
Regenerative Medicine & Healthy Aging



Ageing and degenerative diseases research group consists of researchers who focus on investigating the molecular changes that occur with ageing and degenerative diseases. We use various models of ageing in our study such as human diploid fibroblasts (HDF), myoblasts, cardiomyocytes, osteoblasts and osteoclasts, Caenorhabditis elegans, zebra fish, aged rats and mice, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae in elucidating the molecular and cellular changes in ageing and degenerative diseases besides doing human study. Our group has also developed an in vitro model of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) which carries the wild-type and mutant form of APP gene. This model mimics in vivo AD due to the presence of elevated amyloid-beta protein. Besides focusing on degenerative diseases such as AD and sarcopenia, Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is another field of research of our group members. We are also actively involved in elucidating the molecular mechanisms of natural compounds such as palm tocotrienols, microalgae Chlorella vulgaris, gelam honey, Piper betle, Gynura procumbens and Zingiber officinale Roscoe (ginger) in delaying ageing with emphasis on intracellular signaling pathways and its regulation by genes, transcription factors and micro RNAs. Various omics platforms such as genomics, proteomics and metabolomics are applied in trying to identify the compound that can be used to delay ageing and prevent degenerative diseases.

  1. Prof. Dr. Suzana Makpol (suzanamakpol@ppukm.ukm.edu.my) Biochemistry SCOPUS, Google Scholar, UKM
  2. Prof. Dr. Norzana Abd Ghafar (norzana@ukm.edu.my) Anatomy SCOPUS, Google Scholar, UKM
  3. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Goon Jo Aan (joaan@ukm.edu.my) Biochemistry SCOPUS, Google Scholar, UKM
  4. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zakiah Jubri (zakiah.jubri@ppukm.ukm.edu.my) Biochemistry SCOPUS, Google Scholar, UKM
  5. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Hanafi Ahmad Damanhuri(hanafi.damanhuri@ppukm.ukm.edu.my) Biochemistry SCOPUS, Google Scholar, UKM
  1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azman Abdullah (azman.abdullah@ppukm.ukm.edu.my) Pharmacology SCOPUS, Google Scholar, UKM
  2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chan Lai Fong (laifchan@ppukm.ukm.edu.my) Psychiatry SCOPUS, Google Scholar,
  3. Dr. Noor Akmal Shareela Ismail (nasismail@ukm.edu.my) Biochemistry SCOPUS, Google Scholar, UKM
  4. Dr. Khaizurin Tajul Arifin (khaizurin@ukm.edu.my) Biochemistry SCOPUS, Google Scholar, UKM
  5. Dr. Ekram Alias (ekram.alias@ppukm.ukm.my) Biochemistry SCOPUS, Google Scholar,
  6. Dr. Jaya Kumar Murthy (jayakumar@ukm.edu.my) Physiology SCOPUS, Google Scholar, UKM
  7. Dr. Tan Jen Kit (jenkittan@ukm.edu.my) Biochemistry Google Scholar, UKM
  8. Dr. Muhammad Luqman Nasaruddin (mlnasaruddin@ukm.edu.my) Biochemistry SCOPUS, Google Scholar, UKM
  9. Dr. Norwahidah Abdul Karim (wahida2609@gmail.com) Biochemistry SCOPUS, Google Scholar, UKM
  10. Dr. Luke Woon Sy-Cherng (lukewoon@ukm.edu.my) Psychiatry SCOPUS, Google Scholar, UKM
  11. Dr. Mariati Abdul Rahman (mariati_ar@ukm.edu.my) Craniofacial Diagnostics and Biosciences, Faculty of Dentistry SCOPUS, Google Scholar, UKM


We are looking for Postgraduate Master or PhD Students and Post-doctoral fellow who are highly motivated and who are curious to know more about ageing and degenerative diseases. If you are interested to join our team, please contact:

Name: Professor Dr. Suzana Makpol (Group leader)

Email: suzanamakpol@ppukm.ukm.edu.my


1: Faizul Jaafar, Lina Wati Durani, Suzana Makpol. 2020. Chlorella Vulgaris modulates the expression of senescence-associated genes in replicative senescence of human diploid fibroblasts. Molecular Biology Reports, 47: 369-379. WOS, SCOPUS, ERA.                                   

