Unique School Holiday Opportunities for School Pupils at UKM
Schools@UKM is unique rebranding of UKM’s collaboration with various schools in collaboration with district and state education departments to share and realise opportunities for school pupils. A brain child of the Vice Chancellor, Prof Datuk Noor Azlan Ghazali, Schools@UKM engages over 500 school pupils, teachers, principals and parents, bringing them to the UKM campus during the year end school holidays. This year more than 10 different programmes was offered under the Schools@UKM programme, involving almost all the faculties in UKM. Among the program are the Computer Camp, Junior Science Camp, Senior Science Camp, Video Production Workshop, Pupils Mental Wellbeing Workshop and also the Excellence in Science Programme (Bitara Sains). These programmes incorporate hands-on and experiential learning activities as well as lectures conducted by the professor and students of UKM. Schools@UKM provides pupils with essential skills and information to help them in their school life and to raise their aspirations to progress to a leading research intensive university. Successful completion of the Schools@UKM gives students the status of UKM Junior Alumni. As Junior Alumni, their participation in the Schools@UKM programmes can be considered as credits earned if they decide to enrol at UKM.
What is School@UKM?
The School@UKM program is an outreach program for students, teachers, parents and local communities to experience on campus activities that aims to attract and expose the target groups of life and activities in UKM. This end of year school holidays program also encourages students to consider UKM as their tertiary options. The program also promotes UKM experts to share their work to the community and thus together enhance the quality of life and living.
Why School@ UKM?
UKM aims to support students’ engagement in learning and encourage their career aspirations. Visiting target groups such as students, teachers, principals and local communities explore and enhance their own interests, goals and professional enhancement through exposure to the range of available hands on and minds on activities. By attending these experiential activities, students have the chance to be exempted for certain credit if they join UKM as future potential students.
Menu of Activities
Each School@UKM activity focuses on a range of activities to get students, teachers and parents engaged in learning and familiar with the university environment. In addition, the activities among others aimed at developing researching and higher order thinking skills. More importantly, students, teachers and parents are aware of the exciting ventures happening in UKM and hence could inspire students to pursue their goals and career aspirations in UKM. List of Project
The iG-HOME programme is a STEM sustainable education programme through green innovation technology. This multidisciplinary based programme aims to improve young children concerns’ of environment through invention based on green technology. This programme is jointly organized by the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering (JKAS), Research Center for Engineering Education (PEKA) and Industry & Community Partnerships (HEJIM), Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Jawhar FPI4school
Post-secondary students are exposed to the nature and scope of History and Usuludin course in the Faculty of Islamic Studies. Students are guided by 20 facilitators encompassing of undergraduates of the faculty also experts from the faculty. Through problem based learning method, students and facilitators explore the content and activities of History and Usuludin. Faculty programmes and opportunities to study in UKM are also included.
Mental Health Talk
Student Emotional Disorders talk exposed various target groups mainly students, teachers, counsellors and parents to emotional disorders; depression and anxiety among children and adolescents. This program is organised by Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FSSK) that feature experts from School of Psychology and Human Development that related to mental health such as clinical psychologist, counsellors and criminologist.
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