
Research Center for History, Politics and International Affairs


Zarina Othman

Professor Dr. Zarina Othman (Zarina @ Zairina Othman)DSC_0673


Ext: 3267
Email: zaiothman02@gmail.com (preferred), zo@ukm.edu.my

Strategic Studies and International Relations Programme,
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,
University Kebangsaan Malaysia,
Bangi 43600, Selangor, MALAYSIA.



2002 – PhD (University of Denver, Colo.)
1996 – MA (University of Denver, Colo.)
1988 – BSc (University of Wisconsin-Green Bay)

Area of Specialisation

International Relations & Comparative Politics
Security Studies

Research Interests
Human Security; Non-traditional Security Issues; East Asian Regional Security; National Security

Recent Selected Publications:

  1. Zarina Othman and Nor Azizan Idris. Illicit Drugs as Human Security Threat in East Asia. In Siriporn Wajjwalku, Kong Chong Ho and Osamu Yoshida (Eds.). 2016. Advancing the Regional Commons in the New East Asia. London & New York: Routdledge: 29-52 (ISBN: 978-1-138-89250-7).
  2. Zarina Othman and Nor Azizan Idris (Eds.). 2015. Migration and Security. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka (in Malay) (ISBN: 978-983-490055-7)
  3. Sity Daud, Zarina@Zairina Othman and Rashila Ramli. 2015. Human Security and Peace in Archipelagic Southeast Asia. Bangi: UKM Press (ISBN: 978-967-412-131-0).
  4. Guido Benny. Ravichandran Moorthy, Sity Daud and Zarina Othman. 2015. Perceived Elitist and State-Centric Regional Integration Process: Impact on Public Opinions for the Formation of ASEAN Community. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. 6(2): 203-212.
  5. Zarina Othman. Human Security Concept, Approaches and Debates in Southeast Asia. In Zhu Chengshan and Liu Cheng. (Eds.). 2014. Facing Global Environmental Change: Environmental, Human, Energy, Food, Health and Water Security Concepts. Nanjing: Nanjing University Press. 198-216. (translation, in Mandarin) (ISBN: 978-75533-0652-0)
  6. Bakri Mat and Zarina Othman. 2014. Regional Cooperation in Addressing Food Security Issues in Southeast Asia: Malaysia’s Perspectives. Geografia: Malaysian Journal of Society and Space. 10 (6):37-47.
  7. Saley Idrissa Ibrahim, Zarina Othman and Nor Azizan Idris. 2014. The Decay and Withering Away of ECOWAS`s Role in West African Regional Security. Geografia: Malaysian Journal of Society and Space. 10 (3):188-200.
  8. Zarina Othman. Neorealisme and Institutionalisme in War and Peace. In Ghazali Mayudin, Jamaie Hamil, Sity Daud, Zaini Othman. (Eds.). 2014. Democracy, Leadership & Security in Malaysia’s Politics. Bangi: UKM Press. 198-216. (ISBN: 978-967-942-715-8) (in Malay).
  9. Rashila Ramli, Zarina Othman, Nor Azizan Idris and Sity Daud. 2012. Towards a Modified Approach to Human Security in Southeast Asia – A Perspective from Bangi. Pertanika. Vol.20 (3): 577-588.
  10. Hazita Azman, Bahiyah Abdul Hamid and Zarina Othman. (Eds.). 2011. Malaysian Youth in the Global World: Issues and Challenges. Bangi: UKM Press (ISBN: 978-967-942-958-9).
  11. Nor Azizan Idris, Zarina @ Zairina Othman, Rashila Ramli. 2011. Social Constructivism and Malaysia’s International Relations. Akademika: Journal of Southeast Asia Social Sciences and Humanities. 81 (1): 39-50 (in Malay)
  12. Zarina Othman. Human Security Concepts, Debates and Approaches in Southeast Asia. In Hans Gunter Brauch, et.al. (Eds.). 2009. Facing Global Environmental Change: Environmental, Human, Energy, Food, Health and Water Security Concepts (Vol.4). Germany: AFES-Springer Press (Hexagon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace): 1037-1048 (ISBN: 978-3-540-68487-9)
  13. Zarina Othman. 2009. Myanmar (Burma): Born to be a “Narco State”? Asian Profile. 37 (1): 67-68.
  14. Nor Azizan Idris and Zarina Othman. 2009. From ‘Non-Interference’ to ‘Constructive Engagement’: Contemporary Malaysia-Myanmar Relations. Tamkang Journal of International Affairs. XII (IV): 1-42.
  15. Zarina Othman. Human (In)security, Human Trafficking and Security in Malaysia. In Karen Beeks and Delila Amir (Eds.). 2006. Trafficking and the Global Sex industry. Lanham, Md: Lexington Books: 41-60 (ISBN: 978-0-7391-1312-7)

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