Click calendar for online registration or visit the reference desk at the entrance of the library:
Meja Penasihat Pembaca, Aras 4, PTSL
Tel : 03-89213446 / 5575 / 5818 / 4732
All courses will be conducted online unless stated otherwise
Click here for physical class request and request class by date
Infoclinic is a one to one session with the librarian in charge. It will include topics such as GEMILANG Catalog, online databases and/or bibliographic tools (EndNote/Mendeley). Registration may be done at the Reader Advisory Desk at Level 4, PTSL or click here to register online.
QR Code
Managing Your References: EndNote
- EndNote is a bibliographic software program that enables the management and storage of reference data in a self-developed database called “EndNote Library”.
- This software allows users to save citations and references according to the desired citation style and can avoid repeated typing in the process of writing your research or assignment.
- More than 100 citation format such as APA, MLA, Chicago 15thB, Turabian , Annonated are ready to use
Managing Your References: Mendeley
- Mendeley is a “Reference Manager” software that can be downloaded for free and can operated as Desktop and Web software simultaneously.
- Mendeley is a bibliographic software that enables the management and storage of reference data in a self-developed database.
- This software allows you to save citations and references according to the desired citation style and can avoid repeated typing in the process of writing your research or assignment.
- Mendeley also serves as a software for academic social networking that allows researchers to share reference resources or collaborate online.
- The latest Gaya UKM Bahasa Melayu Template Plugin is as below:
http://csl.mendeley.com/styles/66537561/GayaUKM-MelayuMazleha - The latest Gaya UKM English Template Plugin is as below:https://csl.mendeley.com/styles/66537561/universiti-kebangsaan-malaysia-mazleha-Eng
- The latest Gaya UKM Bahasa Melayu Template Plugin is as below:
March 2025
GEMILANG is the acronym for GEDUNG MAKLUMAT ILMU TUN SERI LANANG; the name of our Online Public Access Catalog.
- Access to various e-journals and e-books from various fields.
- Download full text from the library’s subscribed e-journals and e-books.
- Search your materials using subject or titles.
Electronic Resources
Thesis Information Resources
This course emphasizes on thesis searching using these tools:
- GEMILANG Catalog
- Learning and Research Repository (VITAL)
- Malaysian Thesis Online (MyTO)
- ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Fulltext
- Open Access Resources
PHCTM Portal
Get to know our PHCTM Portal and all the tools to help us with our information searching.
Systematic Review
This course will teach us how to search for our materials using systematic review strategy. This will help us in narrowing down our searches and get the exact information that we need.
Islamic Collection Information Resources
Emphasize on basic information search strategy for materials from Arab and Islamic Civilization Collection through:
- Search using OPAC GEMILANG.
- Search for Arabic Language materials.
- Search for verses in al-Qur’an and hadith.
- Search for scientific practice materials from UKM Islamic Studies Faculty
Various information resources from UKM and other open sources will also be shared in this course.
Get to Know Grey Literature
Learn the technics of searching for information from our Document Collection using:
- Learning and Research Repository (VITAL)
Various information resources from UKM and other open sources will also be shared in this course
Contact Us
Tun Seri Lanang Library,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan,Malaysia
+603-89213446 – Consultation Services
019-2045652 – Telegram/Whatsapp
603-89256067 (FAKS)
Email: helpdeskptsl@ukm.edu.my