UKM Graduate Centre Talk Series 12/2015: TALK ON DOs AND DON’Ts (ADAB) OF DIGITAL CITIZEN


Pusat Siswazah dengan kerjasama CyberSecurity Malaysia, An Agency Under the Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation (MOSTI) akan menganjurkan syarahan umum yang bertajuk ” Dos and Don’ts (Adab) of Digital CITIZEN” yang akan disampaikan oleh En. Aaron Ikram Mokhtar dari Jabatan Outreach & Corporate Communications.

Oleh itu, Pusat Siswazah dengan berbesar hati ingin menjemput kakitangan akademik dan para pelajar siswazah untuk menyertai ceramah tersebut. Penyertaan kakitangan akademik UKM akan direkodkan dalam e-spel.

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Details of The Talk:

Date : 24 June 2015 (Wednesday)
Time : 9.00 a.m. – 11.30 p.m.
Venue : Main Lecture Hall, Graduate Centre, UKM

Open to all UKM academic staffs and Post-Graduate Students.


Biodata of the Speaker

AARON MOKHTAR has been developing creative content for the past 12 years for radio, TV and print with a keen interest in understanding the mechanics of social interaction. With his wide experience in content development over the ears, Aaron joined CyberSecurity Malaysia in 2010 as a Content Research and Development Senior Executive. Among Aaron’s responsibilities is the development of content related to CyberSAFE’s outreach programs and initiatives as well as overlooking its online presence wether through the CyberSAFE Portal or social media presence to further enhance the department of cyber safety outreach activities to the general public. Since joining CyberSecurity Malaysia Aaron has been involved in the strategising and the development of the CyberSAFE in School programs, as well as the development of a framework for Malaysia’s national cyber safety awareness baseline. Averaging almost 200 hours a year giving awareness talks around the country, Aaron is very passionate about the importance of cyber safety to Malaysia’s digital citizen and is a strong advocator of “Adab of a digital citizen” a concept and methodology that he has developed while at CyberSecurity Malaysia.