
Research Center for History, Politics and International Affairs


Chin Kok Fay

Dr. Chin Kok Fay: Senior Lecturer in Strategy ProgrammeDSC_0609


Ext: 3127
Email: kfchin@ukm.edu.my

Academic Qualification
Ph.D., Graduate Institute of Political Economy, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.
Master’s degree in Economics, University of Malaya.
Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) majoring in Economics, University of Malaya.

Area of Specialisation
International political economy and development economics

Research Interests
Finance, trade and industrialisation.
Political economy of international financial reform.
Financial globalisation, financial crisis and national security.


Scholastic Achievements

  1. University Senior Scholarship 1989/90 awarded by University of Malaya for outstanding Second Year Examination results in 1990.
  2. Taiwan’s Government Scholarship awarded by the Ministry of Education, Republic of China for PhD programme, 2006-2009.
  3. NCKU Distinguished International Student Award for Post-Graduate (August 2009-July 2010), awarded by National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan for outstanding performance in PhD coursework.


  1. 2000 (with Jomo, K. S.) ‘Financial Sector Rents in Malaysia’, in Jomo K. S. and Mushtaq Khan (eds) Rents, Rent-Seeking and Economic Development: Theory and Evidence in Asia, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 304-26. [ISBN 0-521-78866-8]
  2. 2001 ‘Financing Manufacturing in Malaysia: Experience, Issues and Challenges’, in Jomo K. S. (ed.), Southeast Asia’s Industrialisation: Industrial Policy, Capabilities and Sustainability, Palgrave, Basingstoke: 222-246. [ISBN 0-333-79205-X]
  3. 2002 (with Kristen Nordhaug) ‘Why Were There Differences in the Resilience of Malaysia and Taiwan to Financial Crisis?’ European Journal of Development Research, Vol. 14, No. 1, June: 77-100.
  4. 2003 (with Jomo K. S.) ‘From Financial Liberalization To Crisis in Malaysia’, in Lee Chung H. (ed.) Financial Liberalisation and Economic Crisis in Asia, Routlege, London: 104-132. [ISBN 0-415-28812-6]
  5. 2004 ‘Malaysia’s Post-Crisis Bank Restructuring’, in Jomo K. S. (ed) After The Storm: Crises, Recovery And Sustaining Development In Four Asian Economies, Singapore University Press, Singapore: 204-229 [ISBN 9971-69-286-4]
  6. 2005 (with Wong Sook Ching and Jomo K. S.) Malaysian “Bail Outs”? Capital Controls, Restructuring and Recovery, Singapore University Press, Singapore [ISBN 9971-69-319-4]
  7. 2006 ‘East Asian Monetary and Financial Cooperation: The Long Road Ahead’, in Louis-Philippe Rochon and Sergio Rossi (eds) Monetary and Exchange Rate Systems: A Global View over Financial Crises, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, US: Eward Elgar.
  8. 2011 ‘Whither Financial Regionalism Among ASEAN+3?’, in Malaysian Journal of History, Politics and Strategic Studies, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 49-61..
  9. 2012 ‘Global Financial Crisis: From Policy Response to Social Movements’, Journal of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 57-72.
  10. 2013 ‘Financialisation of Healthcare Reform in Malaysia: Ethical Issues and Challenges’, proceeding: 13th Asian Bioethics Conference and the 6th UNESCO Asia-Pacific School of Ethics Roundtable “Bioethics and Life: Security, Science and Society”

Professional Affiliations

  1. Asia Pasific Forum On Ethics And Social Justice Malaysia (Vice President)
  2. International Development Economic Associates (member)
  3. International Studies Association (member)




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