Mohd Talib Latif

 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

News Archive

16th IGAC Science Conference

Our research group was actively involved with the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry – Monsoon Asia and Oceania Networking Group (IGAC-Mango) side meeting in 2021 16th

Research Collaboration

Research collaboration between UKM, UiTM and Sarawak Tropical Peat Research Institute  (TROPI) lead by Dr Lulie Meiling. The collaboration will involve the use of Airboxsense

Research Collaboration

Discussion on potential collaboration work on port emission between Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM Sarawak) and Incheon National University, South Korea (Prof Heakwan

MOU UKM- Malaysian Space Agency (MYSA)

Our group has been involved with the MOU between UKM and the Malaysian Space Agency (MYSA). Our focus os on the determination of air pollutants

New paper published

    Our group latest publication on “Compositions, source apportionment and health risks assessment of fine particulate matter in naturally-ventilated schools” has been published in

New Chapter in Book!

Our group new chapter in a book entitled “Composition of rainwater and influences over different regions of the world” This book was edited by Jesús

New paper published

Our group new manuscript with the title “Chemical characterization and sources identification of PM2.5 in a tropical urban city during non-hazy conditions” has been published

Seminar on Potential Sources of Particulate Matter using Source Tagging Modelling.

Seminar on Potential Sources of Particulate Matter using Source Tagging Modelling. The seminar will discuss alternative methods to quantify emission source contribution using both monitoring

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