research and knowledge in polymer science and technology, producing human resources and expertises in polymer science and technology, and building networking locally and internationally.


  • To strenghten and expand research in polymer science and technology.
  • To be the center of reference in polymer science and technology.
  • To provide training and consultation in instrumentation, analysis and testing of polymer.