2: Hajira Ramlan, Mohd Hanafi Ahmad Damanhuri. 2020. Effects of age on feeding response: focus on the rostral C1 neuron and its glucoregulatory proteins. Experimental Gerontology, 129: 1-9. WOS, SCOPUS, ERA.

3: Nurul Saadah Ahmad, Toh Leong Tan, Khaizurin Tajul Arifin, Wan Zurinah Wan Ngah, Yasmin Anum Mohd Yusof. 2020. High sPLA2-IIA level is associated with eicosanoid metabolism in patients with bacterial sepsis syndrome. PLoS One, 15(9): 1-13. WOS, SCOPUS, ERA, MyCite.                                               

4: Siti Bazilah Zulkefli, Ahmad Nazrun Shuid, Goon Jo Aan. 2020. Role of insulin/insulin- like growth factor-1 signaling pathway genes on the lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans.  International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(2): 1762-1786.  SCOPUS.

5: Aslina Pahrudin Arrozi, Siti Nur Syazwani Shukri, Wan Zurinah Wan Ngah, Yasmin Anum Mohd Yusof, Mohd Hanafi Ahmad Damanhuri, Faizul Jaafar & Suzana Makpol. 2020.  Comparative effects of alpha- and gamma- tocopherol on mitochondrial functions in Alzheimer’s disease in vitro model. Scientific Reports, 10: 1-14. WOS, SCOPUS, ERA.

6: Asiah Budiman, Goon Jo Aan, Wan Roslina Wan Rosli, Norfaizatul Shalida Omar. 2020.  Comparing antioxidant capacity and neuroprotective effects of phaleria macrocarpa fruit extracts and tocotrienol rich fraction in human neuroblastoma cells. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 12(3): 2109-2116. SCOPUS.

7: Hajira Ramlan, Norrul Izuhan Shafri, Suzaily Wahab, Mohammad Arif Kamarudin, Roslee Rajikan, Noor Alaudin Abdul Wahab, Hanafi Ahmad Damanhuri. 2020. Depression, anxiety and stress in medical students: an early observation analysis. Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology, 8(2): 1-16. SCOPUS.

8: Noor Akmal Shareela Ismail, Nurul Syafinaz Ramli, Nur Hana Hamzaid, Nurul Izzaty Hassan. 2020. Exploring eating and nutritional challenges for children with autism spectrum disorder: parents and special educators’ perceptions. Nutrients, 12: 1-17.  WOS, SCOPUS, ERA.

9: Gnaiger Erich, Aasander Frostner Eleonor, Abdul Karim Norwahidah, Abdel-Rahman Engy Ali, Abumrad Nada A, Acuna-Castroviejo Dario, Adiele Reginald C, Ahn Bumsoo, Alencar Mayke Bezerra, Ali Sameh S, Almeida Angeles, Alton Lesley. 2020. Mitochondrial physiology. Bioenergetics Communications, 1: 1-44.

10: Khairul Anwar Zarkasi, Satirah Zainal Abidin, Tan Jen Kit, Nur Haleeda Hakimi, Nur Zuliani Ramli and Zakiah Jubri. 2020. Tocotrienol-rich fraction modulates cardiac metabolic profile changes in isoprenaline-induced myocardial infarction rats. Sains Malaysiana, 49(2): 357-373. WOS, SCOPUS, ERA, MyCite.

11: Nur Fatin Nabilah Mohd Sahardi, Faizul Jaafar, Mariam Firdhaus Mad Nordin, and Suzana Makpol. 2020. Zingiber Officinale roscoe prevents cellular senescence of myoblasts in culture and promotes muscle regeneration. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2020: 1-13. WOS, 3SCOPUS, ERA.

