The UKM Graduate Centre Workshop Series 36/2016: Doing Literature Review: The Six Steps Approach

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Bengkel Pusat Siswazah UKM Siri 36/2016:
Doing Literature Review: The Six Steps Approach

Para Pelajar Pascasiswazah Yang Dihormati, Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa pihak Pusat Siswazah, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia akan menganjurkan Bengkel Pusat Siswazah UKM Siri 36/2016: Doing Literature Review: The Six Step Approach yang akan disampaikan oleh Prof. Dr. Juhana Salim.

Sila hubungi Kartikha Zainudin di talian 03-8921 3100 atau email untuk maklumat lanjut. Untuk pendaftaran sila klik di SINI

Butiran program seperti berikut:-

Tarikh: 11 Oktober 2016 (Selasa)
Masa: 8.30 pagi – 5.00 petang
Tempat: Bilik Latihan, Pusat Siswazah UKM
Penceramah: Prof. Dr. Juhana Salim
Yuran: RM150.00 (Warga UKM)

RM 200.00 (Luar UKM)

Kaedah Bayaran: No. Akaun: Akaun CIMB Bank 8002234307
(Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)1. Bayaran secara Online;
2. Pemindahan wang dari ATM ke ATM;
3. Pembayaran menggunakan mesin deposit tunai adalah tidak dibenarkan.Sila emailkan resit bukti bayaran yang telah dibuat beserta maklumat (Nama, No. Matrik & Nama Bengkel) ke

Sekian, terima kasih dan salam hormat.




The UKM Graduate Centre Workshop Series 36/2016:
Doing Literature Review: The Six Steps Approach


Dear Postgraduate Students,

The UKM Graduate Centre is pleased to invite you to join The UKM Graduate Centre Workshop Series 36/2016: Doing Literature Review: The Six Steps Approach by Prof. Dr. Juhana Salim.

Please feel free to call 03-8921 3100 (Kartikha), or emailat for any inquiry.

Don’t miss this golden opportunity. For more information and registration, please click HERE

The details of the programme:

Date: 11 October 2016 (Tuesday)
Time: 8.30 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Venue: Training Room, The Graduate Centre, UKM
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Juhana Salim
Fees: RM150.00 (UKM Member)

RM 200.00 (Non UKM)

Payment Methods: Acc No: CIMB Bank Account No. 8002234307
(Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)1. Online Internet Banking;
2. Automated Teller Machine (ATM) to ATM Fund Transfer;
3. Please do not pay via cash deposit machine as it is difficult to trace the payee.Please email your receipt & details (Name, Matric No. & Workshop Title) to after the payment.



This workshop is designed to introduce the process of planning, researching, and drafting a literature review. As part of this focus, this workshop will address how to read sources critically and writing reviews that place these sources in the context of their field. This workshop will also suggest a variety of organizational patterns for literature reviews and address some major revision concerns and methods for citing sources appropriately. Other important components in this workshop include enhancing literature search skills, mapping and analyzing ideas and critical evaluation of literature. Managing secondary (or critical) resources in a given field is one of the most challenging and frustrating tasks faced by researchers. Researchers must learn a range of skills to effectively marshal and organize their research as soon as possible. One of the skills which is vital in analyzing secondary literature is the technique of questioning. As such, we must look for research and writing strategies for managing this material. By breaking this process down into six steps and incorporating Socratic method of questioning, we can begin to unpack some important aspects of secondary literature review and analysis. This workshop is designed to help participants do so.



  • To help you to critically assess research materials.
  • To help you understand and apply Socratic questioning method which is a type of pedagogy in which a series of questions are asked not only to draw individual answers, but also to encourage fundamental insight into the issue at hand.
  • To guide you on how best to use the literature in making an argument
  • To guide you on the research & writing strategies for managing secondary literature.



At the end of the workshop, participant will have acquired the following knowledge and skills:

  • Apply research and writing strategies for managing the related literature.
  • Able to examine core maps to formulate an arguments scheme and reasoning pattern in order to use these to determine ‘what is known’ about the topic.
  • Able to analyze the literature by using the Socratic technique of questioning to draw individual answers and to encourage fundamental insight into the issue at hand.
  • Able to identify/discover the premises that support/undergird your conclusion (thesis statement).
  • Able to use claims, evidences and warrants in building the case for your thesis argument.



11 Oct. 2016
8.30-9.00a.m. Registration
9.00- 10.15 Introduction to doing literature review using the six step approach.

Step I & II: Selecting the topic & Literature search

Exercises 1-3: Topic specification

10.30-12.30 Step 3: Develop the argument

Analyzing sources incorporating Socratic Method in helping students to use the literature in making an argument.

Exercise 3-4: Argument of discovery (what is known about the ares of study)

12.30-1.00 Q & A
1.00 -2.30 Lunch Break & Prayer


Step 4: Survey the literature

Exercise 5: Summary & synthesis

Step 5: Critique the literature

Exercise 6: Comparison & critique

Exercise 7: Putting it all together

4.00-4.15 Tea break
4.15 – 5.00 Strategies for writing Literature Review


Professor Dr. Juhana Salim
Centre of Artificial Intelligence
Faculty of Information Science & Technology
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia



Participants are required to bring their laptop and softcopy of the relevant articles and research proposal in order to help in answering all the exercises to be completed and presented during the workshop.

Thank you.

Come join us