Author Archives: Henry Ang

Penulisan Akademik: Teori dan Amalan (Edisi Kedua)

Menulis merupakan satu kemahiran yang tidak boleh dikuasai tanpa seseorang itu memiliki ilmu asas menulis yang baik. Menulis juga menuntut sseorang itu memberikan tumpuan sepenuhnya tentang apa yang ditulis, mesej yang ingin disampaikan dan kehendak khalayak pembaca. Jika minat dan keghairahan menulis tidak ada dalam jiwa seseorang itu, tentu amat sukar untuk beliau menghasilkan sesuatu penulisan, sama ada berbentuk akademik mahupun karya kreatif. Justeru, buku ini dihasilkan untuk membantu pelajar menghasilkan penulisan akademik yang baik mengikut bidang masing-masing. Buku ini mengandungi 17 bab yang disusun mengikut urutan. Setiap bab salin berkaitan dan ia membantu pelajar untuk menulis dengan baik. Bab 1 hingga 4 membincangkan tentang penulisan akademik. Bab 5 hingga 15 membincangkan kemahiran yang perlu dikuasai oleh pelajar sebelum menulisan sesuatu penulisan akademik atau tugasan ilmiah yang dibuat. Bab 16 dan 17 khusus untuk memberi panduan kepada pelajar bagaimana hendak menganalisis secara kritis artikel jurnal atau prosiding serta bagaimana hendak menghasilkan satu penulisan kertas konsep. Semua contoh dalam buku ini adalah contoh sebenar yang boleh dijadikan asas kepada pelajar bagaimana untuk menghasilkan satu penulisan akademik yang baik. Buku ini juga sesuai digunakan oleh pelajar sarjana muda, doktor falsafah, pensyarah yang mengajar asas penulisan akademik di universiti awam, universiti swasta dan juga institut pendidikan perguruan.

Sistem Muzium Maya e-Commerce (V~amuse C)

The e-Commerce Virtual Museum System or known as V~amuse C is an extension and improvement of the existing Virtual Museum System that was launched in 2016. V ~ amuse C is a system that designs and develops virtual museum applications by strengthening the design mobile device usage interface. Transaction functions are also available to generate revenue to support on-going maintenance of digital collections.

Users can interact with 360 -degree artifacts in 3D apart from exploring and browsing each gallery in the Terengganu State Museum. Users are also able to purchase information and display artifacts stored in the repository, as well as purchase entry tickets online. In addition, users can feel the experience of exploring the Terengganu State Museum not only through a computer/desktop display only, but this system can also be displayed through a mobile device.

Your Language My Culture

Program Your Language My Culture (YLMC) merupakan usaha untuk mengangkat kandungan budaya dan warisan Terengganu melalui pengajaran dan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggeris untuk anak-anak Terengganu. Dalam konteks ini, pembelajaran bahasa Inggeris diterapkan melalui budaya ke arah usaha mengekalkan identiti. Hasil dapatan kajian fasa pertama projek YLMC (2016-2018) telah merumuskan penggunaan bahan tempatan untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran bahasa Inggeris mencetuskan minat pelajar untuk mempelajari bahasa Inggeris menggunakan topik yang berasal dari budaya Terengganu. Pelajar teruja kerana topik membantu memotivasi mereka untuk berkongsi pengetahuan mereka dengan rakan-rakan dan guru mereka. Penglibatan pelajar membawa kepada lebih banyak komunikasi dan perbincangan serta suasana bilik darjah yang lebih interaktif. Fasa kedua (2019) memfokuskan kepada menghasilkan bahan pembelajaran dan pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris peringkat menengah atas berasaskan projek menggunakan YLMC Culture Matrix. Projek YLMC telah membangunkan satu perspektif tempatan di samping mengenali perspektif Barat yang terkandung secara tersirat dalam bahan bacaan berbahasa Inggeris. Fasa ini akan mengkaji keterampilan bahasa dan budaya melalui pendekatan pembelajaran dan pengajaran (PdP) projek serta menghasilkan satu gambaran keseluruhan pengintegrasian bahasa dan budaya dalam kehidupan seharian. Program pembelajaran bertunjangkan budaya tempatan seperti ini dilihat boleh disesuaikan mengikut budaya di negeri-negeri lain sebagai strategi menarik minat pelajar untuk mempertingkatkan penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris.

Production of Da’wah Short Films Based on the “Da’eiScript2Screen”

The “Daie script2screen” module was developed through an Industry Research Grant (INDUSTRI-2013-013) as a reference base for script writers in producing scripts that are in line with shariah-compliant elements. This module book “Daie script2screen” has been registered as intellectual property at the Collaborative Innovation Center (PIK)- File No. UKM1KB/108/2/1086. Therefore, this study is a continuation of the study to examine the effectiveness of workshops that use the module “Daie script2screen”. As a result of the workshop that will be conducted, the dakwah short film script produced can be raised as a script that can be commercialized to television stations in Malaysia. Kuiscell as a collaborator of this study is also directly involved in contributing expertise in developing the script until it is published. The script produced will go through a process of ‘shooting’ and ‘editing’ with the professional cooperation of the production crew of Kuiscell Sdn. Bhd. The results of this research can produce four dakwah short films for the month of Ramadhan 2017. Four slots of the screening series will be commercialized to al-Hijrah TV station to be broadcast during the month of Ramadhan. This short film product can also be commercialized on the online TV station Al-Hikmah TV (

Thus, the field of creative content (creative content) including the development of shariah -compliant scripts is seen as a new field of research that can be explored. Looking at the marketability of dakwah short films that have been promoting shariah-compliant works lately shows that the community and the creative industry in Malaysia have accepted this reform. Thus, the need for a commercial research is very necessary in developing a true shariah-compliant work as an innovation to the world of creative industries in Malaysia. Therefore, it is time for UKM to also pioneer this field as an innovation in the provision of shariah-compliant creative content in Malaysia as a new financial generation.

CAISER™ (Computer Assisted Intelligent Event Processor)

The CAISER (Computer Assisted Intelligent Event Processor) research project which started in 2011 through Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) research by Associate Prof Dr Mohamad Hanif Saad has now crossed Dubai.

The most complex smart system that has been developed using the CAISER platform is the Network Monitoring and Notification System used by the ICT unit of Putrajaya Corporation. CAISER is a platform technology that enables the creation of intelligent systems using the Complex Event Processing (CEP) approach. CAISER has three main component categories in its platform, namely the adaptive component of data acquisition from the environment, the detector and event processor component and the adaptive component for the implementation of mitigation actions. Among the examples of adapters that have been developed are surveillance robot adapters, smart CCTV adapters, Remote Terminal Unit adapters (Remote Terminal Unit, RTU; used to obtain data from the field), Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) interface adaptation, customization of communication via Telegram and more. For example, several smart CCTV adapter blocks can be combined with the Telegram adaptation block as well as the CAISER event processor to develop an intelligent surveillance system capable of detecting human behavior in the environment and sending notifications via Telegram for anomalous events such as the movement of individuals pacing in front of the office. at 12 midnight.