Center for Research in Development, Social and Environment

Anthropology & Sociology

ANSOS Antropologi and Sosiologi at a Glance

ANSOS Antropologi and Sosiologi Academic Staff

Academic Qualiffication

Program Antropologi dan Sosiologi (ANSOS)


Tahun 1

SKAP1013 – Alam, Manusia dan Budaya

SKAP1053 – Prinsip Pengurusan Perniagaan

SKAA1013 – Pengantar Antropologi

SKAA1023 – Pengantar Sosiologi

SKAA1033 – Pengantar Statistik Sosial

SKAA1043 – Sistem Sosial Malaysia


Tahun 2

SKAP2064 – Metodologi Penyelidikan

SKAA2033 – Teori Antropologi dan Sosiologi

SKAA2043 – Metodologi Penyelidikan Antropologi dan Sosiologi

SKAA2053 – Keluarga dan Kekerabatan

SKAA2073 – Kajilidikan Lapangan

SKAA2083 – Ketaksamaan dan Mobiliti Sosial

SKAA2103 – Gerakan Agama

SKAA2113 – Hubungan Etnik dan Identiti

SKAA2123 – Perubahan Sosial dan Pembangunan

SKAA2133 – Kelompok dan Budaya Minoriti

SKAA2163 – Devians dan Kawalan Sosial

SKAA2183 – Kesihatan dan Masyarakat


Tahun 3

SKAA3006 – Latihan Industri / Kerjaya

SKAA3133 – Teori Antropologi & Sosiologi Lanjutan

SKAA3143 – Kuasa dan Governans

SKAA3153 – Sosiologi Desa

SKAA3206 – Latihan Ilmiah

SKAA3213 – Urbanisasi dan Urbanisme

SKAA3223 – Organisasi Kompleks

SKAA3233 – Gender dan Pembangunan

SKAA3243 – Budaya dan Konsumerisme

SKAA3253 – Industri dan Sumber Manusia

SKAA3263 – Kriminologi

SKAA3273 – Etnografi Malaysia


 Perincian Kursus


SKAA1013 – Pengantar Antropologi

Anthropologists have from the beginning focussed their attention to the diversity of cultures and societies around the world. This course introduces students to the methods and perspectives of social/cultural anthropology in understanding those societies. The course begins with a description on the historical development of anthropology and its scopes. Using case studies from diverse societies the course emphasizes on appreciating cultural differences and its implications; doing long-term fieldwork in studying cultures and societies; and learning to think analytically about other people’s lives and our own.


SKAA1023 – Pengantar Sosiologi

This course introduces sociology as a discipline that studies social change and interactions in modern industrializing societies. In order for students to develop their own sociological imagination, this course begins by introducing basic and relevant concepts such as social institutions, social stability and social control, social inequality and mobility, complex organizations, deviance and crime, race and ethnic relations, gender issues, social interactions within the economic institution, politics and government, education, belief systems and religion, population and urbanization, collective behaviour and social movements, and globalization. Students will be briefly introduced to sociological methods. Finally, lectures will touch upon the contribution of the founding fathers of sociology, namely Comte, Marx, Durkheim and Weber.


SKAA1033 – Pengantar Statistik Sosial

 The primary goal of this course is to offer a conceptual understanding of basic procedures in statistics and the use of these procedures in research and writing. Topics covered include description of social data in graphic and non-graphic form,  the logic of statistical inference and significance test. Discussion will initially focus on interrelationship between research concepts, questionnaires and numbers. The course will also focus on the logic of quantitative data analysis, including measures of central tendency and dispersion, measures of associations and test of significance for appropriate levels of measurement. Finally, simple hypothesis testing using parametric and non-parametric tests will also be taught.


SKAA1043 – Sistem Sosial Malaysia

This course is about ‘man’, ‘society’, and ‘culture’ of Malaysia. Malaysian society is a social system with its own history and structure that is constantly changing due to the impact and influence of the local and global social forces. As such, this course is to explain and discuss the evolution of the Malaysian social system from the historical and political-economy perspectives. Using the ethnic and class perspectives the main elements of the Malaysian social structure will be identified. It is hoped that the combination of the structural and historical perspectives will contribute towards a deeper understanding of the existing Malaysian social system.


SKAA2033 Teori Antropologi dan Sosiologi

The course discusses the contributions of social thinkers to the development of the discipline of anthropology and sociology before the nineteenth and until early twentieth centuries. The discussion takes into consideration the social history and intellectual background that influence the ideas and approaches undertaken by the early theorists such as Comte, Spencer, Ibnu Khaldun, Morgan, Tylor, Marx, Engels, Weber, Durkheim, Boas, Westermarck, Radcliffe-Brown and Malinowski. The history of the establishment of modern knowledge and social thought inherent in classical sociology and early anthropology of the period is examined. Throughout the discussion the students are expected to understand the development of social thoughts originating from the tradition of the philosophy of positivism to the philosophy of empiricism as highlighted in the main theories, for example, structural-functionalism, Marxism, symbolic interactionism and structuralism. The strengths and limitation of the theories are discussed in detail.


