Centre for Academic Management Cluster 2

 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Arkib Berita

UKM Graduate Centre Talk Series 12/2015: TALK ON DOs AND DON’Ts (ADAB) OF DIGITAL CITIZEN

Pusat Siswazah dengan kerjasama CyberSecurity Malaysia, An Agency Under the Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation (MOSTI) akan menganjurkan syarahan umum yang bertajuk ” Dos

The UKM Graduate Centre Public Lecture Series 10/2015: Academic Research: Caring Trees for Better Fruits

Dear Fellow Students, The UKM Graduate Centre is pleased to invite you to join The UKM Graduate Centre Public Lecture Series 10/2015 on: Academic Research:

Diskusi Ilmiah Bersama PU Yeop

Assalmu ‘alaykum w.b.t dan Salam Sejahtera Pusat Siswazah menjemput semua warga dan pelajar UKM menghadiri program Diskusi Ilmiah bersama PU YEOP. Tajuk Diskusi ini adalah

Siri Syarahan Umum Pusat Siswazah UKM 9/2015: Bagaimana menjadi seorang pelajar pasca siswazah yang cemerlang?

Pusat Siswazah akan menganjurkan syarahan umum yang bertajuk “Bagaimana menjadi pelajar pasca siswazah yang cemerlang?” yang akan disampaikan oleh YBhg. Profesor Ir. Dr Ahmad Kamal

The UKM Graduate Centre Industrial Research Visit 8/2015: Beryl’s Marketing Sdn Bhd

The UKM Graduate Centre is pleased to invite you to visit Beryl’s Marketing Sdn Bhd. At Beryl’s it’s all about delivering the best chocolates in


Dear All, Welcome to our registration page! This workshop is open to ONLY 36 participants. To secure your place, it is advisable to make the

The UKM Graduate Centre Workshop Series 13/2015: MATLAB for Easy Computation

The UKM Graduate Centre is pleased to invite you to join The UKM Graduate Centre Workshop Series 13/2015 on: MATLAB for Easy Computation. The details

Tuntas Bicara (Pitching) dan Promosi Pengajian Program Siswazah di Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan serta Taklimat MyBrain 2015

Taklimat Penajaan MyBrain15  Jemputan Ke Tuntas Bicara (Pitching) Promosi Pengajian Program Siswazah di Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan Serta Taklimat MyBrain 2015  Pusat Siswazah UKM

Tuntas Bicara (Pitching) Promosi Pengajian Program Siswazah di Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina serta Taklimat MyBrain 2015

Taklimat Penajaan MyBrain15 Jemputan Ke Tuntas Bicara (Pitching) Promosi Pengajian Program Siswazah di Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina Serta Taklimat MyBrain 2015 Pusat Siswazah UKM

The UKM Graduate Centre Public Lecture Series 8/2015: How to Write A Scientific Manuscript for a Refereed Journal

Dear Fellow Students, The UKM Graduate Centre is pleased to invite you to join The UKM Graduate Centre Public Lecture Series 8/2015 on ​: How