The UKM Graduate Centre Workshop Series 31/2016: Managing Thesis Effectively using MS Word: Gaya UKM Template

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Bengkel Pusat Siswazah UKM Siri 31/2016:

Managing Thesis Effectively using MS Word: Gaya UKM Template

Para Pelajar Pascasiswazah Yang Dihormati,

Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa pihak Pusat Siswazah, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia akan menganjurkan Bengkel Pusat siswazah UKM Siri 31/2016: Managing Thesis Effectively using MS Word: Gaya UKM Template.

Sila hubungi Encik Mohd Hafiz di talian 03-8921 5162 atau email mohdhafiz[at] untuk maklumat lanjut.

Untuk pendaftaran sila klik di SINI

Butiran program seperti berikut:-

Tarikh: 3 SEPTEMBER 2016 (Sabtu)
Masa: 9.00 pagi – 5.00 petang
Tempat: Bilik Latihan, Pusat Siswazah UKM
Penceramah: Encik Woon Chin Ong
Yuran: RM50.00 Warga UKM
Kaedah Bayaran: No. Akaun: Akaun CIMB Bank 8002234307

(Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)

1. Bayaran secara Online;

2. Pemindahan wang dari ATM ke ATM;

3. Pembayaran menggunakan mesin deposit tunai adalah tidak dibenarkan.

Sila emailkan resit bukti bayaran yang telah dibuat beserta maklumat (Nama, No. Matrik & Nama Bengkel) ke mohdhafiz[at]

Sekian, terima kasih dan salam hormat.



The UKM Graduate Centre Workshop Series 31/2016:

Managing Thesis Effectively using MS Word: Gaya UKM Template

Dear Postgraduate Students,

The UKM Graduate Centre is pleased to invite you to join The UKM Graduate Centre Workshop Series 31/2016: Managing Thesis Effectively using MS Word: Gaya UKM Template.

Please feel free to call 03-8921 5162 or email Mr. Mohd Hafiz at mohdhafiz[at] for any inquiry.

Don’t miss this golden opportunity. For more information and registration, please click HERE

The details of the programme:

Date: 3 SEPTEMBER 2016 (Saturday)
Time: 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Venue: Training Room, The Graduate Centre, UKM
Speaker: Mr. Woon Chin Ong
Fees: RM50.00 UKM Member
Payment Methods: Acc No: CIMB Bank Account No. 8002234307

(Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)

1. Online Internet Banking;

2. Automated Teller Machine (ATM) to ATM Fund Transfer;

3. Please do not pay via cash deposit machine as it is difficult to trace the payee.

Please email your receipt & details (Name, Matric No. & Workshop Title) to mohdhafiz[at] after the payment.


Learn how to use MS Word Gaya UKM Template: insert images and charts, assigning page numbers the correct format and in the right place, generate tables of content, list of figures, list of abbreviations and more. This workshop covers the basic formatting you’ll need to comply with UKM thesis format requirements.


-Properly manage your thesis for a perfect end product

-Use embedded tools to systematically manage your table of contents, figures, tables, and abbreviations

Who should come?

-Students who want to write their thesis in an effective way using MS Word


-Basic knowledge MS Word: paragraph setting, line spacing, insert tables/ figures, setting page layout

What you will learn:

-Embedding Gaya UKM template to a blank document or existing thesis

-Using built-in Gaya UKM styles

-Using tools to create section breaks, caption, cross-reference and numbering pages

-Generate Table of Contents automatically

-Generate List of Appendix / Figures / Tables / Abbreviations automatically


To those who are going to the Managing Thesis effectively using MS Word: Gaya UKM Template class, please take note of the following:

  1. Participants should bring their own notebook, installed with word software (Office).
  2. Participants are encouraged to bring their thesis.