SKAA2043 – Metodologi Penyelidikan Antropologi dan Sosiologi

 This course will give students an in-depth understanding of various research methods in anthropology and sociology. The discussion begins with an explanation of theoretical framework, research problem, literature review and research plans. This will be followed by an examination of two main approaches in research, i.e. qualitative and quantitative approaches. The qualitative approach emphasizes on ethnographic research and its specific data analysis. The quantitative approach emphasizes the survey method in data collection and analysis of data using the SPSS. Interpretation of data and research ethics will also be discussed.


SKAA2053 – Keluarga dan Kekerabatan

 In most societies, families and kinships play an important and significant role in socializing members of the society in order to maintain the stability of the group. This course provides a tool in explaining various experiences and aspects of families and kinship systems. Firstly, the course will explain the structural relationship between families, domestic group and kinship system. Second, the discussion focuses on the process of development of families, marriage system and reproduction. Thirdly, the course will discuss functions and roles of family members in the society, family disorganization and the problems and challenges of family life in contemporary society. The discussion will take into account the cross-cultural analysis of the subject.


SKAA2063 – Ekonomi dan Masyarakat


Economic life can be understood from the disciplines of social sciences such as anthropology and sociology. This course deals with the nature and economic culture of simple community as well as modern and industrial societies. From the perspective of anthropology, the course will discuss the economic culture of simple and marginal communities, as well as the economic dynamics of peasantry and fishing communities. From the sociological perspective the course will discuss the nature and dynamics of modern market economy. Capitalism and globalization will be discussed as special topics.


SKAA2073 – Kajian Selidik Lapangan

In order to enable students to practise anthropology and sociology, they must first understand how researches are conducted by past anthropologists and sociologists. Apart from that, they must be able to evaluate those researches and carry out their own research using various types of research methods. The course aims, firstly, to introduce basic conceptual knowledge underlying fieldwork research as an important academic exercise outside the classroom that will enable students to meet their research subjects. Secondly, fieldwork research gives the students the opportunity to conduct their own research based on concrete projects prepared by them. The course is designed to develop the knowledge and simultaneously the skills needed in carrying out research work.


SKAA2083 – Ketaksamaan dan Mobiliti Sosial

Social inequality in society generally exists through ascribed and achieved conditions in the forms of age, sex, caste, ethnic, class, status and culture. The course focuses on three main areas. The first area is on the structure and social order that influence the existence of various forms of social inequality and stratification in pre-industrial, agricultural, industrial and post-industrial societies. Secondly, the course deals with social inequality/stratification and social mobility. Research works on the structure, form and processes of inequality at the micro and macro levels will be dealt with using the main ideas of the theories discussed. Finally, various issues or implications of inequality, for examples, social closure and life chances that affect social mobility will be examined. The discussion in this course attempts to critically evaluate social inequality and mobility in the contexts of education, occupation, prestige, gender and life experiences related to poverty.


SKAA2103 – Gerakan Agama

The world has witnessed and is witnessing hundreds of religious movements that exist in a crisis situation as a response of the process of rationalizing life or for the purpose of addressing tension that accompanies modernization. Using the sociological perspective, the course examines why and how such phenomenon takes place and its specicif impact on society. The discussion focuses on the meaning of ‘religion’, the sociological theories on religious movements and the related issues such as the role of religion in society, modernity and the politics of identity associated with the development of religious movements such as Muhammadiyah, Hare Rama Hare Krishna, Christian Charismatic Renewal, Santi Ashoke, Thammanikai and Ikhwanul Muslimin.


SKAA2113 – Hubungan Etnik dan Identiti

Members of society tend to differentiate one individual from another by creating social boundaries and having stereotypical attitudes. The course aims to discuss ethnic relations based on important concepts such as ethnicity, ethnic and identity. Discussions will also focus on ethnic identity formation as a result of societal changes and influence of the processes of globalization and migration. As such, related concept, i.e, tolerance,assimilation, prejudices, discrimination and conflict existing at the level of inter andintra-ethnic will be emphasized. Theories of ethnic relations are examined based oncurrent examples of experiences of societies like Malaysia, Europe, India and America.


SKAA2123 – Perubahan Sosial dan Pembangunan

Massive changes happening at the global level, make it imperative for us to understand and discuss social change and development processes, its concepts, theories, impacts and practices especially as experienced by the Third World Countries or the South. It is also the objective of this course to discuss and explain the processes of development and underdevelopment as well as their relations and implications to planning and restructuring of societies. Based on case studies, negative and positive impacts of change and development on social institutions, structure and organizations of societies in the South will be assessed, as well as the countries’ relationships with the North, especially within the context of globalization.