12: Suzana Makpol, Nur Fathiah Abdul Sani, Nur Haleeda Hakimi, Nazirah Ab Rani, Siti Nor Asyikin Zakaria, Ahmad Fais Abd Rasid, Geetha Gunasekaran, Nur Fatin Nabilah Mohd Sahardi, Jen Kit Tan, Norzana Abd Ghafar and Mariam Firdhaus Mad Nordin.  2020. Zingiber officinale roscoe prevents DNA damage and improves muscle performance and bone integrity in old sprague dawley rats. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2020: 1-18. WOS, SCOPUS, ERA.

13: Noor Akmal Shareela Ismail, Nurul Izzaty Hassan, Nur Hana Hamzaid, Nurul Syafinaz Ramli. 2020. Anak autism, nak makan apa? Youth Commerce, First Edition, 52 pages.

14: Ibrahim N.I, Yahaya M.F., Mohamed, W., Teoh, S.L., Hui, C.K., Kumar, J. Pharmacotherapy of Alzheimer’s Disease: Seeking clarity in a time of uncertainty. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2020, 11: 261.

15: Hanim A, Mohamed IN, Mohamed RPM, Das S, Nor NSM, Harun RA, Kumar J. mTORC and PKCε in Regulation of Alcohol Use Disorder. Mini Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2020 (Accepted).

16: Kumar J, Das S; Serum neurofilament light chain (NF-L) level as a biomarker of neurodegeneration and predictor of white-matter (WM) abnormality progression; a letter to editor. European Journal of Neurology, 2020.

17: Amid AA, Aminuddin A, Yunus MHM, Kumar J, Hui CK, Ugusman A. Antioxidative and anti-inflammatory activities of polygonum minus: a review of literature. Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, 2020.

18: Kamil K, Yazid MD, Idrus RBH, Kumar J. Hydroxytyrosol Promotes Proliferation of Human Schwann Cells: an in vitro study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020.

19: Kumar J, Das S; The effect of alcohol level on male and female drivers: Important facts; a letter to editor. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 214 (2020): 108146.

20: Prom-in, S.; Kaewsrichan, J.; Wangpradit, N.; Kien Hui, C.; Yahaya, M.F.; Kamisah, Y.; Kumar, J. Abelmoschus Esculentus (L.) Moench’s Peel Powder Improves High-Fat-Diet-Induced Cognitive Impairment in C57BL/6J Mice. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 5513.

21: Amilia Aminuddin, Md Rizman Md Lazin Md Lazim, Adila A. Hamid, Chua Kien Chua, Mohd Heikal Mohd Yunus, Jaya Kumar and Azizah Ugusman; The Association between Inflammation and Pulse Wave Velocity in Dyslipidemia: An Evidence-Based Review. Mediators of Inflammation, 2020.

22: Wangpradit N, Prom-in S, Kumar J, Hui Chua K, Ugusman A, Kamisah Y, et al. Hepatoprotective Effect of Germinated Sang-Yod Rice in Obese Mice. Austin J Nutr Metab. 2020; 7(2): 1080.

23: Wangpradit N, Prom-in S, Kumar J, Chua KH, Kaewsrichan J (2020) Decrease of microglia and fatty liver in obese mice by germinated Sang-Yod rice. Glob J Obes Diabetes Metab Syndr 7(2): 036-041.

24: Wangpradit N, Prom-in S, Kumar J, Chua KH, Ugusman A, et al. (2020) Modulation of Spatial Learning and Memory of Obese Mice by Germinated Sang-Yod Rice. J Nutri Med Diet Care 6:042.

25: Haziq Kamal, Gok Chin Tan, Siti Fatimah Ibrahim, Mohd. Farooq Shaikh, Isa Naina Mohamed, Rashidi M. Pakri Mohamed, Adila A Hamid, Azizah Ugusman, Jaya Kumar (2020) Alcohol Use Disorder, Neurodegeneration, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease: Interplay between Oxidative Stress, Neuroimmune Response, and Excitotoxicity. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 14: 282.

