FST Postgraduate


UKM is one of the pioneers in this field since 1999. The fundamental core knowledge in this programme includes Occupational Safety Management System, Risk and Hazard Assessment, Explosive and Fire Safety, Ergonomics, Organizational and Industrial Psychology, Radiation and Chemical Safety, Mechanical and Electrical Safety, Biological and Environmental Safety, and Environmental and Industrial Law. Course content is delivered to students through lectures, practical, fieldwork, industrial visits and research projects. Course assessment is carried out in the form of examination and quizzes, assignments, practical reports, fieldwork reports, research project reports and oral presentations. This programme is offered in executive mode and only offered once in each academic session. It is carried out in the semester system, which is 3 semesters executed on weekends. Students are required to register and pass core courses which overall carries 40 notional credits.

Ts. Dr. Ratna Suffhiyanni Omar

Programme Coordinator