SKAA2133 – Kelompok dan Budaya Minoriti

Inequality and domination are two processes that are directly related to the formation of minority groups in societies. Minority groups become more visible in the modern day due to their ability to channel their aspiration systematically via social movement. This course is about the minority as social and cultural phenomena. Topics of discussion include: concepts and theories on minority, types of minority and the formation of minority groups such as racial/ethnic minority, cultural minority, economic minority, sexual minority and behavioural minority. The different experiences and problems faced by different minority groups in Malaysia, Southeast Asia, Europe, America and Africa will be given special attention. 


SKAA2163 – Devians dan Kawalan Sosial

One of the effects of rapid social change in a modern society is the development and rise of social problems such as deviance. This phenomenon has several specific implications on a country’s progress and social well-being, and therefore warrants a careful social control approach in order to address or combat the problem. The first part of the course discusses the concept, pattern, etiology and theory of deviant behavior. The second part analyzes the types of deviant behavior such as homosexuality, alcoholism, mental disorder, delinquency, violence and counter-cultural behavior. The third part of the course discusses the function and role of the system and form of formal and informal social control. Lastly, the course evaluates the effectiveness of the forms and  measures of social control undertaken, for examples, by the rehabilitation centers, detention centers and the community service system. The overall discussion analyzes and evaluates deviance and social control in Malaysia and some other countries.


SKAA2183 – Kesihatan dan Masyarakat

The course is designed to provide the students the opportunity to explore meaning, ideas, theory and issues related to health and diseases as understood by sociologists and anthropologists. The course is divided into four parts. The first part discusses the concept of health, pain and illness from biomedical, social, spiritual and psychological perspectives. The second part concentrates on social and cultural theories in order to understand health and cure. The third part discusses current issues related to health and medicine such as alternative medicine, traditional belief and healers, food security, environment, medical technology, gender, life style and globalization. The social implications of changes in medical practices, health and life style will also be discussed.


SKAA3006 – Latihan Industri/Kerjaya

The knowledge and skills in anthropology and sociology can only be enhanced through practical experiences in methodology course, fieldwork, graduation exercise and industrial/career training. The term industry takes into account the meaning of industry in a larger context encompassing economic and social activities. Industrial/Career Training can generate certain knowledge and skills from learning and work experience in formal and informal organizations. The objective of the Industrial/Career Training is to enable students to get an exposure to the learning and working environment within an organizational setting. The training gives an opportunity for students to: i) gain an exposure to the work culture in a formal or informal organization; ii) apply the knowledge and skills in communication and interaction within the work environment, iii) practise management procedures and work ethics that exist in the organization. The course in divided into two stages. Stage one constitutes one month preparation exercises conducted within the university. Stage two involves a two-month Industrial/ Career Training in a formal or informal organizational setting. At the end of the course, students are required to submit a report which will be graded.


SKAA3133 – Teori Antropologi dan Sosiologi Lanjutan

This course discusses various anthropological and sociologiocal theories that emerged in developing and advanced societies since industrialisation and modernization in the early 20th century. The theories are related to functionalisme, structuralisme, oststructuralisme, interactionism, modernisme, post modernisme, post colonialisme and orientalism. Among the theories are structural-functional theory, structuration theory, interaction and symbolic interaction theory, rational choice theory, exchange theory, modernisation theory, modernity theory, post modern theory and world system theory. The relevant thinkers are also given attention. Current issues related to these theories and theoretical ideas are also dealt with.


SKAA3143 – Kuasa dan Governans

This course focuses on the formation of three aspects of power that is social, political and economic power. These three types of power can be separated but are usually very much    intertwined. Their existence in the formal and informal forms gives rise to the process of governance or administration Examples of formal forms of power and governance are bureaucracy, political party and non-government organization. Informal forms of power and governance are seen through voluntary activities, charismatic personality and clan. This course gives particular attention to Southeast Asian cases or experiences.


SKAA3153 – Sosiologi Desa

Rural-peasant societies are faced with a dilemma due to the influence and domination of the external forces especially the development ideology of the state and the mode of capitalist production. This course is about economic, political and socio-cultural characteristics that differentiate the rural from the urban society. Contemporary issues and problems faced by the Malaysian rural-peasant society in particular and other societies in general would also be dealt with. Issues to be discussed include poverty, changing lifestyle and labour related problems. Other problems that will be discussed are related to migration, land alienation, community development and other pertinent impact of development processes and globalization on the rural population.


SKAA3173 – Dasar dan Perancangan Sosial

Social policy and social planning are important elements to be considered in the development process of a country. They are complementary to economic planning and emphasize aspects of well-being, equality and justice for target groups. The course discusses the government’s policies and social planning that refer specifically to the question of quality of life pertaining to basic social needs such as housing, health, education and needs of specific groups of people like senior citizens and underprivileged groups. The measurement and evaluation of the social well-being of the target groups will be discussed using various socioeconomic indicators, for example, the cost of living index.


