Marine science programme encompasses studies of the ocean’s physical characteristics and its resources, both living and non-living. The programme covers almost the entire sub-fields of the marine domain such as biology, physiology, ecology, diversity, and taxonomy of marine organisms (fishes, invertebrates, bacterioplankton, phytoplankton) and plants (seagrass, seaweed, macroalgae), marine biotechnology, marine chemistry, marine geology, marine remote sensing and GIS. Physical disciplines such as oceanography, marine meteorology, ocean climate are also covered in the programme.
PhD (UKMalaysia)
Taxonomy, Species Diversity, Systematics, Marine Invertebrate Biology, Biodiversity Assessment
PhD (UKMalaysia)
Expertise: Climate and Ocean Modeling, Climate Change Projection and Downscaling, Atmospheric Sciences, Numerical Weather Prediction
PhD (Hokkaido)
Expertise: Marine Remote Sensing and GIS, Oceancolour, Marine resource management
PhD (UKMalaysia)
Expertise: Meterology, climate annual variability, Climate Modelling, Atmospheric science.
PhD (Edith Cowan Uni. Australia)
Expertise: Seagrass Biology and Ecology, Blue carbon, Sediment Biogeochemistry
PhD (University of Manchester, UK)
Expertise: Marine Biology, Fish Eco-physiology, Microplastic, Climate Change, Shark Conservation
PhD (Univ. of NSW, Australia)
Expertise: Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Biotechnology, Microbial Ecology
PhD (UKMalaysia)
Molecular Taxonomy, Diatom ecology, eDNA, Phycoremediation, harmful algae
PhD (University of Wales, Bangor)
Environmental Forensics, Marine Biogeochemistry, Marine Pollution