Nuclear science fields cover the topics on changes and reactions at the nucleus level of the element; the origin and sources of various natural and man-made radiations; the effects on matter, environment and living organisms; safety aspects; law and regulations involving the usage of the nuclear technology for the benefits of mankind. Besides those areas, nuclear security and safeguard were also being part of the areas that can be studied due to global concern around the world. The discipline also integrates the knowledge from past, current and future applications of the nuclear technology in Malaysia and worldwide such as in medical, manufacturing, power generation, food and agriculture, non-destructive tests, environmental research, and consumer products.
PhD (Exeter)
Expertise: Radiation Biophysics & Nuclear Safety
PhD (UKMalaysia)
Expertise: Radiochemistry, Neutron Activation Analysis, Radiological Impact Assessment, Reactor Physics, Nuclear Physics
Expertise: Thorium and Uranium Extraction, Radiological Impact Assessment, Separation Technology, Environmental Radioactivity, Nuclear Engineering
PhD (Padova)
Expertise: High Energy Physics, Particle Physics, Data analysis, Nuclear and Atomic Physics, Plasma Physics
PhD (Cambridge)
Expertise: Experimental High Energy Physics
PhD (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Expertise: Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear Reactor, Nuclear Materials, Nuclear Ceramic, Radiation Environment
PhD (Queensland)
Expertise: Radiation Chemistry
PhD (UTMalaysia)
Expertise: Nuclear Physics, Medical Physics, Radiation Protection, Computed Tomography, Thermoluminescence
PhD (Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology)
Expertise: Radioactive Waste Management, Waste Immobilization, Environmental Radioactivity, Environmental Monitoring, Radiation Safety
PhD (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology,
Expertise: Medical Physics, Radiotherapy, Radiation Biology, Radiation Dosimetry, Nanomedicine