Environmental conservation is the planned management of natural resources for the preservation of the environment’s diversity. The major scopes of environmental conservation include pollution control, natural resource utilisation and development, addressing issues related to global warming and climate change, managing extreme events, natural hazards, and disasters, developing in the field of environmental engineering, ecosystem management, and habitat conservation, and so forth. The research area incorporated several subjects, including science and social studies in order to identify safe production and consumption practises to reduce the negative effects of human activity on the environment.
PhD (Loughborough)
Expertise: Freshwater Ecology, freshwater taxonomy, freshwater biological monitoring, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
PhD (East Anglia)
✉️ talib@ukm.edu.my
Expertise: Air quality, atmospheric aeosols, surface ozone, volatile organic compounds
PhD (USMalaysia)
Water and Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Analytical Chemistry.
PhD (USMalaysia)
Enviromental Geophysics, Engineering Geophysics, Geothermal Exploration, Groundwater
PhD (USMalaysia)
✉️ slwee@ukm.edu.my
Expertise: Insect Behaviour, Plant-Insect Interaction, Insect Pest Management, Diptera Diversity (Tephritidae & Calliphoridae)
PhD (Texas Tech Uni USA)
✉️ julianas@ukm.edu.my
Expertise: Conservation biology, Biomechanics, Chiropterologist
PhD (UMalaya)
✉️ shahrulnadzir@ukm.edu.my
Expertise: Environmental Science, Atmospheric Science, Sensors
PhD (Cardiff)
✉️ yaacobzw@ukm.edu.my
Expertise: OEnvironmental Geology, Contaminant hydrogeology, Engineering Geology, Soil Contamination
PhD (UKMalaysia)
✉️ mardiana@ukm.edu.my
Expertise: Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Modelling, Plant Allelopathy
PhD (UMalaya)
✉️ msaifulmansor@ukm.edu.my
Expertise: Vertebrate Ecology and Evolution, Molecular Ecology, Wildlife Management
PhD (Aberdeen)
PhD (Univ. of NSW, Australia)
✉️ hazlin@ukm.edu.my
Expertise: Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Biotechnology, Microbial Ecology
PhD (UKMalaysia)
✉️ nurulain@ukm.edu.my
Expertise: Solid Waste Management