AUAP Research Fund 2022

The purpose is to promote and enhance mutually beneficial cooperation among educational institutions in relevant areas, and is dedicated to rendering such services to its member/ Non- AUAP Member institutions. The research funding initiative is a testimony to seriously implementing the mission of the AUAP, which is to promote a culture of quality, innovation and research in the higher education sectors in the Asia and the Pacific region.

AUAP Members and Non-Members Universities/ Institutions are invited to submit proposals as per prescribed application form for availing of the research grant offered by the AUAP following this Call for Proposals.

The objective of the AUAP Funding for ‘Research Capacity Building’ is to ensure research collaboration, networking facility, mobility etc., among the member institutions of the AUAP.  The initiative has been taken to encourage and facilitate the building of a research culture in order to achieve implementable research projects for capacity building of the members. Please find a Call for Research Grant 2022 and the enclosed Application Form.

A maximum amount of US$ 5,000 will be awarded to the best research project from the chosen research project proposal.  The 1st Runner  Up and the 2nd Runner Up and Top 4-10 will also be awarded depending on the sources of funds from Members and Non Members institutions. The deadline to submit the proposal is on September 30, 2022 at 23.59 pm., Bangkok time, Thailand.

Registration link:   https://forms.gle/aYrrHKLV1FKjS9am9

For more information please contact the Secretariat through email auapresearchfund@gmail.com or Phone, What’sAPP and Viber +66 85 768 7474.


Fund Detail 

Application form