The UKM Graduate Centre Workshop Series 39/2016: Systematic Literature Review with ATLAS.ti.

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 Bengkel Pusat Siswazah UKM Siri 39/2016: Systematic Literature Review with ATLAS.ti

 Para Pelajar Pascasiswazah Yang Dihormati,
Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa pihak Pusat Siswazah, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia akan menganjurkan Bengkel Pusat Siswazah UKM Siri 39/2016: Systematic Literature Review with ATLAS.ti.

Sila hubungi Puan Hazriati Hasan di talian 03-8921 3100 atau email untuk maklumat lanjut.

Untuk pendaftaran sila klik  DISINI

Butiran program seperti berikut:-
Tarikh: 12 NOVEMBER 2016 (Sabtu)
Masa: 9.00 pagi – 5.00 petang
Tempat: Bilik Latihan, Pusat Siswazah UKM
Penceramah: Puan Aznur Hajar Abdullah
Yuran: RM150.00 Warga UKM
RM200.00 Bukan Warga UKM
Kaedah Bayaran:

No. Akaun: Akaun CIMB Bank 8002234307 (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)

1. Bayaran secara Online;
2. Pemindahan wang dari ATM ke ATM;
3. Pembayaran menggunakan mesin deposit tunai adalah tidak dibenarkan.

 Sila emailkan resit bukti bayaran yang telah dibuat beserta maklumat (Nama, No. Matrik & Nama Bengkel) ke


The UKM Graduate Centre Workshop Series 39/2016: Systematic Literature Review with ATLAS.ti

Dear Postgraduate Students,

The UKM Graduate Centre is pleased to invite you to join The UKM Graduate Centre Workshop Series 39/2016: Systematic Literature Review with ATLAS.ti.

Please feel free to call 03-8921 3100 (Madam Hazriati Hasan), email at for any inquiry. 

Don’t miss this golden opportunity. For more information and registration, please click  HERE

The details of the programme:

Date: 12 NOVEMBER 2016 (Thursday)
Time: 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Venue: Training Room, The Graduate Centre, UKM
Speaker: Mrs. Aznur Hajar Abdullah
Fees: RM150.00 UKM Member
RM200.00 Non UKM Member
Payment Methods: Acc No: CIMB Bank Account No. 8002234307 (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)

1. Online Internet Banking;
2. Automated Teller Machine (ATM) to ATM Fund Transfer;
3. Please do not pay via cash deposit machine as it is difficult to trace the payee.

Please email your receipt & details (Name, Matric No. & Workshop Title) to the payment.


Systematic Literature Review with ATLAS.ti (Integrated with research planning tools for a step-by-step writing process)


ATLAS.ti software is useful for postgraduate students, researchers or anyone who wishes to manage hundreds of journal papers, e-books, articles and other digital documents more systematically. Usually, a lot of time is wasted in reading and sorting out articles, instead of transforming what we have read and written into the final outputs (e.g thesis, journal publications, seminar papers, books). For instance, Atlas.ti allows us to retrieve what we have highlighted automatically based on codes (theme) that we created, auto codes function allows us to search for specific words from hundreds of journals and many other functions that are relevant for academic and professional writing.

In this training, prior to use ATLAS.ti participants will be exposed to a step-by-step approach in writing, starting from identifying research gaps, getting the articles, organize research using K-chart (managing research in just a single sheet of paper which is useful when creating codes in ATLAS.ti), managing journals in Mendeley to be transferred to ATLAS.ti. Inserting “voice” in writing based from outputs generated from ATLAS.ti will also be highlighted. This will assist participants to better organised their ATLAS.ti outputs and make writing process more fun!

Course objectives

•       To highlight challenges in reading and writing literature review.

•       To involve participants in designing their research planning using K-chart, literature review matrix and other research planning techniques.

•       To transfer documents from Mendeley to be exported to ATLAS.ti 

•       To engage participants in creating and managing codes in ATLAS.ti 

•       To generate statements that can be used to support hypotheses and research questions/objectives using ATLAS.ti 

•       To manage writing based on outputs created from ATLAS.ti  

Aznur Hajar Abdullah is a lecturer in a private university and an active researcher. She has been teaching subjects such as Management, Study Skills, Psychology, Critical Thinking and Global Management for 12 years. She was invited to train staff and students in various institutions.  Looking at the potential benefits of ATLAS.ti  software in speeding up writing her research papers and grants proposal, she eagers to share with all.

Requirements for attending the training
1. For the training, the participants are advised to download the trial version    from  this URL before coming:
2. Based on our previous training, students who did not bring the laptop mouse have difficulties to click. Hence, its slows down the speed of the training. It is advisable to bring the laptop mouse.
3. Students need to bring along at least 10 journals that they intended to analyse in softcopy, (whether in PDF or Word or others)