9 - Poster Bengkel FEA

The UKM Graduate Centre is pleased to invite you to join The UKM Graduate Centre Workshop Series 15/2015 on ​: Basics of Finite Element Analysis (FEA): FEA made easy.

The details of the workshop are as follow:

Date : 29th July 2015 (Wednesday)
Venue : Training Room, UKM Graduate Centre
Time : 9.00 am – 5.00 pm
Speaker : Prof. Ir. Dr. Ahmad Kamal Ariffin
Fees : RM 150 (UKM students and Staff)

Those who are interested, kindly register at this LINK


This workshop is a really hands-on and problem-based learning. Execute the FEA software first, then relate to the fundamentals

At the end of the workshop, participants are expected to know;

*  What is FEA
*  Why FEA is so popular
*  Where is select the suitable FEA method
*  When to implement the FEA
*  How to incorporate into your work

Biodata of the Speaker:

Ahmad Kamal Ariffin is a Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, UKM.  He graduated with a Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering from UKM in 1990.  He then worked as an engineer before joining the Dept. of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, UKM and continued his studies in 1992.  End of 1995, he received his PhD from University of Wales Swansea under the Mechanical Engineering Department and Institute of Numerical Methods in Engineering.  Dr. Ahmad Kamal Ariffin teaches Mechanics of Materials, Computational Methods in Engineering and Finite Element Methods.

His specialty is in computational method in engineering under the area of powder mechanics, fracture mechanics, friction, corrosion, finite element/discrete element and parallels computations.   He is a Fellow of the Institute of Materials Malaysia, founder of Malaysian Association of Computational Mechanics and also member of International Association of Computational Mechanics (IACM).