The UKM Graduate Centre Workshop Series 25/2015: Developing a Culture of Thinking Through 21st Century Learning

14 - HOTs

The UKM Graduate Centre is pleased to invite you to join “The UKM Graduate Centre Workshop Series 25/2015: Developing a Culture of Thinking through 21st Century Learning.

Please feel free to call 603-8921 3100 (Madam Hazriati Hasan), email for any enquiry.
Don’t miss this golden opportunity. For registration, please click





08.30 a.m.
09.00 a.m.
09.00 a.m.
09.30 a.m.
Introduction on Idea of HOT and visible Thinking
09.30 a.m.
10.30 a.m.
Introduction To The Idea of Cultures of Thinking and Visible Thinking   and Some  Application  in Education And Real Life
10.30 a.m.
11.00 a.m.
11.00 a.m.
01.00 p.m.
HOT through Problem Solving ,TBL ,Thinking Routine
-Cognition and Metacognition
01.00 p.m.
02.15 p.m.
02.15 p.m.
03.15 p.m.
Visible Thinking through Infusion Of Critical And Creative Thinking Into Content Instruction- TBL (Thinking-based learning)
03.00 p.m.
04.00 p.m.
Integrating Critical Thinking and Creative Thinking Into Content Instruction –through Thinking Routines
04.00 p.m.
04.45 p.m.
Group Discussion
04.45 p.m.
05.00 p.m.
Review and feedback


1) To develop Higher-order thinking(HOT) among participants so that it can be applied in teaching ,learning and real life

2) To guide the participants on how to infuse and integrate critical and creative thinking(HOT) into content instruction and to develop a culture of thinking among students and society through various pedagogical approaches such as Problem Solving Thinking-based learning and Thinking Routines

3) To provide an opportunity for the participants to view   21st century learning in a broader perspectives

4) To guide the participants on how to align pedagogy with assessment


1) Participants will be able to think critically not only to improve the thinking of others including their students, but also to keep monitoring their own thinking and progress and thus, could improve the quality of their minds

2) Participants will have a better idea on how to infuse and integrate critical and creative thinking into content instruction in various disciplines.

3) Participants will view HOT not just about the skills of thinking. Rather how visible thinking could promote cultures of thinking and disposition for thinking

4) Participants will have a better idea on how to align educational objectives with that of pedagogical approach and assessment

5) Participant would be in a better position to guide students on’ learn how to learn ‘

The program is based on the work done by Professor Emeritus Robert Swartz (University of Massachusetts at Boston USA)/TBL, Professor Emeritus David Perkins and Ron Rittchart (Harvard Graduate School of Education)/Thinking Routines and Professor George Polya (1887-1985) (Stanford University, California USA). /Problem Solving .The presenter has been working in this areas of research for the last 25 years and had conducted more than 800 programs nationwide and had.


Researchers including postgraduate students, teachers and academicians and others interested in the most recent development in education and HOT