Prof. Dr. Noor Azah Abd Aziz

Prof. Dr. Noor Azah Abd Aziz

Community Stroke Care

Mini Biography

Noor Azah Abd Aziz is a Professor in Family Medicine at Faculty of Medicine, UKM. Graduated from USM (MD,1995), Doctor in Medicine (Family Medicine) UKM (DrFamMed, UKM, 2002), MPhil from University of Nottingham in Disability & Ageing (2007), she has been with UKM since 2000 doing clinical works, academic, researching and administrating. She is currently a fellow at Cambridge University (Department of Primary Care & Public Health), United Kingdom and University of Nottingham (Disability & Ageing) United Kingdom. Throughout her 24 years’ career in medicine and academic, she has published more than 90 papers on various issues of family medicine and had given more than 100 talks local and internationally. She has supervised five PhD projects and more than 50 Masters of Family Medicine projects in fields of long-term stroke, stroke rehabilitation and issues in primary care. She is well-known local and internationally for developing a comprehensive management for stroke patients in the community, especially involving multi-disciplinary care approach, secondary prevention, further rehabilitation in community and use of technology for care of stroke in the community. She is passionate about cardiovascular risk factors, elderly health, healthy living, women health and rehabilitative medicine. She is a believer of prevention is better than cure nonetheless when an illness happens, hope and perseveration are the keys for healing. She is married with 1 daughter who shares similar interest in healthy living. She spends her free time reading, cooking (hits and misses of trying to create nouve international cuisines) and travelling. Nonetheless, her current passion is sourcing and developing recipes based on healthy eating and wholesome foods.