The UKM Graduate Centre Workshop Series 43/2016: SPSS for Beginners


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Bengkel Pusat Siswazah UKM Siri 43/2016: SPSS Asas

Para Pelajar Pascasiswazah Yang Dihormati,

Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa pihak Pusat Siswazah, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia akan menganjurkan Bengkel Pusat siswazah UKM Siri 43/2016: SPSS Asas.

Untuk makluman Tuan/Puan, Bengkel ini akan sampaikan oleh Dr. Wan Rosmanira Ismail.

Untuk pendaftaran sila klik DI SINI

Tarikh : 29-30 November 2016 (Selasa & Rabu)
Masa : 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Yuran : RM200.00 Warga UKM / RM250.00 Bukan Warga
Tempat : Bilik Latihan, Pusat Siswazah, UKM

Sila hubungi Puan Wan Khadijah di talian 03-8921 4612 atau email untuk maklumat lanjut.

Sila layari laman facebook Pusat Siswazah untuk mengetahui aktiviti terbaru.

Sekian, terima kasih dan salam hormat.


The UKM Graduate Centre Workshop Series 43/2016: SPSS for Beginners

Dear Fellow Students,

The UKM Graduate Centre is pleased to invite you to join The UKM Graduate Centre Workshop Series 43/2016: SPSS for Beginners.

Don’t miss this golden opportunity. For more information and registration, please click HERE

Date : 29 – 30 November 2016 (Tuesday & Wednesday)
Time : 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Fees : RM200.00 UKM Member / RM250.00 Non UKM Member
Venue : Training Room, Graduate Centre, UKM

Please feel free to contact us for any enquiries. You may contact Mrs. Wan Khadijah at or call 03-8921 5162.

Thank you and we look forward to meeting you soon. Please visit our vibrant and frequently updated Facebook for more of our exciting events, at


Biodata Dr. Wan Rosmanira Ismail

Dr. Wan Rosmanira Ismail is a senior lecturer at the School of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She obtained her PhD in Operational Research from Loughborough University, UK in the year 2000. Her research interests include mathematical modelling, scheduling and routing, timetabling, efficiency and multi criteria decision making. She has published several journal articles in the areas of Operational Research and a book on the inferential statistics.


Course Synopsis

This 2-days workshop is intended for beginners and its emphasis is on introduction to SPSS as statistical analysis package. It will cover data entry and management, data preparation and transformation, descriptives analysis, charts and plots, interpretation and reporting.



  1. Participants should bring their own notebook, installed with SPSS version 23.
  2. Participants are encouraged to bring their own data sets.


DAY 1: SPSS a Statistical Analysis Package
Module 1: Introduction to SPSS ·         Knowing SPSS

·         Opening and Reading Data

·         Working with Multiple Data Sources

·         Using the Help System

Module 2: Data Entry and Management ·         Data Types and Measurement Levels

·         Data Editor

·         Entering Data

·         Sorting Cases and Variables

·         Merging Data by Cases and Variables

·         Select Cases

Module 3: Data Preparation and Transformation ·         Defining Variable Properties

·         Identifying Duplicate Cases

·         Creating New Variables

·         Recoding Variables

·         Binning Variables

·         Defining Multiple Response Variables


Day 2: Descriptive Analysis and Reporting
Module 4: Descriptive Statistics ·         Types of Statistical Analyses

·         Summary Statistics

·         Descriptive Analysis using Frequency, Explore

·         Cross tabulation

Module 5: Charts and Plots ·         Creating Chart using Chart Builder

·         Creating Chart using Graphboard Template Chooser

·         Creating Chart using Legacy Dialogue

Module 6: Interpretation and Reporting ·         Editing Output and Charts

·         Pivot Table

·         Split File

·         Reporting Statistical Findings

Thank you.