Publication & Award


All accepted abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts.

Selected papers will be published in special/topical issues of indexed journals.

Journal Publication for Selected Papers:

  1. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Impact Factor (2022): 7.2
  2. Electrocatalysis Impact Factor (2022): 3.1
  3. Fuel Cells Impact Factor (2022): 2.8
  4. Chemical Engineering & Technology Impact Factor (2022): 2.1
  5. International Journal of Integrated Engineering Scopus/ECSI/MyCite indexed
  6. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment (MySE) MyCite Indexed


The Best Oral Presenter

A maximum of five presenters will be selected for the awards. All presenters will be accessed during the conference based on the topics:

  • Fuel Cells for Mobile and Stationary Systems
  • Hydrogen Technology
  • Materials
  • Life-cycle analysis & circular economy
  • Miscellaneous

The Best Poster Presenter

Three presenters will be selected for the awards.