Senarai jurnal dalam pangkalan data berindeks
Web of Science (WOS)
Untuk mendapatkan senarai jurnal berindeks WOS, mohon log in ke eResources@ptsl –> Journal Citation Reports (JCR) atau Web of Science –> Klik pada View Details
- Jurnal berindeks Scopus 2025 (Februari 2025)
- Jurnal berindeks Scopus 2025 (Januari 2025)
- Jurnal berindeks Scopus 2024 (kemaskini Oktober 2024)
- Jurnal berindeks Scopus 2024 (kemaskini September 2024)
- Jurnal berindeks Scopus 2024 (kemaskini Mac 2024)
- Jurnal berindeks Scopus 2024 (kemaskini Jan 2024)
- Jurnal berindeks Scopus 2023 (kemaskini Jul 2023)
- Jurnal berindeks Scopus 2023 (kemaskini Feb 2023)
ERA – Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA)
MYCITE – Malaysian Citation Index Database
Senarai Jurnal Malaysia dalam Pangkalan Data Berindeks
*Sumber Pusat Sitasi dan Infometrik, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi
Info Jurnal UKM (Senarai jurnal UKM dalam UJAR, Mycite, Scopus, Wos & ESCI)
Identifying Predatory Publishers
Credit: https://thinkchecksubmit.org/
Research Profiles
JCR 2021 Quick Tour

Comparison Scholarly and Popular Sources
Credit: McMaster University Library, Canada
UKM Institutional Repository (eReP)
What is e-ReP?
e-ReP is a repository system for UKM publications.
What is the objective of e-ReP?
It is used for the university to measure the performance of publications by faculty members.
Who can access the e-ReP for registration?
All staff of UKM have access to the e-ReP for registration purposes . It can be accessed from this link – www.ukm.my/epenerbitan
Where can we see the list of publications of e-ReP?
The e-ReP can be accessed by the public at this link – www.ukm.my/erep. For UKM students, please login using your e-pelajar ID in order to access full text.
Who is responsible for the data in e-ReP?
The Library is responsible for the e-ReP. Any question can be email to the epenerbitan@ukm.edu.my
Indexed Journals
Indexed journal: What does it mean?
In the context of Malaysian Research Assessment, a journal is considered indexed when it is indexed in an abstract and citation database such as Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics), Scopus (Elsevier) or listed in ERA and MyCite.
Which metric should be used to define journal Quartile and Impact Factor?
Refer to Journal Citation Report (JCR) by Clarivate Analytic to determine Quartile ranking and Impact Factor for a journal.
What is Quartile ranking?
Quartile rankings are derived for each journal in each of its Web of Science (WOS) subject categories. It is identified according to the Impact Factor (IF) distribution of the journal.
Q1 indicates the top 25% of the IF distribution, Q2 for middle-high position (between top 50% and top 25%), Q3 middle-low position (top 75% to top 50%), and Q4 the lowest position (bottom 25% of the IF distribution).
What is SCImago Journal Rank (SJR)?
SCImago is an independent entity that uses Scopus data to calculate its quartile ranking for a journal. SJR can be accessed freely at https://www.scimagojr.com.
What is Mycite ?
MyCite is a Malaysian citation indexing system and a citation index database to increase the accessibility and visibility of Malaysian scholarly journals. It provides a yearly bibliometrics report on the performance of Malaysian journals that meet the quality criteria.
What is MyJurnal?
MyJurnal is an online system used by Citation and Infometric Division, MOHE to collect and index all the Malaysian journals. MyJurnal’s main objectives are to :-
-increase access to the contents of Malaysian journals to the global community
-improve the visibility of contents, hence, encouraging usage and generating citations to articles published
Publication Incentive Scheme
What is a journal article publication incentive scheme?
Please refer to this link Skim Insentif Penerbitan Jurnal 2021 to get information on the incentive scheme.
Information Package Service
What is information package service?
This service provides assistance/advice to students and staff in searching for articles/books/resources needed for their research projects, working papers and coursework.
Who can apply for information package service?
Information package service is applicable to all UKM’s academician and postgraduate students. In addition, this service also exclusively offered to visual impaired student.
What kind of information is provided to the customer?
The librarian will perform literature search on your topic in the appropriate databases and will provide a list of references. The information obtained includes full text article, abstract or index.
How to apply for this service?
The applicant can apply for this service by filling out the Information Packaging Services form
How do I collect the information?
The full text article and other related materials will be delivered through customer’s email within 1 to 10 days.
Hubungi Kami
Perpustakaan Tun Seri Lanang,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan,Malaysia
+603-89213446 – Perkhidmatan Perundingan
019-2045652 – Telegram/Whatsapp
603-89256067 (FAKS)
Email: helpdeskptsl@ukm.edu.my