Syarahan Umum Pusat Siswazah UKM Siri 28/2015: What are the Costs, Benefits, and Joys of Global Research and Scholarship?

Sukacita dimaklumkan Pusat Siswazah UKM akan menganjurkan S​yarahan Umum yang bertajuk “What are the Costs, Benefits, and Joys of Global Research and Scholarship?“. Syarahan ini akan disampaikan oleh Dr. Laura Elder dari Saint Mary’s College Notre Dame, US.

Tarikh    : 22 Disember 2015 (Selasa)
Masa      : 9.30 pagi – 12.30 tengahari
Tempat   : Dewan Kuliah Utama, Pusat Siswazah UKM

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The UKM Graduate Centre Public Lecture Series 28/2015:

What Are The Costs, Benefits, And Joys Of Global Research and Scholarship?

The UKM Graduate Centre is pleased to invite you for the Public Lecture entitled “What are the Costs, Benefits, and Joys of Global Research and Scholarship?”. The lecture will be delivered by Dr. Laura Elder dari Saint Mary’s College Notre Dame, US.

Date : 22nd December 2015 (Tuesday)
Time : 9.30 a.m. – 12.30 noon
Venue : Main Lecture Hall, The UKM Graduate Centre

For more information and registration, please click


Please feel free to call 603-8921 4612 (Madam Wan Khadijah), email for any enquiry.

Jadual program seperti berikut;

Programme Itinerary:

09.00 am – 09.30 am Pendaftaran di Lobi Pusat Siswazah UKM
Registration at the Lobby of the UKM Graduate Centre
09.30 am Ucapan Alu-aluan oleh Pengarah Pusat Siswazah, UKM
Welcoming Address by the Director​
of UKM Graduate Centre
09.45 am – 12.00 pm Syarahan Umum oleh Dr. Laura Elder
Public Lecture by Dr. Laura Elder
12.00 pm – 12.30 pm Sesi Soal Jawab
Q & A session
12.30 pm Tamat dan Jamuan
End of Programme & Lunch

What are the Costs, Benefits, and Joys of Global Research and Scholarship?

What are the potential gains and risks in traveling overseas for research?  Drawing on personal experiences in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, I will explore some of the joys as well as the pitfalls in conducting research overseas.  And, from my perspective as a social scientist who values empirical research and the complex dynamics of human interactions, we will explore examples of networking strategies, intercultural communication and competence, and research skills with the goal of stimulating student and faculty interest in travelling outside their home cultures for research and scholarship.

Biodata of Dr. Laura Elder

Laura Elder is a cultural anthropologist and teaches in the Department of Global Studies at Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame.  During her graduate studies in New York, she became engrossed in the dynamic histories and cultures of Southeast Asia.  And, as a result, she has carried out fieldwork in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Qatar, and Singapore.  Her primary research interests are global political economy, Islam, and gender.  In her research she has exposed the importance of race and class in patterns of networking and capital accumulation among Asian hedge funds in Malaysia.  And currently, she is researching the changing power elite in global financial regimes through a comparative analysis of the promotion of women’s expertise in Islamic finance in Southeast Asian and Gulf Cooperation Council countries.

Thank You.