26: Mariati Abdul Rahman, Didi Erwandi Mohamad Haron, Robert J. Hollows, Zuleen Delina Fasya Abdul Ghani, Mustafa Ali Mohd, Wen Lin Chai, Ching Ching Ng, Munn Sann Lye, Saiful Anuar Karsani, Lee Fah Yap And Ian C. Paterson. (2020). Profiling Lysophosphatidic Acid Levels In Plasma From Head And Neck Cancer Patients. – Peerj. 1-17.

27: Niederkrotenthaler, T., Gunnell, D., Arensman, E., Pirkis, J, Appleby, L, Hawton, K., John. A, Kapur. N, Khan. M, O’Connor. R, Platt. S., & Chan, L. F. et al. (International COVID-19 Suicide Prevention Research Collaboration). Suicide research, prevention and Covid-19: towards a global response. Crisis. (Published online 27 July 2020). (ISI Q2; Scopus)

28: Gunnell, D., Appleby, L., Arensman, E., Hawton, K., John, A., Kapur, N., … & Chan, L. F. (COVID-19 Suicide Prevention Research Collaboration) (2020). Suicide risk and prevention during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Lancet Psychiatry, 7(6), 468-471. (ISI, Q1; Scopus)

29: Levis, B., Sun, Y., He, C, & Chan L.F., et al. [Depression Screening Data (DEPRESSD) PHQ Collaboration] (2020). Accuracy of the PHQ-2 Alone and in Combination With the PHQ-9 for Screening to Detect Major Depression: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA, 323(22), 2290–2300. (ISI, Q1; Scopus)

30: Asmaa Abdullah, Nuraqila Mohd Murshid, Suzana Makpol. 2020. Antioxidant Modulation of mTOR and Sirtuin Pathways in Age-Related Neurodegenerative Diseases. Molecular Neurobiology 2020, 57(12): 5193-5207

31: Nuraqila Mohd Murshid, Faridah Aminullah Lubis, Suzana Makpol. 2020. Epigenetic changes and its intervention in age-related neurodegenerative diseases. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology 2020 (Online First)

32: Chun Min Tan, Nadwa Aqeela Mohd Najib, Nur Farahin Suhaimi, Nur Alia Halid, Vi Vien Cho, Saiful Idham Abdullah, Muhammad Zulhilmi Ismail, Shy Cian Khor, Faizul Jaafar, Suzana Makpol. 2021. Modulation of Ki67 and myogenic regulatory factors expression by tocotrienol-rich fraction ameliorates myogenic program of senescent human myoblasts. Archives of Medical Science, April 2021, 17(3): (Online First)

33: Nasaruddin M.L., Syed Abd Halim S.A., Kamaruzzaman M.A. Studying the Relationship of Intermittent Fasting and β-Amyloid in Animal Model of Alzheimer’s Disease: A Scoping Review. Nutrients2020, 12, 3215.

34: Nurul S Zulkiflee, Siti Amilia Awang, Woo Xian Ming, Muhammad Fauzan Wira’i Kamilan, M Yuveneshwari Mariappan, Tan Jen Kit. 2020 In silico docking of vitamin E isomers on transport proteins. Current computer-aided drug design. 16 (4): 467-472. (IF 0.935)

35: Nur Zuliani Ramli, Mohamad Fairuz Yahaya, Ikuo Tooyama, Hanafi Ahmad Damanhuri. A Mechanistic Evaluation of Antioxidant Nutraceuticals on Their Potential against Age-Associated Neurodegenerative Diseases.Antioxidants 2020: 9 (10), 1019

36: Lee, Y., Brietzke, E., Cao, B, Chen, Y., Linnaranta, O., Mansur, R.B., Chan, L.F., (GACD) Mental Health Guidelines (2020). Development and implementation of guidelines for the management of depression, by economic status: a systematic review. Bulletin of the World Health Organisation, 98, 683–697H

37: Wu, Y., Levis, B., Ioannidis, J. P., Benedetti, A.,Thombs, B. D.,  & Chan L.F., et al. [Depression Screening Data (DEPRESSD) Collaboration] (2020). Probability of Major Depression Classification Based on the SCID, CIDI, and MINI Diagnostic Interviews: A Synthesis of Three Individual Participant Data Meta-Analyses. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, doi: 10.1159/000509283