
Research Center for History, Politics and International Affairs


Mohd Irwan Syazli Saidin

Dr. Mohd Irwan Syazli Saidin


Telephone: 03-89215711
Email: irwansyazli@ukm.edu.my

Academic Website:






Bachelor of Social Science (Political Science) [Distinction], School of Politics, History and Strategic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, National University of Malaysia (UKM), 2008-2011.

Master of Science in the Social Sciences (Global Politics) [Merit], Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Southampton, United Kingdom, 2012-2013.

Doctor of Philosophy in Middle East Politics, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, College of Social Sciences and International Studies, University of Exeter, United Kingdom, 2014-2018.

Title of Ph.D. thesis:  “Between Revolution and Political Stability: The Perceptions and Influences of the Arab Uprisings among the Islamist Movements in Malaysia”. https://ore.exeter.ac.uk/repository/handle/10871/34687

Examiners: Associate Professor Jonathan Githen-Mazer, University of Exeter, United Kingdom & Associate Professor Vincent Durac, University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland.

Supervisors: Dr Lise Storm & Dr Eleanor Gao, University of Exeter, United Kingdom.

Title of MSc Dissertation: “Arab Spring and the new wave of Democratisation: A Comparative Case Studies of 2010-2011 Egyptian and Tunisian Revolutions”

Supervisor: Dr John Glenn


Political Science


Arab Uprisings, Islam dan Politik, Gerakan dan Parti Islam Kontemporari, Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara


Journal articles

  1. Mohd Irwan Syazli Saidin. (2018). Revolution in the Contemporary Muslim World: Review of the 1979 Iran’s Revolution And The 2011 Arab Uprisings. Jebat: Malaysian Journal of History, Politics & Strategic Studies. Vol. 45 (2) December 2018: 104-125. http://ejournal.ukm.my/jebat/article/view/29211
  2. Mohd Irwan Syazli Saidin. (2018). Perceptions and Influences of the Arab Spring towards the Malaysian Islamic Youth Movement. Akademika 88(1),           April. 2018: 91-106. DOI.org/10.17576/akad-2018-8801-07.http://ejournal.ukm.my/akademika/article/view/17489
  3. Mohd Irwan Syazli Saidin. (2018). Rethinking the ‘Arab Spring’: The Root Causes of the Tunisian Jasmine Revolution and Egyptian January 25 Revolution. International Journal of Islamic Thought. Vol. 13 (June). 69-79. http://www.ukm.my/ijit/volume-13-june-2018/
  4. Mohd Irwan Syazli Saidin. (2018). The Arab Spring Through Malaysian Youth ‘Eyes’: Knowledge, Perceptions and Influences. Mediterranean Journal of            Social Sciences. 9(1) January. 121-135. Doi: 10.2478/mjss-2018-0012.http://www.mcser.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/view/10147
  5. Mohd Irwan Syazli Saidin et all. (2016). Arab-Israeli Six-Day War 1967 through the Perspective of the Realism Theory. International Journal of Islamic Thought. 9 (June): 18-31. http://www.ukm.my/ijit/volume-9-june-2016/


  1. Mohd Irwan Syazli Saidin. (2020). The Arab Uprisings and Malaysia’s Islamist Movements: Influence, Impact and Lessons. London and New York: Routledge Taylor and Francis. https://www.routledge.com/The-Arab-Uprisings-and-Malaysias-Islamist-Movements-Influence-Impact/Saidin/p/book/9780367423551

Review articles

Mohd Irwan Syazli Saidin. (2019). The Arab Uprisings and Worldwide Responses: A Review of the Literature. Intellectual Discourse, 27(2), 665–678. https://journals.iium.edu.my/intdiscourse/index.php/islam/article/view/1439

Mohd Irwan Syazli Saidin. (2019). Will There Be Malaysia Spring? A Comparative Assessment on Social Movements. Akademika, 89(2), 213-214.


Book reviews

Mohd Irwan Syazli Saidin. (2018). Democracy and Reform in the Middle East and Asia: Social Protest and Authoritarian Rule after the Arab Spring, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies.  Vol. 45 (5): 865-866.


Mohd Irwan Syazli Saidin. (2018). ‘Arab Spring’: Faktor dan Impak. Edited by Wan Kamal Mujani & Siti Nurulizah Musa. Bangi: Penerbit Fakulti Pengajian Islam, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. 2015, pp. 164. Intellectual Discourse, Vol. 26 (2): 952-955. http://journals.iium.edu.my/intdiscourse/index.php/islam/article/view/1244

Chapter in book

Mohd Irwan Syazli Saidin and Wan Kamal Mujani. (2015). The Arab Spring and Theories of Democratization. In Wan Kamal Mujani and Siti Nurulizah Musa, ‘Arab Spring’: Faktor dan Impak. Bangi: Penerbit UKM. pp 71-79.


