UKM 2014

The award represents MIMOS’ recognition on innovation contributed by outstanding researcher(s) from local Research Universities (Academia Category) based on the criteria and requirement prescribed by MIMOS. Relevant research can also be an applied research and can be commercialized.

The award consists of:

  • In-house designed trophy (RM5000)
  • Cheque (RM5000)
  • Certification

Research conducted must be in the MIMOS 10 Technology Thrust Area:

  1. Advanced Analysis & Modelling System (ADAM)
    2. Advanced Computing
    3. Information Security
    4. Intelligent Informatics
    5. Knowledge Technology
    6. Wireless Communications
    7. Microelectronics
    8. Micro energy
    9. Nano electronics
    10. Psychometrics

Please contact Madam Wan Khadijah ext no. 89214612 for detail information.

UKM 2013
