Taman Botani Bangi

 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

We are pleased to inform that Taman Botani Bangi, Faculty of Science and Technology at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, is pleased to invite you to join the upcoming Botanic Gardens Symposium 2024 (BGS 2024), scheduled from the 9th to the 10th of July 2024. The aim of this conference is to provide a networking and discussion platform for all leading academic scientists, researchers, students, government agencies, and industry who are involved in or plan to venture into science and biology research.

Conference Scope

Keynote Speaker

Professor Emeritus Dato' Dr Abdul Latiff Mohamad, UKM, Malaysia

Emeritus Professor Dato’ Dr Abdul Latiff Mohamad is a pioneer in the research of plant taxonomy and conservation biology. His almost 40 years of research on Malaysian flora have led to greater understanding of taxonomy as a field which is essential for the rich biodiversity of the country and environmental conservation.

Professor Latiff has led more than 30 scientific expeditions in various states throughout Malaysia. As a champion of environmental conservation, Professor Latiff says, “It is difficult to put a value on the importance of conservation.”

Throughout his 40 years in research, he has named one new genus of plant, 18 plant species new to science, and added numerous new records to the Flora of Malaysia. His efforts have led to greater understanding of taxonomy as a field which is essential for the rich biodiversity of the country.

Conference Venue

Conference Fees

The fee will cover meals throughout the duration of the symposium. 

Register NOW!!!!!

Abstract submission: 3 Jun 2024
Acceptance notification: 5 June 2024
Extended abstract submission: 14 July 2024
Payment dateline 7 June 2024

For more information, please contact us via
