FST Postgraduate


Thesis Submission & Oral Examination
  • Final Thesis Submission 

Please submit ONE hardcopy all this items to counter of Postgraduate Study Secretariat, FST) 

      1. Amended Thesis
      2. Form and Checklist for Submission of the Amended Thesis 
      3. Acknowledgement of Assessment of the Amended Thesis from Internal Examiner
      4. Acknowledgement of Assessment of the Amended Thesis from External Examiner(jika berkaitan)
      5. Declaration of Master / Doctor of Philosophy Thesis
      6. Acknowledgment of Acceptance of the Thesis / Dissertation / Research Report for Keeping 
      7. Writing Thesis According to Gaya UKM: List of Common Mistakes
      8. Student Publication Verification after Thesis Correction
      9. Front Page of Each Article with SCOPUS / WoS Index (accepted / published)
        • Doctor of Philosophy (at least 2 articles)
        • Master (at least 1 articles)
          • Intake 2014/2015 – 2017/2018 academic session – Scopus / ISI index
          • Intake 2018/2019 academic session – Scopus / WoS index
          • Intake 2019/2020 – now academic session – WoS index

Maklumat Aktiviti Penglibatan Pelajar

Beban Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran

Expertise in various field of science and technology and encourage cross discipline research

Strategic location in Klang Valley, Malaysia.

UKM is a leading research University in the country

Expertise in various field of science and technology and encourage cross discipline research
