The UKM Graduate Centre Workshop Series 40/2016: Questionnaire Design

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Bengkel Pusat Siswazah UKM Siri 40/2016: Questionnaire Design

Para Pelajar Pascasiswazah Yang Dihormati,

Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa pihak Pusat Siswazah, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia akan menganjurkan Bengkel Pusat Siswazah UKM Siri 40/2016: Questionnaire Design yang akan disampaikan oleh Prof. Dr. Juhana Salim.

Sila hubungi Kartikha Zainudin di talian 03-8921 3100 atau email untuk maklumat lanjut.

Untuk pendaftaran sila klik di


Butiran program seperti berikut:-

Tarikh: 15 November 2016 (Selasa)
Masa: 8.30 pagi – 5.00 petang
Tempat: Bilik Latihan, Pusat Siswazah UKM
Penceramah: Prof. Dr. Juhana Salim
Yuran: RM 150.00 (Warga UKM)
RM 200.00 (Luar UKM)
Kaedah Bayaran: No. Akaun: Akaun CIMB Bank 8002234307 (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)

1. Bayaran secara Online;
2. Pemindahan wang dari ATM ke ATM;
3. Pembayaran menggunakan mesin deposit tunai adalah tidak dibenarkan.

Sila emailkan resit bukti bayaran yang telah dibuat beserta maklumat (Nama, No. Matrik & Nama Bengkel) ke

Sekian, terima kasih dan salam hormat.



The UKM Graduate Centre Workshop Series 40/2016: Questionnaire Design

 Dear Postgraduate Students,

The UKM Graduate Centre is pleased to invite you to join The UKM Graduate Centre Workshop Series 40/2016: Questionnaire Design by Prof. Dr. Juhana Salim.

Please feel free to call 03-8921 3100 (Kartikha), or email at for any inquiry.

Don’t miss this golden opportunity. For more information and registration, please click


The details of the programme:

Date: 15 November 2016 (Tuesday)
Time: 8.30 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Venue: Training Room, The Graduate Centre, UKM
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Juhana Salim
Fees: RM 150.00 (UKM Member)
RM 200.00 (Non UKM)
Payment Methods: Acc No: CIMB Bank Account No. 8002234307 (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)

1. Online Internet Banking;
2. Automated Teller Machine (ATM) to ATM Fund Transfer;
3. Please do not pay via cash deposit machine as it is difficult to trace the payee.

Please email your receipt & details (Name, Matric No. & Workshop Title)to after the payment.


Questionnaires are the most widely used data collection methods in educational research. The principles for designing a questionnaire or an interview schedule are quite straight forward but they do require careful consideration. Systematic development of questionnaires focusing on a well-crafted conceptualization of the content and transformation of the content into questions  is inessential to minimize measurement error questionnaire content, questionnaire design and format, and respondent. This workshop describes the process for developing and testing questionnaires and posits five steps to develop a valid and reliable questionnaire to enhance the quality of research: research background, questionnaire conceptualization, format and data analysis, and establishing validity and reliability. In the questionnaire conceptualization step, emphasis is given  on  the procedure of operationalization using Lazarsfeld’s scheme for measuring concepts. Following these five steps in questionnaire development and testing will enhance data quality and utilization of research. Thus, this workshop gives careful attention to detail and understanding of the process involved in developing a questionnaire, realising the fact that failure to following appropriate and systematic procedures in questionnaire development, testing, and evaluation may undermine the quality and utilization of data.


* To expose students to the principles for designing a questionnaire or an interview schedule.

* To acquire skills  in constructing questionaire .

* To assist students in understanding  the concept of operationalization.

* To acquire skills in utilizing  Lazarsfeld’s scheme for measuring concepts (variables).


Upon completion of this assignment, students will be able:

  • To understand and apply the principles for designing a questionnaire or an interview schedule.
  • To apply steps in constructing questionaire  in order to establish clear objectives of the survey to be conducted
  • To understand the concept of operationalization specifically the process of continuous clarification
  • To apply Lazarsfeld’s scheme for measuring concepts (variables)


15 Nov 2016
8.30-9.00a.m. Registration
9.00- 10.15 Introduction to Questionnaire Design
10.30-12.30 Session 1
12.30-1.00 Q & A
1.00 -2.30 Lunch Break & Prayer
2.30-4.00 Session 2
4.00-4.15 Tea break
4.15 – 5.00 Session 3

Professor Dr. Juhana Salim
Centre of Artificial Intelligence
Faculty of Information Science & Technology
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Participants are required to bring their laptop.

Thank you.

Come join us 🙂