The UKM Graduate Centre Workshop Series 13/2015: MATLAB for Easy Computation


The UKM Graduate Centre is pleased to invite you to join The UKM Graduate Centre Workshop Series 13/2015 on: MATLAB for Easy Computation.

The details of the workshop are as follow:

Date : 9th June 2015 (Selasa)
Venue : Computer Lab, Level 1, Dept. of Chemical & Process Eng.
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
(New Building)
Time : 9.00 am – 5.00 pm
Speaker : Prof. Madya Dr. Meor Zainal Meor Talib
Fees : RM 200 (UKM students and Staff)

Those who are interested, kindly register at this



Graduate and postgraduate studies especially in engineering field require proficiency in numerical computation. Matlab is one of the numerical tools available that fits the bill. This course is intended to provide sufficient working knowledge of numerical and programming task for engineering computations. The course starts with the introduction to the MATLAB environment. Then the basics of Matlab data types will be elaborated before the essential of programming paradigm of control statements, looping, iteration, function and scripts preparation are dealt with. Numerical strategy will take the second half of the course with emphasis on error and computation for roots finding, matrix solution, interpolation, regression and ODE solution of single and multiple equations. Finally post processing techniques of using graphical representations of data will be explored. Examples of engineering problems will be used throughout the course.


The presenter has more than 10 years of experience in teaching programming techniques and numerical computations. Programming languages such as C, C++, visual basic, Delphi, Scilab, Matlab, J, Phyton are some of the languages that have been used in his numerical computations. Matlab however remains the main bulwark of his computation tool.