
The Solar Hydrogen Research Group, part of the Fuel Cell Institute-Higher Education Center of Excellence (HICoE) at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), is thrilled to announce the inauguration of the 1st International Symposium on Solar Hydrogen (SSH2024) scheduled for September 9th-10th, 2024. This eagerly anticipated conference, set to host over 100 participants, will take place in person and will center around the convergence of various fields and applications within solar and hydrogen technology, with a particular focus on materials and systems.

The symposium will explore the fields of green and renewable energy, addressing vital aspects of sustainable technology. SSH2024 aims to facilitate the gathering of scholars, researchers, scientists, practitioners, and students engaged in the solar and hydrogen technology domain. The primary objective is to foster discussions on novel developments, innovative concepts, best practices, and real-world experiences. Moreover, the event seeks to identify emerging research needs and technological advancements that will shape the future of the field.

SSH2024 is designed to cover a broad spectrum of topics, including Solar Hydrogen for Systems, Hydrogen Technology, Materials, Life-cycle Analysis & Economy, and Miscellaneous areas encompassing green technology, renewable energy, nanotechnology, and more. Join us in exploring and advancing the frontiers of solar and hydrogen technology at this landmark symposium.

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