Mohd Talib Latif

 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

News Archive

7th International Workshop on Regional Air Quality Management in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions

At the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Guangzhou, China, for the 7th International Workshop on Regional Air Quality Management in Rapidly Developing

New paper published!

I am happy to share our first manuscript from the APN Project, entitled In-depth analysis of ambient air pollution changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Workshop on HYSPLIT Model

Workshop on HYSPLIT Model, organised by Malaysian Department of Environment and Pakar Scieno TW Sdn Bhd from May 13–17, 2024, at i-City Shah Alam  

New Paper Published!

New paper publication from our group member Variability and health impact of air pollutants and bioaerosols in multi-functional indoor environments with mechanical ventilation system Othman,

Promoting iCACGP-IGAC Conference at EGU

Our group members had the opportunity to promote iCACGP-IGAC Conference in Kuala Lumpur this coming September at European Geoscience Conference in Vienna, Austria from 13th

Congratulation Norazhar!

We are happy to announce that Sdr Norazhar Ahmad Yatim, our PhD student, passed his viva today. Norazhar is a lecturer at Faculty of Science

2024 T&T TFOSE (2024 Theory and Technique Taiwan Forum on Sustainable Environment)

Presented our group work on dioxins-furans at the 2024 T&T TFOSE (2024 Theory and Technique Taiwan Forum on Sustainable Environment)  

New paper published!

I am happy to share a new publication on organophosphate esters and its potential transportation to coastal ecosystems via river discharge and atmospheric deposition. This

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