SKAA3193-  Etnografi Asia Tenggara

The Southeast Asian region is rich in ethnographic data that reflect the heterogeneity and uniqueness of the life of its people. The course focuses on the historical background of the area and examines views of researchers and scholars on the region. It discusses similarities and differences of the socio-cultural aspects; examines the extent to which the Southeast Asian Region can be approached as a ‘ cultural area’ or ‘cultural continuum’; and various sociocultural theories on Southeast Asia. The students will also learn the development of the Southeast Asian region from pluralities to plural society, and the influence of globalization on the region. Discussion on whether Asian values are responsible for the progress of some countries within the region are also included.


SKAA3206 – Latihan Ilmiah

The final year research project takes the form of a written academic report submitted by students at the end of their undergraduate term. The research and writing of the report is supervised by academic staff members. This research project enables students to carry out research, analyse data and present the research findings in a written form which will then be assessed during an oral examination. The length of the research report should not exceed 10,000 words. Students will be evaluated based on the ability to explain the research problem, theoretical framework and methodology, originality of research work and conclusions derived from the study.


SKAA3213 – Urbanisasi dan Urbanisme

The development of a city as a center of modernity needs to be understood in a comprehensive manner due to the complex nature of the urban area and urban life. In relation to this, the objective of the course is to discuss the phenomenon of urbanization and urbanism. It begins with an explanation of pertinent concepts, theories and issues related to the growth and development of urban areas at the local and global levels. Various social implications of urbanization and urbanism are discussed using historical and comparative approaches based on experiences in Malaysia and other countries.


SKAA3223 – Organisasi Kompleks

Complex organisations have great influence upon social living and society. This course aims to explain the interdependent relationship between organisations and society and the mutual influence that exists between them. This course discusses features of public and private organisations such as organisational structure, function, organizational goals, organisational environment, centralization of power, leadership and leadership styles and corporate culture, organizational behaviour and organisational effectiveness.  Classical and modern theories related to organisational study are discussed to understand organisational behaviour and dynamics. Implications of social change upon organisations within the contexts of globalization, modernisation, advancement of information communication technology and e-commerce are dealt with.


SKAA3233 – Gender dan Pembangunan

In recent development, gender differences become a subject of focus among the social scientists due to their acknowledged impact on the social interaction and the use of resources in societies. This course examines the various conceptual issues developed by anthropologists and sociologists on these differences between men and women in the context of gender studies. To understand this, the discussion is divided into three sections: first, conceptual discussion on the interconnectedness between biology, culture and society in explaning what is gender; second, the theories of inequalities and the differences between men and women,; and third, the trends and experiences of men and women in education, work and career, politic, health, family, violence and crime.


SKAA3243 – Budaya dan Konsumerisme

The discussion on the daily patterns of life of people in a society is closely related to and is dominated by their consumption activities. This course examines the origin of consumerism, its characteristics and impact on the society at large today. The first part of the course discusses the history of globalization and its relation to the development of capitalism, followed by an understanding of some basic concepts related to the concept of consumerism. The final part of the course looks into some case studies on the formation of the culture of consumerism in the present context.


SKAA3253 – Industri dan Sumber Manusia

This course focuses on sociological concepts, theories and experiences regarding industrialization, work and human resource management. Drawing from experiences of the developed countries, but with emphasis on the experiences of the developing countries, especially Malaysia, the course is divided into three components. First component discusses the various factors and problems relating to processes of industrialization. The second component is about the development of work, labour mobility and work culture. Technological advancement and its effects on work is also discussed. The final component deals with the system and management of human resource in industrial as well as industrializing societies.


 SKAA3263 – Kriminologi

Crime is a social problem that needs to be understood and requires serious attention. The course discusses criminal behavior as a product of the social structure and various social processes and pattern of interactions existing within a society. The first part of the course focuses on the development of criminology as a discipline that has its beginnings within psychiatry, psychology and law. The second part discusses the form and pattern of criminal behavior and various sociological explanations given to such behavior. The course analyzes and evaluates the functions of the formal and informal social control undertaken to solve crime problems. Attention is given to the philosophy underlying the social control approaches, and also the implications of social transformation on crime and criminality in the society.


 SKAA3273 – Etnografi Malaysia

There are two main areas covered in this course, i.e. ethnography as a methodology and Malaysian society as the basis of ethnographic research. The course will, firstly examine the debates on ‘ethnography’ as an approach to researching human social life and experiences. Secondly, it touches on the social realm of the Orang Asli and the Pribumi of Malaysia. The ethnographic data covers aspects on family and kinship, economy, politics, belief system and oral tradition of the societies.