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This competition provides an excellent opportunity of the participants to present their ideas on palm oil sustainability to the industry practitioners based on the areas of interest listed in here. This year competition is divided into three (3) categories as line up below.

The competition is open to International and National student for Postgraduate, Undergraduate and Pre-University categories while the Secondary School category is open to Malaysian Student only.
Ten (10) best entries for each category will be shortlisted for the presentation and assessment in the final round.
Terms and Condition
- Postgraduate, Undergraduate and Pre-University students from International and National institutions of higher learning or National Secondary School Student
- Entry submission must be submitted by individual or maximum of THREE (3) persons per group.
- The submitted idea shall be original and has not been previously submitted or published.
- Each group or participant can submit maximum 3 entries. Competition fee will be based on per entry. See Registration and Fee
- The organizer and/or panel of judges reserve the rights to alter competition terms and conditions which deemed necessary, in the best interest of this competition.
The written essay must be submitted to Sustainability Challenge Secretariat Office before or by October 25, 2017 via official email:@ sustainablechallenge2017@gmail.com . Submission after the date would be disqualified.