Jemputan ke Syarahan Umum Pusat Siswazah Siri 14/2017: Good and Bad Literature Review

Jemputan ke Syarahan Umum Pusat Siswazah Siri 14/2017: Good and Bad Literature Review

Butiran program adalah seperti berikut:

Tarikh: 9 November 2017 (Khamis)
Masa: 9.00 pagi – 1.00 tengahari
(Pendaftaran adalah pada jam 8.15 pagi)
Tempat: Dewan Kuliah Utama, Pusat Siswazah

Untuk pendaftaran, sinopsis dan maklumat lanjut, sila klik ???

Sila hubungi Kartikha di talian 03-8921 3100 atau emel kartikha[at] untuk maklumat lanjut.

Sekian, terima kasih. ?

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Invitation to The UKM Graduate Centre Public Lecture Series 14/2017: Good and Bad Literature Review

The details of the talk are as follows:

Date: 9 November 2017 (Thursday)
Time: 9.00 a.m. – 1.00 noon)
(Registration begins at 8.15 a.m.)
Venue: Main Lecture Hall, The UKM Graduate Centre
Fees: FREE

Don’t miss this golden opportunity. For more information, synopsis and registration, please click ???

Please feel free to contact us for any enquiries. You may contact Kartikha at 03-8921 3100 or email kartikha[at]

Thank you ?