Located on Level 4, Tun Seri Lanang Library. This collection houses new books published within 3 years covering multi-discipline subjects. All books in this collection can be borrowed based on the users’ category.
Located on Level 4, Tun Seri Lanang Library. This collection houses new books published within 3 years covering multi-discipline subjects. All books in this collection can be borrowed based on the users’ category.
This survey aims to identify users' needs regarding upgrades, improvements, facilities, and services provided in the 24-hour space of Tun Seri Lanang
This survey is conducted to determine the level of user satisfaction with the quality of ICT products and services. As a user of these services, how satisfied are you with the quality of UKM's ICT Products and Services?
This survey was conducted to obtain customer feedback on the need for the library to set a ceiling price for a Pay Per View (PPV) full text document (article/chapter in a book) provided to customers.
Your cooperation in completing this survey will help library / museum to provide the best possible services and facilities. Your feedback is highly appreciated.
The library established simultaneously with the university in 1970. Our library’s mission is committed to be an advanced university library that connects the information network with clients to fulfill the requirements of learning, teaching and research.
Our library have more than 3.7 million collections include printed books & journals, e-journals, e-books, e-theses, and media collection.
Inside the library, there are spacious reading area and comfortable discussion room for study and relax with friends.
Tun Seri Lanang Library Opening Hours During Ramadan (Semester Break)
Monday – Friday 8.00 AM – 6.00 PM (Open) – Operation Hours: 8.30 AM | Friday – 12.15 PM – 2.45 PM (Closed) | Sunday: 10.00 AM – 5.00 PM (Open) | Saturday & Public Holiday: Closed
Tun Seri Lanang Library,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan,Malaysia
+603-89213446 – Consultation Services
019-2045652 – Telegram/Whatsapp
603-89256067 (FAKS)
Email: helpdeskptsl@ukm.edu.my