Professional Certificate in
Tarannum Al-Quran

Course Synopsis

Tarannum and Tajweed

This course discusses all the chapters available in the Knowledge of Tajweed al-Quran according to tariq al-Shatibiyyah. The discussion and comparison of the procedure for reciting the qurra' within the scope of Tajweed knowledge according to the tariq was also given attention. The emphasis on the history of the emergence of this knowledge, its works, figures and studies in the era of information technology will be discussed extensively. Meanwhile, the practical process will be given the proper exposure through face-to-face meetings.

Tarannum dan Qiraat Sab'ah

This course exposes students to the knowledge of Qira'at comprehensively from the perspective of its history, emergence and development. Discussion of the hadiths of Sab’ah Ahruf and the views of scholars on them, the pillars, types of Qira’at, characters, writing and descriptions of the term Qira'at Knowledge were also discussed.

Taranum Arabiyyah

This course is a program to improve the mastery and skills of reading the Quran in a tarannum. This course provides an explanation of three main approaches to further strengthen the recitation of the Quran which connects the sources of knowledge, theory and practical reading simultaneously. This course applies four important components in helping students achieve the maximum level of mastery and skill in the recitation of mujawwad and murattal, namely the implementation of the ruling of tajwid including waqf and ibtida', usul qiraat ‘Asim, the method of maqam tarannum and voice application techniques. The content of this course is to explain the history of the development of Tarannum knowledge during the time of the Prophet SAW, Sahabat and Tabi'in, identify the method of reading tarannum by Qaris and practicing their tarannum method according to the context of the verse. The real ability of the course participants is to be able to practice and sing the rhythm of tarannum to all verses of the Quran spontaneously without being tied to a one tune.



Video Presentation

Final Exam

Malaysian Malaysian

RM 5,000

International International

RM 6,000
Course Learning Outcome

Discuss the basics of Tajwid knowledge in tarannum reciting

Analyse the knowledge of Tajwid in tarannum reciting

Debate the important principles of the science of Qira'at

Apply a variety of Qira'at reading styles

Explain the development history of Tarannum knowledge in the Islamic world.

Identify the method of reciting tarannum by reciters (qari)

Apply the tarannum method of reciters (qari)

Topic Coverage

Identify the concept of Tajweed

Analyzing the Tajweed in tarannum reciting

Discuss the principles of Qira’at knowledge

Showcasing the recitation of tarannum with a variety of Qira'at

Explain the history of the development of Tarannum science

Identifying the method of reciting the tarannum of Qari figures

Showcasing the method of reciting the tarannum of Qari figures

Entry Requirement
When will the classes be conducted?

The classes will be conducted on Jun 2024.

Mode of Study?


Payment method?

Two (2) types of payment:

    1. Full payment
    2. Installment payment (3 times)

Contact Us

Pusat Pembentukan Pendidikan Lanjutan & Professional (UKMSHAPE)
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi Selangor

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2.15 pm – 4.45 pm

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