Conference proceedings

Mohd Irwan Syazli Saidin et all. (2014). New wave of Democratization: The Case of Tunisian and Egyptian Revolutions. International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technology for Education.168-170.  https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/icaicte-14/13503

Popular writings (English, Arabic and Turkish)

 Mohd Irwan Syazli Saidin. (2019). Kuala Lumpur Summit 2019: A New Stage to Address Muslims Issues? https://research.sharqforum.org/2019/12/25/kuala-lumpur-summit-2019-a-new-stage-to-address-muslims-issues/

Mohd Irwan Syazli Saidin. (2018). Malezyalılar İslamcılara mı Oy verdi? 2018  Genel Seçimlerinde PAS ve AMANAH Partileri Hakkında Değerlendirmeler. AlSharq Forum.


Mohd Irwan Syazli Saidin. (2018). هل صوَّت المال ي ز يون للإسلاميي ن ؟ تأملات في أداء لحزب إلاسلامي المال ي ز ي وحزب الامٔانة الوطنية في  الانتخابات العامة لعام 2018. AlSharq Forum. https://www.sharqforum.org/2018/11/05

Mohd Irwan Syazli Saidin. (2018). Did Malaysian Vote Islamist? Reflections on PAS and AMANAH in the 2018 General Election. AlSharq Forum. https://www.sharqforum.org/2018/11/05/did-malaysians-vote-islamists-

Newspaper articles (Malay language)

Mohd Irwan Syazli Saidin (2018). PRU ke 14 Dari Kaca Mata Penuntut UK. Sinar Harian Online.

Mohd Irwan Syazli Saidin. (2017). Apa Khabar Syria Sekarang. Sinar Harian Online.

Mohd Irwan Syazli Saidin. (2017). Syria Bak ‘Padang Jarak Padang Tekukur’. Berita Harian.

Mohd Irwan Syazli Saidin. (2016). Menyoroti Detik Hitam Peristiwa Nakba. Berita Harian.

Mohd Irwan Syazli Saidin. (2015). Peralihan Demokrasi Dunia Arab Penuh Pergolakan. Berita Harian.

Mohd Irwan Syazli Saidin. (2014). Cabaran Berpuasa dan Beraya di Kota London. Sinar Harian Online.

Conferences and seminars

The Third International Conference on Current Trends in the Middle East, 6-8 December 2019, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Participant.

Asia on the Move Conference, 5-7 November 2018, University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway. Participant.

International Conference on Political Parties in the Age of Populism, 26-27 April 2018, University of Birmingham, UK. Participant.

Annual Asia and the Middle East Conference, 11-13 April 2018. Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Presenter

International Congress On Political, Economy and Social Studies (ICPESS) 19-22 May 2017. International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Presenter

International Conference:  Economic & Social Research Council Postgraduate Conference, 17 June 2016. Liverpool ACC Conference Centre, Albert Dock, Liverpool, United Kingdom. Presenter

International Colloquium: 5 Years After the Arab Uprisings: The Implosion of Social Movements?            10 June 2016. Birkbeck Institute for Social Research, University of London, United Kingdom. Participant.

International Conference: After the Uprisings: Political, Economic, and Social Transformations in the Middle East and North Africa, 31 May 2016, The University of Edinburgh, School of Social and Political Science, Edinburgh, Scotland. Presenter

International Conference: A Comparative Approach Towards Political Transition in the Middle East & North Africa and Southeast Asia, 19-21 November 2015.The University of Le Havre’s Faculty of International Affairs, Le Havre, France. Presenter

School of Social Science and International Studies – Postgraduate Conference in Politics and International Relations, 01 May 2015. The Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter, United Kingdom, Participant.


International Political Science Association (IPSA), Canada, 2016- present.

British Society of Middle East Studies (BRISMES), UK, 2014 – present.

The Middle East Institute (MEI), Washington, 2014-2015.

British Library, 2014-present.

Research languages

Malay (Native), English (Advanced), Arabic (Intermediate), Turkish (Beginner)


Arabic Course (Intermediate B1), Tunisia Language Centre, 2018-2019.

Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Program (LTHE) Stage 1. University of Exeter, UK. 2017.

Exeter University Open Day – Student Marshall, 2017.

Turkish Course for Beginner, University of Exeter. 2015.

Lifelong Learning English Course, University of Southampton, 2013.

IELTS Preparation Course (Upper-Intermediate Level B2), Southampton Language College, 2013.

Talent Acceleration in Public Service (TAPS), 2012.

University Book Prize, 2011 UKM Graduation Ceremony.

Dean’s List Awards, UKM. 2009-2011.


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